Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-03-03 stars in Kingswood

Kingswood: A Whirlwind of Pink and Glitter! (Blog Post #428)

Hello my darlings! It's your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, ready to sprinkle a little sparkle onto your Saturday with tales of my latest adventure in the beautiful town of Kingswood! This is post number 428 on www.pink-tutu.com, and I can't believe how quickly these blog posts are adding up!

Before I get into the glitterific goings-on, let me tell you about how I got here! As you know, this gal's a big believer in hopping aboard any form of transport with a feather in its cap. Now, a horse would be fab, but sometimes a trusty old train will do. I recently discovered that Kingswood is blessed with a lovely little railway station – imagine, all that history and character! And best of all, it took me straight into the heart of this charming little town, ready to spread my pinkness!

Now, Kingswood was a real gem of a discovery! This isn’t my first foray into the West Country – have you ever tried the clotted cream scones in Bath? Divine! But Kingswood had a special something that I just couldn't resist. From the moment I stepped off the train, the air was buzzing with a friendly energy that I simply adore!

It's been a few weeks now, and my Kingswood stay has been filled with exciting adventures and discoveries, all wrapped in a layer of pink, of course. As always, I like to incorporate my travel experiences into my performances, adding little touches that capture the spirit of the place. Let me tell you, I have been having the most spectacular time!

You know I love a good market, don't you? Kingswood had an absolute stunner, buzzing with local crafts and treats. You see, darling, I think there's a certain charm about a well-organised, well-stocked market! They were all brimming with gorgeous homemade wares: handcrafted jewelry that shimmered like stars in the sunlight, delicate porcelain dolls wearing tiny little tutus – the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen, and enough lavender to fill a bath (and the bath after that!) I simply couldn't resist buying a little something to remind me of my stay. I've been using my new lavender oil every night – it helps me drift off into sweet dreams.

Speaking of dreams, I had the most enchanting time attending a ballet class in a charming old studio nestled in the heart of the town. The floorboards creaked with every plié, and the sun streamed through the windows, illuminating the dancers in a warm, golden glow. Now, you know I have a soft spot for ballet – its elegance, grace, and the breathtaking artistry! I love those elaborate costumes, with all their sparkles and feathers and tulle! My love affair with ballet started back in university, you see – my heart skipped a beat the first time I tried on a tutu. It was for charity, but I couldn't help feeling like a princess, a real fairytale character! I remember how I twirled and spun, feeling all my anxieties melting away. The magical feeling of a perfectly executed pirouette...it never gets old, darling!

After a week of ballet rehearsals, I was ready to show my audience the results of my intensive training, in my first performance! My choice of venue? You'll never believe it! The old Victorian theatre that sits atop Kingswood hill. The red velvet seats, the flickering chandeliers, and that classic air of theatrical charm… I just felt right at home! Of course, I added a sprinkle of my own special brand of Pink Tutu Magic to the stage, and let me tell you, it was a triumph!

My routine? A little bit of classic ballet with a touch of Pink Tutu Sparkles flavour, incorporating local elements inspired by my Kingswood explorations. For example, one sequence saw me pirouette across the stage in a graceful imitation of a delicate flower, a nod to all those blooming blossoms in the market square. My next sequence incorporated some fancy footwork inspired by the rhythmic clatter of a local artisan’s hammer as she worked on her jewellery. I even managed to add a touch of theatricality inspired by a magnificent statue I discovered at the heart of the town, which some say is a dragon guarding the ancient pathways of this area, a touch of whimsical myth that charmed my socks off!

You're going to love this next bit… It was at my show in Kingswood that I finally discovered what all this fuss about lavender was all about! You see, when my local fans at the show brought me a beautiful bouquet of fresh lavender, my senses were awakened! I was like a beautiful, twirling moth drawn to the purple flower! Its delicate fragrance and sweet scent reminded me of everything I had been discovering in this enchanting little town… the calming energy, the vibrant life of nature, and the spirit of craftsmanship, creativity, and art. The whole evening felt like a celebration of everything beautiful and captivating about the English countryside! The local crowd gave me the warmest, most heartfelt applause and showered me with bouquets of lavender – what a beautiful gift. I think it’s fair to say it’s definitely becoming a recurring motif in my drag life!

As you know, it's important to spread that Pink Tutu Magic wherever I go. Now, I might be a scientist by day, but at heart, I'm a true artist who believes in celebrating all the wondrous, beautiful, and creative things in life! I'm constantly searching for ways to blend fashion, dance, art, and adventure to create something truly special. My aim is to inspire everyone to step outside their comfort zones, embrace their uniqueness, and share a bit of joyful Pink Tutu love! And let me tell you, my adventures in Kingswood were the perfect fuel for a brand new dance routine, one that features the most adorable tiny little ballet shoes you have ever seen!

Until next time, remember to stay sparkly, and never be afraid to twirl!

Your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles (Alex) www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2001-03-03 stars in Kingswood