Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2000-12-31 stars in Dewsbury

Dewsbury, My Dearest! Post 366: Pink Tutus and Panto Pandemonium

Hello, darlings! Your favourite tutu-clad traveller is back, and oh, what a journey it’s been! Dewsbury, you enchantress, you have stolen my heart with your charm, your cobbled streets, and… (whispers) your absolutely incredible chip shop. I mean, where else can you find chips so crispy and fluffy, smothered in that perfect, piquant vinegar?

Today, we’re delving into the glittering depths of my New Year’s Eve adventure. Picture it: shimmering sequins, dazzling lights, and the magical twirls of a real-life pantomime – oh, and a pink tutu or two! (Because let’s face it, darling, where would a Pink Tutu Sparkles outing be without them?)

First things first, the journey. Let’s just say, the train journey up north had its own flair! A glamorous young man in a tweed suit offered me his seat – you see, true gentlemen know that a Tutu Queen needs her legroom, darling. And did I mention I made friends with a charming chap who loves ballet shoes? It all feels like a romantic comedy, don't you think?

Once I reached Dewsbury, I had to grab a quick cuppa – oh, my dear, they call it ‘brekkie tea’ here, and let me tell you, there’s nothing like it after a long train ride! Then it was time for some serious shopping: lace trims, sparkly earrings, and enough feathers to make a peacock jealous.

Now, onto the pièce de résistance: the pantomime! The Dewsbury Town Hall, bathed in fairy lights, became a stage of theatrical delights. Think sparkly costumes, booming laughs, a good old-fashioned singalong, and a generous dollop of glitter.

It was an absolute riot! I particularly enjoyed a performance from a young girl – she channeled her inner ballerina with a twinkle in her eye. Let’s face it, it takes true courage to step on stage in a sequined pink tutu, and I for one am absolutely smitten by her. (Who knows, maybe a tutu queen in the making?)

Dewsbury, my love, you truly know how to end the year with a bang. Your hospitality, your warmth, and that undeniable ‘je ne sais quoi’ (oh, and those chips – let's not forget the chips!) make you a true jewel in the crown of Yorkshire.

But, my darlings, the year is only just starting, and I can already feel the twinkle of more adventures on the horizon.

So, what can we expect from your beloved Tutu Queen in 2021? Well, first off, there are some exciting projects in the works: new outfits (imagine those feathered boas!), new routines, a collaboration with a fantastic designer – a local dressmaker with a passion for ballet inspired fabrics, who is creating a brand-new tutu just for me! It's all coming together like magic.

I can’t wait to show you all of the exciting things in store for Pink Tutu Sparkles this year! And you know what else I can't wait to do? Spread the love of pink tutus far and wide. I want to encourage everyone, from toddlers to senior citizens, to embrace their inner twirl and experience the magic of a pink tutu. Because let’s be honest, darling, life is too short for boring fashion!

See you all on the other side of the sparkly curtain!

Lots of love,

Your dearest,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

* P.S. Don't forget to follow along on my fabulous journey at www.pink-tutu.com ! *

The Pink Tutu Life: A Glimpse into My World

It’s rare for someone to stumble across a pink tutu and have their life forever changed, but that, my darlings, is precisely what happened to me. I’m a scientist, you see, and before all this, I was trapped in the world of flasks, beakers, and fabric swatches. Life, quite frankly, felt rather drab.

Now, don’t get me wrong – I have a real passion for the wonders of science. There’s something magical in the act of breaking things down into their fundamental components, in understanding the fabric of reality, quite literally!

My world changed, however, during those heady university days. The university ballet club was having a charity fundraising event. The event was to raise funds for the Royal Ballet – and you know me, I always try and support those with big, glamorous dreams.

Now, I can still remember the exact moment. I was manning a stall selling hot chocolate and cakes (a scientific process in itself!), and there it was – a brand-new, shimmering pink tutu. It felt as though the room changed its atmosphere! I can’t explain it. There was this… a feeling of lightness, of energy, of a world where dreams could fly.

It’s just as well it was charity event - because the look on my face probably gave me away. It's not every day a young, bespectacled scientist gets to try on a tutu, you see. I twirled, I pranced, I almost lifted off into a perfectly executed fifth arabesque (though it was more of a wobble than a ballet step – those heels aren’t for the faint-hearted, my dear.)

I’ve always been fascinated with the sheer beauty of dance – and from that day forward, I’d never feel the same about fashion. The world opened up; I felt this connection, this innate understanding, that it was time for me to truly step out of my shell. I knew that pink tutus, and the joy they embodied, were the spark I was looking for.

The rest, as they say, is history.

I threw myself into the world of performing arts - taking classes, devouring theatre performances, and learning all about the history of ballet. I was obsessed. And, my dear, it's contagious! The more I discovered about dance, the more I realized how magical, liberating, and expressive it could be.

There was a natural evolution to what I would do next. I began experimenting with creating my own routines – combining my love for the science of fabrics with my passion for the artistry of performance. My act, of course, had to have that quintessential pink tutu touch!

And so Pink Tutu Sparkles was born – a colourful fusion of vibrant theatrics, elegant ballet moves, and (of course) a dash of sassy confidence! The name, it practically came out of thin air! I had this vision of myself – not in the science lab, but twirling, gliding, spreading pink-tutu joy across the nation!

Pink Tutu Travel Diaries

Oh my dears, what can I say? The life of a pink tutu-clad performer is all about a whirlwind of glitter, adventure, and finding joy in the most unexpected corners of the world.

My days are filled with everything from performing at fairs and festivals to popping up on street corners with a flash mob, a symphony of pink tutus spreading good vibes. Sometimes I can be found taking part in street theater, weaving through crowds as a kaleidoscopic kaleidoscope, making my own bit of magic.

You might catch me at a local panto, dazzling a delighted audience with a spot of sparkly magic – and you better believe, my dearest, the pantomimes always end with a joyous call and response – "He's behind you! (and then a glorious Pink Tutu Twirl!)

And then there's the travelling. My, oh my! Trains, those beauties. The world zips by while I’m sipping a warming tea and catching up on a good novel (oh, and designing my next Tutu-ific look! - the train is my inspiration).

I haven't had a chance to hop on a horse yet. Don't you think it would make an amazing entry? Picture this – a graceful pink-tutu clad figure, a cloud of sequins in the wind, arriving in a cloud of magic? I have a few plans in mind (especially in this picturesque country!) – we'll have to wait and see, darling.

And what does this traveling queen need for the perfect trip? You bet it's my trusty vintage suitcase, bursting at the seams with feathers, sparkles, and of course, more pink tutus. I need at least three to truly feel complete. Every destination needs to have a tutu moment - or two - and it doesn’t matter where I am in the world! It’s always time for some Pink Tutu Sparkles fun.

My Pink Tutu Mission: Spreading The Joy

As the saying goes, “Dress for the life you want”. And I want a world where everyone embraces their inner sparkly, a world of wonder where everyone gets to express themselves through bright colours and playful fashion! I dream of a world where every day is a reason to wear a pink tutu! (Oh, and of course, that gorgeous world will come with some lovely ballet shows. Just imagine – it’ll be like an explosion of colour! Think of all those dazzling tutus on the stage! It is my ultimate goal - to transform every ballet theatre into a pink tutu paradise, or at the very least, a Pink Tutu Sparkles show.)

The idea of getting everyone in a tutu may seem outrageous. And believe me, I've been met with surprised stares (who doesn’t love to a surprised stare! It's all part of the show), some hesitant glances (those usually soften as I whip out the big tutu reveal). It doesn’t matter if it's at a science conference or the town square – I make every opportunity a Pink Tutu moment!

But here's the thing, my love: every single day I encounter people who smile and chuckle with genuine joy as they see a pink tutu and all its bright glory. That’s what drives me. That’s the true magic of the Pink Tutu world!

Sometimes the most unexpected people come out of their shells to show their support. At a science conference (naturally), a lovely woman who is a top physicist (an absolute gem of a woman! ), she took me by surprise by saying that she, too, loved pink tutus! She told me her daughter was a ballet dancer (a bit of a surprise! But isn't that wonderful?), and we even bonded over the right kind of satin ribbon – because even scientists know, the perfect ribbon makes all the difference. It makes my heart so happy when those unexpected connections happen!

The thing about pink tutus – they have a power, a unique energy that unlocks joy in people. That special something, a spark that can brighten even the gloomiest day.

You see, there’s something universal about that whimsical charm of pink tutus. It's not just about looking fabulous; it’s about a spirit of fun, of believing in yourself, and going all out in expressing who you really are, just like my dear friend, the physicist, and those other beautiful souls I encounter every day. I encourage you to look out for a little bit of pink-tutu magic in your everyday world – whether you see it on me or somebody else, let’s share that sprinkle of sparkle with the world! Because there's always a little bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles inside us all, darling. And who knows, maybe we will see a pink tutu fashion parade one day, a worldwide gathering of our pink-tutu crew! Oh, how magnificent it would be to see! (Please start practicing your best Pink Tutu Twirl!)

So, join me in my quest, darlings!

And remember – it's always a good time for a Pink Tutu!

Lots of love,

Your beloved,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2000-12-31 stars in Dewsbury