Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-02-26 stars in Sutton

Sutton: A Whirlwind of Pink Tutu Fun! (Blog Post #423)

Hello my darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh from a magical trip to Sutton, and bursting with excitement to share it all with you. This trip has been extra special, not just for the enchanting shows I performed (more on that later!), but also for a lovely chance to indulge my love of trains! Yes, my dears, we took the grand train journey, arriving in Sutton in a cloud of elegance and excitement.

Remember that feeling you get as a child when you step on the train, with that gentle sway and the delicious promise of adventure? Well, even though I'm a bit older now (and let's face it, I've been in this business for a while, hehe!), that feeling still tickles my tutu-clad heart! There's just something utterly delightful about rolling along the rails, surrounded by the quiet hum of the train engine and watching the scenery flit by outside.

And speaking of delightful things, can you believe that Sutton was just as magical as the trip there? Honestly, the town is like a fairytale come to life. Charming streets, pretty gardens, and a welcoming vibe that instantly put me in a good mood.

The moment we arrived at the Sutton Arts Centre, where I was booked to perform, I was smitten. The venue was gorgeous, bathed in the most charming kind of rustic chic you can imagine, and the crew was as lovely as could be. It’s been a while since I've had such a warm reception at a new venue! It truly felt like home for my sparkly tutu-filled soul!

As soon as we unloaded the glittery suitcases, I knew this was going to be a spectacular show. You see, the thing is, every show for Pink Tutu Sparkles is more than just a performance, it's an opportunity to sprinkle magic on the world and get everyone to feel a little more pink and a little more fabulous!

The crowds came in waves, all eager to experience the magic of my performances. My show "Tutu Tales" weaves together stories of bravery, love, and glitter, with dazzling dance routines (inspired by my favourite ballet dancers!) and original songs, some with lyrics I’ve written, some adapted from traditional pieces. I love to bring a unique touch to every show. For Sutton, I thought the lovely local community could enjoy a twist on some local history too. This got me thinking about how fun it would be to create a new Pink Tutu song for every new town we perform at, inspired by their local history or even a specific event that makes their community special. What do you think? Should I make that my mission?

The evening culminated in a joyous ballet performance. Oh, how I adore the ballet! To watch the graceful dancers glide across the stage, every movement a delicate whisper of elegance, is to experience the ultimate form of art. It’s truly breathtaking. My passion for dance, even beyond tutus, is the root of everything, the inspiration for the whole Pink Tutu persona, so experiencing it first-hand in a performance always fills me with joy. After the show, we had an informal discussion, a Q&A with the local theatre club students. They were so interested in the life of a professional drag performer. I told them it takes a lot of passion and hard work to be Pink Tutu Sparkles and there is no quick fix to a career on stage. But, they were most inspired by my day job too! It was nice to talk to aspiring artists about how passion for ballet or other interests can still fit with careers in other subjects like science. After all, it was trying on a tutu for a charity event that ignited my own journey.

This journey, my dears, takes me to places far and wide. As Pink Tutu Sparkles, I travel the length and breadth of the country, sharing my love of glitter, laughter, and everything pink. I travel by train, always with a bag full of sparkling surprises. Even by horse, as part of my show. Yes, you read that right, a real live horse! Don’t you want to learn more about this?

In fact, there’s so much more to share from my incredible time in Sutton! I even discovered the most delightful tea shop nestled between two antique stores, overflowing with delightful teacups and decadent cakes! It's all on the pink-tutu.com blog tomorrow, so make sure to tune in, my lovelies!

Until then, remember to always wear your own brand of magic and spread your glitter generously. Let's paint the world a little bit pink, one tutu at a time!

Stay fabulous,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2001-02-26 stars in Sutton