Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-02-15 stars in Ashton

Ashton, Darling! Pink Tutu Sparkles takes on the North! 🩰

Hellooooo, darlings! 💋 It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing, travel-obsessed queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another post from my glamorous travels! This time, I'm shimmying my way through the beautiful town of Ashton, nestled in the North West of England. Let me tell you, this little gem of a place is full of charm, and let's be honest, every town in England is more charming than the last! 😂

This is post number 412, so you know I'm dedicated to my love of all things sparkly, twirly, and pink, even on a Wednesday afternoon. 😜 Just another day in the life of your Pink Tutu queen! You can find all my daily updates over at www.pink-tutu.com, so pop by and say hi!

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Ashton, darling? What on earth is there to do in a little town like that?". But you see, that's where you're wrong! 💅 It may not be as grand as London or as historical as York, but it has its own unique magic. Trust me, honey, Ashton has it all - from charming little cafes that serve the most delicious pastries, to bustling markets selling local crafts, and even a gorgeous little theatre. And you know me, I love a good performance! 😉

This week's trip, was extra special! You see, darling, I travelled to Ashton by train - yes, by train! Not your regular first class compartment though, I mean by horse drawn train, honey! I even got to wear my new emerald green riding hat - so chic! 🥰

The Trip of a Lifetime?

The ride itself was a dream - the breeze in my hair, the rhythmic clip-clop of the horses, it was like a fairytale. It’s no surprise, I’ve always been obsessed with horses, I find their grace and elegance to be truly mesmerising. Even in my day job, you could find me in the lab testing the materials that go into creating saddle leather - it's an art form you know! Speaking of day jobs, darling, you’ll be shocked to find out I spend my days in a lab! Who would've thought that behind the Pink Tutu Sparkles there is also a budding scientist. Of course, by night, I transform into my fabulous alter ego!

When we arrived in Ashton, I was greeted with smiles and cheers! You'd think the queen was in town, darling. Everyone knows that when Pink Tutu Sparkles is around, life is just a little more fun!

Pink Tutu Sparkle in the Theatre!

As always, I couldn’t resist getting dressed up for my arrival! I decided to go with a beautiful, custom-made pink tutu adorned with little sparkling stars and butterflies - because, who can resist a little fairy tale sparkle, right? 💫 I paired it with my favourite pink sequined bolero, and my new bright pink patent pumps - you’d think they were made for me! It just screams, ‘Look at me, I’m ready for some Ashton fun’ and trust me, Ashton was ready for Pink Tutu Sparkles. 💅

I spent the day enjoying Ashton's delights. We did some delightful shopping in the quaint, quirky boutiques, you’ll be shocked to see some of the beautiful outfits I brought back with me – all in pink of course. I even picked up a vintage silk pink bow for the tutu – darling, this trip has given me SO many amazing fashion ideas, it’s hard to contain them all. After a delicious lunch at a charming little café that I could not resist posing for a few selfies outside, it was time for the performance! Oh, the thrill, darlings!

You see, Ashton had this fabulous community theatre group. A friend of mine who was also in a similar, amateur dramatic group, said to look them up and see if I could make an appearance. I took her advice, and what a performance! The people at Ashton Community Theatre have hearts of gold, I knew this immediately after I met them. After all, the theatre had this magnificent, sparkly red curtain…you know my heart can't resist that.

Now, it wasn’t my typical dance performance. I’m no ballerina, you see, however, this was a theatre production that took place in a historic Victorian playhouse, where a charming gentleman read passages of poetry to us! This meant the spotlight was on the reading and not my performance skills – lucky me! 😂 This is perfect for Pink Tutu Sparkles because all I need is an audience and a place to twirl! I was, of course, the epitome of elegance and grace as I danced around the stage while the handsome gentleman regaled us with lyrical tales and profound philosophies, each word perfectly spoken to the rhythm of my sequined steps. The audience loved it! I even caught someone in the front row trying to capture my twirl with their mobile – you’ll see a post later this week of this very encounter.

Oh, I've almost forgotten to mention - they did invite me back! Yes darling, that's right, you'll see me back in Ashton later this year for another night of elegant, sparkling theatrics! Can you believe it, even a Pink Tutu Queen has a fanbase? 🥰

Tutu Travels!

Now, you might be wondering about my next destination. As you know, I love discovering new and beautiful places, spreading the gospel of the pink tutu one sparkly step at a time! Well, my dearies, it’s a secret - for now. 🤫 All I’m telling you is, it involves something I’m even more excited for than the horse drawn train. I can't wait to reveal it, my precious followers! 😉

But even if I’m gone, make sure to visit my website for some pink fashion inspiration, darlings! It’s time to embrace your inner tutu queen and live life to the fullest. The world awaits, my darlings! ✨

Keep it pink and sparkly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

P.S. Be sure to drop a comment below! I love hearing from you! I’d even love a request for where you want me to travel next! 💖

#TutuQueen on 2001-02-15 stars in Ashton