Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-03-15 stars in Coalville

Coalville Calling: Tutu Time in the Midlands!

Hello my lovely tutu-fied friends! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back for another fabulously pink post on your favourite website, www.pink-tutu.com! This is post number 440 – wowzers, we’re getting on a bit now!

This week’s travels took me to the heart of the Midlands, to the bustling town of Coalville. This wasn’t my first time visiting this fab little town – Coalville always has a special place in my heart! And this trip was just as magical, just as sparkly, and, dare I say, just as pink as I could’ve dreamed.

As you know, I’m a big fan of getting about by train. It’s all about that fabulous vintage vibe! This journey, though, called for something a bit more dramatic… So I found myself making my way across the county on horseback. Oh, the thrill of it all! You can’t beat the feeling of the wind in your hair (and in your sparkly pink tutu) as you gallop across the rolling hills! And, to be honest, it made for a much more photogenic journey than a crowded commuter train – perfect for my Instagram, darling!

Coalville always has a certain magic, a touch of that old-school British charm, which is a total win for a girl who loves her history and heritage as much as I do! Now, let’s be honest – you wouldn't catch me wearing any old dusty attire. It’s got to be dazzling, sparkly, and of course… pink!

So I donned a fabulous vintage pink tutu with more sequins than a disco ball, a feather boa to rival a carnival in Rio, and a hot pink blouse with just the right amount of … well, you know, that extra something – you see, every drag queen has their own secrets!

The main event for my Coalville escapade? A delightful little local talent show hosted by a lovely old community center, with a vibe like stepping back in time. Let me tell you, it was so much fun! This wasn't just any ordinary town hall, my darlings - this one had a real community feel! We’re talking homemade cakes, bingo nights, and friendly chats with the neighbours, the perfect antidote to all that fast-paced London life. And honestly, you couldn't ask for a friendlier audience! They were a right crowd, with such genuine enthusiasm, you really could feel the good vibes all around!

The performance was as glittery and fabulous as you can imagine. I've got a whole repertoire of routines, all pink, all sparkly, all about spreading the tutu love! You wouldn’t believe the choreography I dreamed up for this one, inspired by the traditional ballet moves of a ballerina in her best performance… It was totally elegant, perfectly dramatic and, dare I say it, a bit of a crowd-pleaser!

We had laughter, we had joy, we had some truly stunning twirls, and even a little bit of impromptu ballet, all of which helped spread that Pink Tutu Sparkles energy throughout the hall! I don’t want to give away any secrets, but my performance definitely featured some fabulous spins, some jaw-dropping lifts (and yes, those high kicks that make people gasp in admiration! I did tell you I have moves, darling!) And just to top it off, it involved all things pink, with more than a dash of tutu magic!

Oh, the sheer delight of seeing smiles light up in that audience! They were captivated by my sparkly attire, they swayed along with my dancing, and by the time my final curtain call rolled around, they were shouting for more. I felt the love, the joy, the tutu magic spread through that room, and I truly believe everyone there felt the power of a pink tutu – the symbol of beauty, joy, and pure girly fun.

What I loved most was hearing that everyone was chatting about tutus afterwards! From what I heard, people even got up and danced after the show. Even some of the fellas who were looking quite hesitant before the show started were getting caught up in the tutu craze by the end of the evening! They had seen the magic, and felt the power! And don’t even get me started on the comments about how fabulous I looked in my sparkly pink tutu! (Let’s just say the compliments were flying!)

One of the best parts of being a drag artist is the travelling. There’s always something new to explore. I’ve spent hours gazing at all the maps of Derbyshire, planning out my next big trip around the county – there are so many amazing towns, villages, and local venues, each with its own unique charm and history, that I just want to try them all!

And speaking of charm, you’ll find nothing but that at the Tea and Cake Café in Coalville! I simply had to pay this beautiful spot a visit after my show. It’s full of gorgeous antique teacups and china, has a welcoming feel to it, and their cakes are to die for, especially the red velvet slice (which I devoured with more gusto than you could possibly imagine!).

Of course, after such a fab day, it wouldn’t have been right to leave without checking out some of Coalville's boutiques and shops – there’s nothing I enjoy more than some good ol’ fashioned shopping, even if it is just to find something dazzling pink to add to my collection! And while Coalville doesn't have an extensive choice of boutique stores like you might find in the capital, I did find a little vintage shop bursting with hidden gems! You can bet I left with more than a few sparkly bargains and enough lace and feather trim to last me until my next big project.

After the shopping, there was just one more stop to make, and you're not gonna believe what it was! Now, this might seem odd for a girly-girl like me, but trust me… a little thrill for the soul. After all, even this little Pink Tutu Queen loves a little bit of rough and tumble adventure sometimes! It had to be a must-see while in the Coalville area - The National Coal Mining Museum for England. Now I’m not just talking about mining museums that tell you about history. This one’s got actual working mines, where you can take a guided tour in the pit down below and even get a taste of life for the miners - what a rush! Of course, I wouldn’t dream of getting down there in anything other than a beautiful tutu! It’s all about finding the beauty in everything, even amongst the coal dust!

I have to say, my time in Coalville was totally magical, and truly one of a kind. Even if I didn't find the exact vintage shop I’d hoped for in the town, and even though the shops themselves weren’t bursting with a selection of dazzling pinks (I did have to look extra hard to find anything truly pink… you’ve gotta be brave sometimes!), I'll always have those good vibes and all those fab memories from that beautiful, sparkly, totally tutu-tastic night! And you can be sure my tutu's gonna be in this little piece of Derbyshire history.

Now, my dears, go out there, put on a pink tutu, and spread the sparkle!

Until next time… keep on twirling, and remember… everyone's a little bit Pink Tutu Sparkles at heart.

See ya on www.pink-tutu.com, darlings!

#TutuQueen on 2001-03-15 stars in Coalville