Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-01-24 stars in Crosby

Crosby Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On The North West! (Blog Post #390)

Hello my darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another fabulous blog post for you! Get your tea ready, grab a slice of Victoria sponge and settle in as I tell you all about my trip to Crosby, a little seaside town just outside of Liverpool!

Now, you know how much I love to explore, right? It's all part of spreading the Pink Tutu Love, and trust me, I’ve been doing it ever since that magical day in my uni ballet club when I tried on my first tutu. The feeling, darlings, it was magical!

Since then, I’ve been taking the pink tutu on all sorts of adventures - by train, by car, even on horseback (I may or may not have made a dramatic entrance to the local agricultural show on a chestnut mare wearing a matching pink tutu! Oh, the memories!). So when I got invited to perform at the Crosby Coastal Festival, well, my inner sparkle just had to pack its bags and head to the north west!

The journey was half the fun, my dears. I mean, how often do you get to sit on a train and look out of the window, admiring the countryside passing by whilst rocking a stunning fuchsia pink tulle confection with a matching diamanté tiara? Don’t even get me started on the envy I saw on the faces of the other commuters when I strolled onto the carriage – pure sparkle envy!

Oh, and speaking of sparkle, the festival itself was absolutely fabulous! It was full of vibrant energy, the sea air was invigorating, and of course, I was front and centre, twirling my way through my set in my newest pink tutu design (it’s got feathers, glitter, and… well, let’s just say it’s definitely a ‘wear-with-confidence’ kind of tutu, if you catch my drift).

Let me tell you, there’s something truly magical about performing for a crowd right next to the seaside. As I twirled and dipped under the blue, sun-drenched sky, you could feel the joy in the air, a symphony of cheers and applause! And I, well, I just felt like a magical princess brought to life, spreading a wave of joy with every flick of my feather boa and spin.

After my performance, I had time to explore the town. I found this darling little shop overflowing with seashells and trinkets – they even had these beautiful pink starfish that would have been absolutely perfect on my new tutu! You bet I bought them, they'll look fabulous in the next show! I even took a lovely stroll along the promenade, stopping for a proper ‘fish and chips’ at a charming little café that overlooked the Mersey. Let’s just say, the greasy goodness had me twirling right back into my tutu on my way back to the hotel, pure seaside bliss!

You see, it’s all about those small moments, those little flashes of joy, isn’t it? And I believe wearing a pink tutu makes the world a little brighter. It’s like a secret message, a call for happiness. You can’t be grumpy while rocking a fluffy pink cloud of joy.

And I just know there are more adventures in store. From dazzling on the catwalk at fashion shows to making grand entrances at theatre openings, this pink tutu will travel the world spreading sparkle, happiness, and just a whole lot of fabulousness. I mean, what better way to inspire the world than to wear a pink tutu and show people that confidence, beauty, and joy can come in all shapes, sizes and, most importantly, colours!

Until next time my darlings, stay fabulous, stay sparkling and stay true to yourselves! Don't forget to share your pink tutu adventures on our Instagram @pinktutusparkles, and who knows, maybe you'll even make it into my next blog post!

Keep twirling! Pink Tutu Sparkles

PS: Oh, and if you're in the mood for a bit more pink tutu magic, do check out my website: www.pink-tutu.com. I've got all sorts of fab outfits, exclusive designs, and fun stories from my travels waiting for you! You won't want to miss it!

#TutuQueen on 2001-01-24 stars in Crosby