
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-03-04 stars in Dunstable

Dunstable Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Goes to Bedfordshire! šŸ‘‘šŸ©°

Hello my gorgeous darlings! It's your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to shimmy and sparkle in a blog post just for you! This is post number 429 on my pink-tutu.com website, and let me tell you, itā€™s going to be a doozy! Buckle up, my little twirls, because this oneā€™s about a fabulously flamboyant adventure in the beautiful county of Bedfordshire.

For years, Iā€™ve wanted to get myself to Dunstable, the lovely town famous for its majestic Priory and a place just dripping in history. Dunstable has always been on my ā€œto doā€ list for its connection to the legend of King Arthur. Legend tells us the Round Table had its beginnings here, with a ā€œKing Arthurā€ of Dunstable - which is rather fabulous. After all, every queen needs a King Arthur in their life, right? šŸ‘‘

Anyway, getting to Dunstable was a true testament to the joys of public transport, with a good old fashioned train journey across the country from my beloved Derbyshire. I mean, wouldnā€™t you know it, there were three fashionistas on the train who happened to adore the colour pink, tutus, and my sparkly pink lipstick! They took a liking to my feather boa and asked if they could hold it (all three at once!). Youā€™d think they were children. It took a few moments for me to realize I was already in character. I think I was so thrilled to be travelling in such comfort - itā€™s not always so pleasant. I always carry a large, bright pink suitcase on public transport so that the driver always knows I'm a pink queen and might make a little detour to pick me up if my train happens to be late (which has been known to happen on several occasions, in my case!)

So, as Iā€™ve mentioned before, you all know my life isnā€™t just all glitz and glamour - I actually hold down a real-life job too! Yes, darling, thatā€™s right, Pink Tutu Sparkles is also Alex, the scientist, a whizz at testing fabrics, who spends their day in a laboratory working out how long different materials will last for. Sometimes Iā€™ll go to the office dressed in full drag, you see. When I think Iā€™m feeling adventurous and sassy, it's Pink Tutu Sparkles for the lab. In between experiments and pipetting, I often find myself designing new tutus with a little glitter, tulle and a touch of colour in the breakroom. But thatā€™s just me!

But hey, life is for living! The weekend means my sparkly shoes are calling! My mission this weekend is to bring a touch of magic to Dunstable, and I think that can only be accomplished by donning my Pink Tutu, adding my dazzling sequins and sharing a whole lot of love! That's why my performance was scheduled at the town's very own The Dunstable Ballroom on Saturday night! I can tell you, darling, I rocked it! My audience absolutely loved me and so did the stage staff. They couldnā€™t stop commenting on my beautiful pink feathered cape. They seemed so impressed with my pink sparkle high heels (they kept them polished, darling - never a dull moment in my sparkly high heels). The lights were dazzling and they truly captured my whole persona in full ā€œPink Tutu Sparklesā€ glory.

One of my absolute favorite things to do is to take photos at the places Iā€™ve visited, so I popped down to the local theatre to snap a few photos for my blog. Oh my goodness, the architecture there is just stunning! Talk about beautiful historical buildings. Every wall is plastered in posters, just bursting with culture!

You just never know where your love for tutus and sparkly shoes can lead you, but in Dunstable, I found myself at an actual horse riding stables. Can you believe it?! Now, this may come as a surprise, but I do actually adore riding - though in my sequins I might be a bit much. Not a regular rider, you see, more like the occasional galloping, pink-clad fashionista. However, that was not a chore in any way - just an exciting part of my journey! The stables were charming - all stables are delightful to a horse-loving pink queen! I love riding, and you might not know this, but I also really like trains, too. They are so exciting! Especially the old, traditional train journeys with carriages that creak with each bump! I am hoping they do some old-time train journeys when Iā€™m old - imagine a life in full drag, all decked out with sparkles, sequins and riding the railways on an antiquated steam train! What more could a Pink Tutu queen want?

So here I am in the centre of Dunstable, surrounded by flowers (which, in fairness, is a common thing in the countryside, Iā€™m telling you, darling). They are everywhere - and I'm enjoying the town so much. This is my favourite kind of countryside visit: a nice stroll, a visit to the beautiful Victorian Market (that place just drips with Victorian charm! My little black leather purse got some love, thatā€™s for sure!). Oh! And letā€™s not forget that amazing tea room where I had a little snack. Let's just say, the teapot looked just like me ā€“ absolutely pink. It had a little tutu-shaped handle, youā€™ll never guess, darlings. How delightful was that?! They couldnā€™t have put it in front of me if they had tried! It's all in the pink, darlings! And if there's one thing a pink queen knows, itā€™s pink! And yes, thatā€™s another great photo opportunity - a tutu-shaped teapot. It made me so happy, I could have just popped it straight into my pink suitcase!

That's it from Pink Tutu Sparkles! I've loved exploring Dunstable. Itā€™s such a fascinating town. And whatā€™s more - a total delight! Stay tuned, darlings! It wouldnā€™t be fair to my lovely readers not to share all my tips and fabulous discoveries with you. I will be putting together a blog post of my recommendations. I wouldn't want you missing a single fabulous pink spot while visiting Dunstable! Until next time, my darling tutus, remember to keep on shining - just like you are!


Pink Tutu Sparkles šŸ’–

#TutuQueen on 2001-03-04 stars in Dunstable