Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-02-16 stars in Surbiton

Surbiton, Sweet Surbiton! (Blog Post #413)

Oh, darlings! How absolutely divine is it to be in Surbiton? It’s positively bursting with charm, like a vintage teacup full of sunshine and smiles! Today, darling, your Pink Tutu Sparkles has made a grand arrival at the station, my darling train journey – as usual – was pure, shimmering bliss! This time I had the pleasure of riding with a gaggle of pigeons who were absolutely enthralled with my tutu – who could blame them, they do have excellent taste! I love a train journey – you can just sit back, relax, sip a cheeky G&T (don't tell my lab boss!), and soak up the scenery. Plus, of course, I can’t resist a quick stop off at the station buffet for a scrumptious scone – with cream and jam, of course! It’s all about that delicate balance of sugar and protein!

Speaking of delicate – how about those gorgeous tutus in the window of that shop in the high street! Such perfect shade of pink! You’d think it was made for me – and it probably is! That’s how fashion works darling! It's like fate is telling me to pick up the whole lot and twirl right into a theatrical wonderland. Now, what a spectacular, fabulous and fabulous idea for my next drag show, don’t you think? A tutusque, with an incredible theatrical backdrop of tutus. Who doesn’t love the iconic dancewear! Oh, don’t get me started – I love tutus, it’s as simple as that! They’re a symbol of dreams and grace. Pure feminine brilliance. It’s so obvious, that this is a symbol for my own style and way of life – what is a tutu but a symbol of freedom? A fabulous, sparkly, graceful swirl of fabulousness? It just takes one, darling! All the world needs is a touch of Pink Tutu Sparkles and every last one of them will be rocking a pink tutu and spinning! It’s the secret dream – every little girl, every young boy and everyone between has a secret, a hidden wish to wear a tutu – don't deny it!

Speaking of swirling I absolutely had to make a beeline to the local ballet studio, don’t you know? A little peek through the windows for some inspiring, beautiful twirling! Just watching those little darling girls in their bright, pink tutus swirling across the floor in their ballet lessons was just magical. That’s why I’ve had to start my very own ballet class - it's my new mission, darlings! "Ballet Bootcamp" is the hottest, freshest way to get your legs twirling and your body toned - don't you agree?

Now I absolutely had to have a little chin wag with some of those lovely girls at the ballet studio. Such lovely little things, darling! Just full of that vibrant, positive energy and sunshine – they just glow! And we both just know they’re gonna make phenomenal drag queens one day! I’ll be back next week, of course. I just might bring along some Pink Tutu Sparkles bling, don’t you think! A girl needs to make friends in high places and spread the word, don’t you know? We need a sprinkle of tutu joy in every corner of the UK.

Did I tell you I had a fab luncheon in that little Italian place? And darling the pasta? Oh my darling! A taste of perfection - you can’t just stop at one serving, darling – that would be rude! Oh but before you ask – it is a total lie if I told you I just picked at a bowl of tomato salad – I ate my weight in carbohydrates. And as you can probably imagine, I simply could not have possibly resisted an espresso - what else is a drag queen supposed to do? You gotta have an espresso on the way! Especially after a scrumptious Italian meal.

Darling, how wonderful it would be if the entire town was a gigantic drag show, wouldn’t it? It would be magical. The whole town twirling down the street in glorious, glorious pink! I do believe my darling vision is coming true, piece by piece – one glittery pink tutu at a time, of course. It’s like magic! There is something deeply beautiful, graceful, elegant, wonderful about wearing a tutu. Every woman – every man, everyone and their dog has to give a tutu a try. Just once, even in your living room, for the sheer fun of it. What do you say darling?

That's all, dears, for today. You know where to find me! Tune in tomorrow for more fabulous fashion finds and travels from your favourite pink-tutu-clad, fabulous friend!

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

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#TutuQueen on 2001-02-16 stars in Surbiton