
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-03-05 stars in Ramsgate

Ramsgate Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Goes Seaside 🩰

Hello, my lovelies! πŸ’– Pink Tutu Sparkles here, signing in from a breezy Ramsgate on the glorious Kent coast. It's been a whirlwind of travel this week, and I'm so thrilled to be sharing my experiences with you in this, my 430th blog post on www.pink-tutu.com! (I love that we're reaching this kind of landmark together, don't you? πŸ˜„)

Now, let's rewind the tape to the moment this adventure began. It all started with the thrill of boarding a glorious old-fashioned steam train. Oh, the smell of coal and the rhythm of the chugging engine - a little slice of vintage heaven. Plus, let's be honest, a train journey is a chance for some fabulously dramatic makeup touch-ups and the perfect opportunity to let my fabulous tulle train billow in the breeze! The whole journey felt like stepping into a glamorous Victorian-era travel poster, with the sea air brushing my cheek and the salty spray adding just the right touch of rebellious flair to my shimmering eyeshadow. ✨

My journey from Derbyshire (which, as many of you know, is home to Peak District vistas and lots of tweed – far removed from the sparkling shores of Kent, haha!), was full of anticipation for Ramsgate. I've been picturing myself on that iconic promenade since I was a little kid! I couldn't wait to twirl by the pier, to breathe the salt air, and, of course, to unleash some fabulous drag performance right there on the sands! After all, a good pink tutu is always right at home by the sea, wouldn't you agree? 🌊

Upon arriving in Ramsgate, I was struck by the delightful charm of this little town. It's just so quaint and perfectly old-world with those charming terraced houses. And speaking of houses, let's take a quick detour to a fun little detail: you see, a lovely lady who runs a bakery there took me in as a paying guest. The place was called "Betty's Bakery," and it was a dream! My heart went pitter-patter when I saw the sign for it: "Welcome, Darlings. Freshly baked goods, delicious smells, and plenty of sugar for your sweet tooth!". It seemed custom-made for a Pink Tutu Sparkles fan! πŸ˜‚

Naturally, my time there wasn't complete without some decadent, melt-in-your-mouth pastry! (My favourite was a delicate rhubarb crumble tart with lashings of cream. Yum!). Plus, the deliciousness made the early-morning dance rehearsals I did there even more worth it! It turns out the baker herself has always had a secret passion for ballet, and even had a little space for her own little dance studio. (Can you imagine the sight: a dainty little bakery that transformed into a sparkling studio after hours! How absolutely magical!)

In a complete change of scenery from the serene pastel tones of the bakery, my main Ramsgate gig was in a bustling Victorian-era amusement arcade right by the pier! (Think those vintage coin-operated machines and those bright-neon prizes, only better with Pink Tutu Sparkles performing!) 🎀 This felt like the ultimate contrast - high fashion in a setting bursting with arcade action!

This place felt like stepping into a time capsule from the Victorian era! But before you go imagining penny-farthing bicycles and high-necked blouses, remember: this is Pink Tutu Sparkles we're talking about, so we’re injecting a whole heap of sparkle and glamour into the mix! 🀩

After several spectacular performances – I was feeling pretty confident about that new 'Seaside Mermaid' choreography, the one with the shimmering seaweed illusion – I did something quite bold: I did a spontaneous street performance right there on Ramsgate's promenade! I have to say, that crowd was pretty amazing: lots of cheering children and very surprised elderly folk. (Who knew so many people were just waiting to be dazzled by a pink tutu-wearing queen?) πŸ’•

For all my love of those fabulous grand seaside hotels – the ones with grand ballrooms and afternoon tea – I had to get myself down to that pier! This felt absolutely essential. There's something about a classic wooden pier jutting out over the ocean that just gets my heart thumping.

The day I visited, it felt almost deserted - just a few happy gulls circling overhead and the rhythmic crunch of my platform heels on the worn wooden boards. I stood there, lost in thought, admiring the sweeping view. It made me feel like a beautiful piece of driftwood that the tide had washed in, perfect and ready to catch the sunlight. πŸ’–

But no trip to a seaside town can be complete without a little souvenir shopping, right? Now, this is where the real adventure began, because I found this absolutely gorgeous antique shop tucked away in a back alleyway! (Remember: I always say it pays to follow your intuition!). After weaving past the creaky Victorian-era staircase and peering into a few cabinets crammed full of intriguing trinkets, I struck gold: a little wooden doll in a vintage pink tulle tutu! It felt almost meant to be – it had to come home with me, like it was part of some destined connection. (I swear, even the dust on the antique doll felt pink!) πŸ’«

My journey home was just as eventful, but this time I was riding a vintage coach that seemed plucked straight out of the pages of "The Famous Five!" Imagine – a horse-drawn carriage carrying Pink Tutu Sparkles on an exhilarating adventure! And guess what? That doll? She sat perched by the window beside me.

Overall, my Ramsgate escapade was a pure delight! It filled me up with that delicious feeling of joy you only get when you let yourself get carried away by something special. And guess what? I have a hunch this little seaside adventure is only just the beginning… (Because we all know: there are a hundred more dazzling coastlines out there, just waiting to be explored! πŸ˜‰ )

Thanks for joining me on this lovely voyage, my darlings. Until next time, let's keep those pink tutus twirling! πŸ’–

#TutuQueen on 2001-03-05 stars in Ramsgate