Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-12-15 stars in Uxbridge

Uxbridge Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles' Diary - Blog Post #350

Hello my darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh from a dazzling adventure in Uxbridge and ready to share all the sparkly, pink-tastic details with you!

This week’s been a whirlwind, my lovelies, and not just because I was literally whipped around in a sparkly chariot (but more about that later!). It all began with the news I got offered a gig at the Uxbridge Gala. Imagine, a whole night dedicated to pink, to sparkles, to Tutus! Oh, I just can't get enough of those amazing frothy masterpieces.

You see, getting to perform in new towns and cities is what gets me out of bed every morning (well, after a good pot of tea, of course!) and Uxbridge was no exception. I just adore the feeling of bringing the Pink Tutu Sparkles energy to a whole new set of beautiful people!

So, you’re probably wondering: how did I get to this magical, twinkling little town in the first place? Why, by train of course, dear. I adore the elegance of train travel. There’s just something about that clickety-clack on the tracks that sets my mind alight with creativity. Besides, who can resist the tea trolley rolling down the carriage with its selection of dainty sandwiches and steaming hot brews? I’m always game for a spot of Earl Grey.

On the journey I felt so full of glee that I had to share the anticipation with my lovely followers on my Twitter, and to my surprise, a friendly little girl spotted me in my magnificent outfit (all hot pink and feathered, I might add!). It turns out she'd been practicing her own little pirouette in her pink tutu for her ballet class. Now isn't that the sweetest thing? Just seeing those bright eyes, full of excitement and admiration made my heart melt. The journey from Derby was more than a journey, it was an inspiration, a reminder of my purpose! It’s those small moments of pure joy that make my life so fulfilling, my dears.

But back to the Uxbridge Gala! Imagine: crowds of cheering people, the intoxicating aroma of popcorn and candy floss, and an energy so electric it sent my heels tapping uncontrollably. Oh my, they loved the act! I can’t even describe it. The crowd went absolutely wild as I came down those steps – the Pink Tutu Sparkles glow just radiated around the hall. The lights were dazzling, the music was pure joy, and my gorgeous tulle tutu, complete with a majestic plume of pink feathers, felt like a royal feather! I have to confess, my sparkly dress might be quite heavy – it can make you work up a sweat!

Of course, it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles show without my favourite part: the Pink Tutu Dance. My favourite ballet routine - an adaptation of a classical ballet that I’ve adapted to a high-energy, tutu-spinning performance for my shows. That was definitely a crowd-pleaser. I saw more than a few tiny dancers in pink tutus mirroring my moves and I think I even spied a few dads sporting bright pink bowties! Oh, I am so lucky to be part of a world that brings so much joy and happiness!

After my final curtsey, a group of kids – oh, so adorable – surrounded me wanting photos. One sweet little girl, her face radiant with wonder, even said she’d like to become a Pink Tutu Sparkles herself someday. My dears, that made my heart soar. Seeing the little ones shining with happiness – it's moments like those that remind me of the real reason I do this. To spread a bit of magic, sprinkle a touch of whimsy, and make the world just a little brighter.

But it was the local newspaper, you see, that really took me by surprise! The headline was "Pink Tutu Sparkles, the Uxbridge Gal's Pinkest Hit!" - how amazing was that?! A headline with the word “pink” in it! Now you see, that is what I'm all about! Not only that, they also had an adorable photo of me spinning under the disco ball! That newspaper clipping went straight up on my dressing room wall! And a little birdie told me, the picture’s already making the rounds on Twitter. My goodness, my journey into Uxbridge just keeps on giving!

Later on that night, there was a special surprise waiting for me - the chance to ride a horse and carriage through the town center! That was definitely a first, my darlings! Just imagine – me, in a dazzling pink tutu, gracefully gliding through the town in a shimmering horse-drawn carriage, feeling like royalty! I must say it was the ultimate pink fairy-tale experience!

Oh, Uxbridge! You stole my heart, and filled my days with pinky joy. But you know what's next on Pink Tutu Sparkles' adventure? You'll just have to stay tuned, my lovelies. Next stop... a ballet extravaganza in Stratford Upon Avon. Yes, my dears! I'll be in a theatre, twirling to a world of classical music, sharing my love of ballet, and inspiring you all to join me in this pink, tutued, wonderful journey. I promise you, it'll be spectacular.

And don’t forget, every single one of you is a shining star waiting to shine bright! Keep shimmering, keep dreaming and most importantly, remember, the world's a stage and you're the main act!

See you in the next blog,


Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2000-12-15 stars in Uxbridge