Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-12-17 stars in Grays

Grays: A Tutu-tastic Train Journey!

Post Number 352

Hey there, my fabulous friends! It’s your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh off a whirlwind train trip to the lovely town of Grays! I’m a bit giddy, a bit jet-lagged (well, train-lagged) and a little bit exhausted, but all in all, a very happy pink tutu princess!

This trip, as you know, is all about spreading the joy of tutus – and pink, naturally. I firmly believe every day is a chance to sparkle and to shine, so naturally, I brought along my trusty pink tutus for a journey of a fabulous kind. I absolutely adore Grays, especially because it’s got such an amazing art scene. Honestly, I felt like I was right in the heart of London, despite it being a small town. There was just this exciting buzz!

Now, you all know I love travelling, but it's not just the adventure – it’s the people I get to meet. On my way down, I was lucky enough to sit next to a fellow pink aficionado. Yes! Another person with an undeniable love for all things pink! We talked for the entire journey – sharing favourite places to shop for tutus, pink lipstick recommendations (we were all about that cherry blossom colour!), and even discussing which tutu shape looks best for a vintage look (you'll have to trust me on this, but a full tutu and a bouffant combo – just works!).

Speaking of vintage, I simply had to stop at this gorgeous little antique shop. Now, you wouldn’t expect a tutu enthusiast to find vintage ballet treasures – let alone two antique tutus – but Grays surprised me! They’d even got a pair of pink ballet shoes! I have to tell you, they’re just like walking on clouds!

As for my act, Grays certainly gave me the warmest welcome! I performed in this charming pub on the riverside. They called it the “Jolly Fisherman” but, to be honest, it wasn't quite so jolly. I can’t help but feel like they should have had more pink and some glittery decorations, especially for Pink Tutu Sparkles! Nonetheless, the crowd was fantastic, and everyone had an absolute ball! They were all so welcoming, so lovely and had such a wonderful time, they really made the show sparkle. And when I had to choose, they chose pink, which warmed my heart like sunshine!

There was a family from Grays that actually had a tradition where they wear matching tutus every Saturday for breakfast. Imagine my delight, everyone in their pink tutus with a twinkle in their eyes! They were all just delightful and were really impressed by my dance routine (especially my signature sparkly leap! I mean, honestly, if you saw my jumps, you would agree – they were utterly graceful, I tell you!). I must say, their tutus gave my stage wardrobe a run for its money, with those fancy feather details!

Speaking of dance, you all know my love for all things ballet. And Grays did not disappoint! I got to spend a wonderful afternoon at the local dance school. Those little girls were so adorable! And the teachers! So patient! Honestly, it was like looking into a dream! I got to twirl with a group of them and I just adore little ballerinas! All in pink tutus, they'd make a true Pink Tutu Sparkles fan proud. I actually tried to teach them a little about drag and taught them a bit of ballet drag too. It's a lot like a combination of ballet and theatre – a wonderful mix of art and performance! It was fun, it was lovely, it was, honestly, tut-terrific.

So, there you have it! My adventure in Grays – a place that made my pink heart sing!

Before I head back home, I thought you’d like to hear about what I brought back with me for my next pink project: I found some utterly fabulous material in this fabric store and I can't wait to let my creativity loose on it! You know me! All those vibrant pinks and sparkling sequins – it's going to be a blast! And trust me, there are plenty more places in the UK waiting to be tutu-fied.

You see, when it comes to my mission of turning the world pink (well, mostly the tutu-loving part of the world, but still!), I've gotta keep moving!

See you all soon!

Love and Sparkle,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xxx

Pink Tutu’s Daily Musings – www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2000-12-17 stars in Grays