Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-03-02 stars in Welling

Welling Whirlwind! Pink Tutu Sparkles' Adventures - Blog Post #427

Oh darlings, hold onto your sequins, because Pink Tutu Sparkles is back with another thrilling blog post! Today, my loves, we’re off to the charming town of Welling! A quaint little spot in the heart of Kent, known for its history, its friendly pubs and its abundance of, dare I say, “Welling” spirit. giggles This weekend’s a whirlwind of performances, shopping, and of course, tutus, tutus, tutus!

You know how I adore train journeys – the gentle rhythm of the wheels on the tracks, the chatter of fellow travellers, the quiet time to reflect on my pink-tinted world. It's the perfect opportunity to sketch out potential dance moves, maybe even a new pink-hued ensemble for my Welling performance!

Speaking of performances, let’s talk sparkle! Oh my sweet pea-pickles, the venue was fabulous! All gleaming lights, plush red velvet curtains and a stage just begging to be adorned with a whirlwind of pink tulle. Honestly, darlings, the locals were so welcoming. I mean, how could they not be when faced with a pink tutu and a sparkling smile?! My setlist? A mix of pop classics with a twist of sassy ballet moves and enough glitter to blind the sun! I even debuted a brand new number – "Twirling Under the Welling Moon." Just imagine, the moonlight glinting off my tutu, the soft melody weaving through the air – pure magic, darling!

After the performance, it was off to indulge in some Welling shopping! You can’t just swan into a new town without checking out the local gems, right? Oh, the treasures! A tiny independent boutique with clothes more colourful than a rainbow! A vintage shop bursting with quirky hats and sunglasses! But the highlight, darling, the absolute highlight, was a shop entirely dedicated to drumroll ballet supplies! It was a veritable tutu wonderland, shelves upon shelves of the fluffiest, most spectacular tulle imaginable. You can’t imagine my delight – I spent the afternoon trying on various shades of pink (it’s hard to pick a favourite!) and ended up leaving with a handful of new ribbons and a sparkly ballet shoe bag.

You might be thinking, “Pink Tutu Sparkles, what’s next?” Well, darlings, today we head to a ballet performance! You heard that right! The town hall is putting on a production of Swan Lake, and I wouldn’t miss it for all the sequins in the world.

And oh my, before I forget, the very best part of my trip to Welling was meeting all the lovely people. Everyone was so enthusiastic, curious, and interested in what I had to say about ballet, about spreading love, about the importance of wearing a pink tutu! One sweet gentleman even told me that after seeing my show, he was going to buy a pink tutu for his granddaughter! It’s little moments like these that remind me why I do what I do. To bring joy, to inspire, and yes, to get everyone twirling in a pink tutu!

Well darlings, until next time, may your life be filled with the sparkle and joy of a pink tutu! Keep on twirling!

P.S. Have you joined the Pink Tutu Sparkles Movement yet? Head on over to www.pink-tutu.com and join the pink revolution! You can find me on all the socials too - just search @PinkTutuSparkles!

And finally, darling, don’t forget to tell me about your favorite pink tutu memories in the comments below!

Yours in glitter and twirls,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

The Life and Times of Alex and the Tutu!

For those who are just joining this pink-tastic journey, let me introduce myself! I'm Pink Tutu Sparkles, and I live and breathe all things fabulous!

But behind this dazzling persona is a young, science-obsessed bloke named Alex!

You might wonder how a scientist and a drag queen can be the same person, right? But for me, darling, it's a beautiful balance! By day, I work in a lab, testing the sturdiness of fabrics – think of it as a science of the silky kind! By night, I’m transformed, dazzling the world with a cloud of pink tulle and enough sparkle to rival the night sky.

This crazy journey started back in uni when I joined the university’s ballet club. It was there, surrounded by dancers and graceful twirls, that I discovered my love for the art form.

But the real game-changer, my darlings, was the university’s charity event! To raise funds, we held a fashion show, and it was decided that I, yes, me, would model a tutu! At first, I was hesitant – imagine, me, in a tutu?! But then I felt it… a surge of pure joy and excitement!

Something about that fluffy tulle, the soft, almost magical way it floated around me, just… clicked!

So, I donned the tutu, walked down the catwalk, and the rest, as they say, is pink-hued history. It wasn’t long before the sparkly outfits, the fabulous wigs and a newfound confidence came into play! And then… Pink Tutu Sparkles was born!

The science side of my life still fascinates me, but let’s face it, the stage, the dance floor, the twinkling lights - they call to my heart. And the best part, darling? Sharing it with the world!

My passion for tutus extends beyond just wearing them, though!

As I travel the country, I love visiting ballet schools, dance studios, even local theatre productions – any place where there's passion and joy for dance! It's the ultimate inspiration for me. And sometimes, I even manage to squeeze in a ballet class myself! You wouldn’t believe the flexibility this girl has… Well, I'm not exactly that flexible, but who needs that when you can dance with the heart of a pink-loving superstar!

And who knows, maybe, just maybe, someday, all of you fabulous folk will be joining me in this pink tutu paradise!

Until then, I’ll keep sharing my adventures, my sparkles, my joy of dance – all while encouraging you to wear pink, to embrace the unexpected, to never stop dreaming big, and to dance, darling, dance!

#TutuQueen on 2001-03-02 stars in Welling