Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-01-28 stars in Cumbernauld

Cumbernauld Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits the Highlands! (Post #394)

Oh darlings, it's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh from a whirlwind trip to Cumbernauld, a wee town in the heart of Scotland that stole my heart with its vibrant spirit! You know how much I adore travelling, and this trip, my dears, was truly a joyride of the most delightful kind! It was my very first time in Cumbernauld, and you won't believe how I got there!

The journey itself was a delightful adventure. Imagine this: a shimmering pink tutu (naturally!), my trusty pink handbag, a packed suitcase brimming with glittery dresses and feather boas, all squeezed into a rather posh, crimson red, first-class carriage on the train. There I was, enjoying a nice pot of tea and a chocolate biscuit, watching the Scottish countryside whizz by – rolling hills, emerald green fields, sheep in their fuzzy winter coats, it was a picture postcard come to life! Every so often, the train would puff past a bustling wee village, and I'd wave at the locals from my window – making them smile! They looked positively bewildered, but I suspect they were charmed by the sight of a queen in full pink glory, riding the rails like royalty.

But I'm not going to tell you the story of my trip in a dull chronological fashion! My darlings, no! Pink Tutu Sparkles always brings you the sparkly bits first! So, you might be wondering how on earth I ended up performing in Cumbernauld? Well, imagine my delight when I got invited to participate in the annual "Highland Fair!" I've been performing in festivals for years, but this one, darling, was truly something special. They called it "Highland Fair," and it involved every Scottish tradition you can think of: kilts, bagpipes, sheepdog herding demos, and of course, a lovely selection of Scottish shortbread.

But, hold on a moment, what do bagpipes, sheepdog herding, and shortbread have to do with a pink tutu-clad queen, you ask? Why, everything, darlings! I knew just the thing to liven up their day: a high-energy dance performance with a splash of pink magic! The fair was bustling with excited locals, little kids tugging at their mothers' skirts, couples giggling in the sunshine, and all eyes, my darlings, all eyes were glued to Pink Tutu Sparkles as I took the stage.

My routine? Oh darling, it was fabulous! Imagine a whirlwind of feathers, a dazzling display of twirls and jumps (you know I love a good pirouette!), a dose of pure, unadulterated fun! The kids were squealing, the parents were smiling, even the sheepdog herder clapped along with his herd of four-legged furry friends!

But let's get back to my journey – where would I be without a good story about my travels, darling? One of the highlights, other than my dazzling performance, was discovering a wonderful local dance studio called “The Flying Tutu.” They had the most amazing selection of tutus – it was a dream come true for a girl like me. Pink ones, blue ones, black ones – you name it! We had a right old time shopping for the latest fashion must-have - imagine, the only things pinker than the studio were the tutus!

My favourite piece from their shop? Why, it was a gorgeous lavender-hued tutu, adorned with a beautiful delicate pattern. It twirled like a dream and would look divine in the next issue of "Tutu Vogue," that’s if we can ever persuade my editors to travel all the way to Cumbernauld for the photoshoot. I’ll need to sweet talk my team!

The most wonderful part? The studio had an open ballet class that night! I’ve been a ballerina ever since I was a little girl - my Mum used to take me to watch Swan Lake every year! We even went on the tube, in all its steamy, grimy glory! We’d all cram onto a crowded carriage with sweaty locals, bags, and smelly newspapers. The excitement of that journey always trumped the claustrophobia. The real show began once the train crawled to a standstill. A real symphony of train sounds would ring out - doors shuddering open, air brakes hissing. We were at Euston, a world away from the glittering performance, the costumes, the ballets shoes!

I still get a shiver down my spine remembering those performances – oh darling, the costumes!

But I digress. Back to my Scottish ballet class. They’d asked if I’d want to join the class – it was a chance for me to perfect my pliés and pirouettes with a group of local ladies, all just as excited to twirl as I was! I must confess, my performance might have involved a touch too much flair, I could see the looks from my fellow dancers – oh, to have the confidence to express myself so wildly! My pink tutu shimmered under the soft light of the dance studio and, in that moment, I felt utterly free. It was pure bliss!

Now, you know I have to mention the food! As you know, Pink Tutu Sparkles always seeks out a great place to dine and this trip, my darlings, was no exception! I discovered a little tea room tucked away on a quiet street – "The Sweetest Tart" - serving the most delectable, homemade cakes and pies! You could practically smell the sweetness from down the street! Their chocolate orange cake, oh darling, a masterpiece!

Speaking of sweets, have you seen the pink tutu collection at my favourite boutique, "Tutu Elegance"? They're absolutely heavenly! And the matching sparkly shoes - divine! They'd make any queen’s heart melt. Oh, they've even got some new "pink” hair dyes in, I can’t wait to see how they turn out, so bright, oh darling, so, so pink!

Now, if you’re reading this my darling and you are itching to be a queen of pink just like Pink Tutu Sparkles, let’s get some glitter on those dancing shoes! You don’t have to be from Cumbernauld to spread pink-tutu love - I'm here to teach you the magic! Follow my online courses, visit the Tutu Palace for the finest collection of tutus you've ever laid your eyes on, and don't be afraid to let your inner ballerina sparkle! The world is waiting to see your unique pink magic, my dears!

Stay gorgeous, stay sparkly, stay fabulous,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2001-01-28 stars in Cumbernauld