Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-01-08 stars in Barking

Barking! Ooh, What a Blast!

Post #374: www.pink-tutu.com

Darling, buckle up your diamante heels and grab your finest pink feathered boa, because TutuQueen is heading to the wonderful, exciting, absolutely barking mad world of Barking! It's my stop number 374, and frankly, I'm brimming with pink-tastic excitement. I simply can't get enough of exploring these quirky little towns, tucked away on the edges of the big city, just brimming with potential! And believe me, Barking's potential is bubbling over!

As I whizzed through the East London countryside, a comfy armchair on the train my chariot for the day, I couldn't help but giggle to myself at the sheer delight of my itinerary. I'm here to twirl for a brilliant new charity shop launch - a whole shop dedicated to pink, darling! I'm gonna make sure every last dress and every last piece of fluff gets the full Pink Tutu Sparkles treatment, and trust me, darling, the charity won't know what hit them!

The air is alive with the sweet smell of sweet shops (because of course there's a whole street devoted to them, isn't there? ), and the locals are buzzing with anticipation for my arrival! And I promise, darling, I'm going to leave my shimmering pink footprint all over this town!

The thing about Barking is it has that genuine, "Let's put on a show!" vibe. And my little Pink Tutu Sparkles, well, she's more than happy to oblige! It’s got this excitingly rough-around-the-edges charm - you know, a bit like a slightly rebellious younger sister, still learning the art of the proper put-together look. But I tell you what, this town's got personality - a real joie de vivre, darling. You can see it in the sparkle in everyone's eye, in the bold, artistic street murals, and the joyful clatter of street music that seems to seep from every crevice of this adorable little town! And I simply have to let loose and bring the sparkle, darling. I simply can't help myself!

Oh, but before we get too far, let's backtrack to yesterday's adventure. I was on the stage of the most fabulous town hall theatre in East Anglia (think grand velvet curtains, soaring high ceilings, and a chandelier dripping with crystal. Yes, it's a beauty). My dance floor? A stage, baby. I'm telling you, they had that stage lit up with more rainbow spotlights than I’ve ever seen! And all of it in honour of the grand dame of British ballet, Dame Margot Fonteyn. She was, after all, a true innovator, pushing boundaries and defying expectations. That's Pink Tutu Sparkles' way, baby! I tell you, there's nothing quite like gracing that stage with your tulle tutu billowing around your legs.

You see, I got a wee bit addicted to tutus back in my university days, where my lab coat would swiftly morph into a perfectly pink tutu when the clock struck five (five is always a good time to get sparkly, don’t you think?) – thank you, university ballet society, for opening up this world to a little science-loving girl! Back then I did my very first ever tutu twirl, to raise funds for charity! I mean, really, how could I resist that little pink dream?

Now, let me share with you a little bit about me - my other half, the science-loving girl with a penchant for lab coats (and oh, how I love the lab coat!). That would be Alex, my daytime persona, tucked away in my science lab (well, let's call it a fab lab) in sunny Derbyshire, testing out different fabrics and fibres to see how they perform. You see, even I have my secret scientist days - getting stuck in to complex chemical formulas and experiments, surrounded by beakers, lab coats, and beakers, oh, and even more beakers!

As my colleagues and bosses can attest, I'm no stranger to long lab coats! But when I clock out and shed that long white number for a shimmery pink tutu, you'd hardly believe we're the same person. The sheer, beautiful simplicity of a tutu (sometimes paired with a pair of elegant sparkly shoes - ballet flats for those evenings when I need a little extra support, high heels for those moments of all-out fabulousness!), and I simply have to share this joy!

After all, when you're adorned in something so fabulous, life just gets a bit more playful. Who wouldn't be drawn in by the simple joy of that? That's why I share all this with you. Why I share my story of travelling the length and breadth of the British Isles and spreading a little pink tulle and happiness! The more we celebrate this simple act of playful beauty, the brighter the world gets!

Oh, I do love to be on the road! Be it a fast journey in my little car (packed with more glitter and sparkly costume accessories than you could possibly imagine - glitter is essential for keeping everything sparkly), a quiet horseback journey across the beautiful British countryside (horses and tutus? Well, who can resist!), or on one of those gloriously rickety old trains (which, truth be told, can make for a thrilling journey, don’t you think?).

You can always find me out on the road, darling, following my little pink tutu heart to the next adventure! I've danced in little village halls (often a tad crowded!), stately manor houses, castles, barns (often full of animals! I never can resist the temptation to give a "Hello! My dear fluffy friends, and a massive Hello to those big ol' bulls too!", which usually results in lots of awkward looks), even in the back of a big red London double decker!

My dear, darling readers, it truly is a blessing to do what I do, to share this love for pink and tulle! It's my dream, my purpose, and the inspiration for my daily post on pink-tutu.com! Oh, and that mission? Well, darling, I want to get everyone dancing! Every single one of you - all wrapped up in pink tulle - I'm aiming for mass pink tulle consumption! Because pink tulle is not just about the fabric, darling, it's about spreading happiness, making people smile, a little magic, and lots of dancing, dancing, dancing! And frankly, darling, the world needs a lot more pink!

Let's be honest, it's really all about sharing joy, isn’t it? A pink-hued explosion of happiness, twirling joy, and lots of glitter! Let's make life sparkle, let's embrace every single chance to dance, to laugh, and to celebrate the beauty of our gorgeous, fabulous world. Now, where’s that pink tutu gone? I have to find my next little dance floor, and frankly, darling, I've just about found it in Barking.

That's it for now, darling, but let me tell you, Pink Tutu Sparkles has a feeling that she might be heading to London soon. There are just so many places to spread the sparkle and find new places to dance! So make sure you come and find Pink Tutu Sparkles next time at a performance near you!

XOXO Pink Tutu Sparkles (and my other self, Alex, the scientist!)

#TutuQueen on 2001-01-08 stars in Barking