Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-03-31 stars in Bridlington

Bridlington, Oh Darling! (Blog Post #456)

Hello my darling sweeties! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, ready to bring you a whirlwind of sparkle, laughter, and oh-so-much pink!

Today, I'm taking you on a trip to Bridlington, that gorgeous little seaside town right here in Yorkshire. Now, Bridlington might not be the most glamorous of locations, but for a drag queen on a budget, it's the perfect mix of seaside fun and charming quaintness! And believe me, a little bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles can make anything sparkle.

Speaking of sparkle, let's talk about the journey! I adore travelling by train, it's like a catwalk for a fabulously dressed drag queen! But sometimes, just for the fun of it, I grab a pair of riding boots, a matching pink riding hat (naturally) and set off on my trusty steed.

For this adventure, it was the train all the way! I strutted into the carriage like the queen I am, decked out in a blush pink polka-dot dress and a magnificent tutu crafted from tulle so soft it could have been spun from clouds! Let's just say, it attracted a lot of admiring glances! You see, it’s all about embracing your individuality and finding joy in the smallest details. It's why I aim to make the world a little bit pinker, one fabulous tutu at a time.

Anyway, I digress! I was heading to Bridlington to perform at the local arts centre - and believe me, they don't get many drag queens in Bridlington, darling! So I was a bit nervous, you know? But that nervous excitement that crackles in your veins when you’re about to shine is just…delicious.

The arts centre was an absolute peach! I mean, let's be honest, they have seen better days, but there was something so authentically lovely about the whole space. And the best part? The audience was amazing. These people had clearly never seen anything quite like me!

So there I was, Pink Tutu Sparkles in all her glory, belting out those big Broadway showtunes in that sweet pink dress with a giant pink fluffy tutu. I'll be honest, there were some questionable dance moves from my audience (we're talking '80s aerobics meets awkward toddler dancing), but the energy in the room was so joyous!

After my show, the theatre staff showered me with praise, offering a buffet that I'd have been more than happy to tuck into but, being on a strict regime of kale smoothies and low-carb snacks, I had to politely decline. Instead, I grabbed a handful of local sweet-shop treats, like rock and fudge, because every pink queen needs a little bit of sugar rush!

Of course, I couldn't visit Bridlington without experiencing the sea. You can't deny, darling, the ocean is a fantastic, ever-changing backdrop for a fashion statement! I spent the evening at the beach, the setting sun casting a glorious pink hue across the waves. I couldn't help myself, I had to whip out my trusty portable speaker and belt out a couple of my favourite showstoppers. Even though it was freezing, I felt truly alive. The salty air, the pink hues in the sky… and me, Pink Tutu Sparkles, in a bright pink, fluffy, feather-trimmed jacket - I felt utterly fabulous.

Bridlington, darling, was a breath of fresh air. It's reminded me of the beauty of finding joy in simple things. Don't let anyone tell you that the most important things have to be elaborate or expensive! Sometimes, the best moments come from simply enjoying a slice of cake by the sea with your hair and makeup on fleek.

The moral of the story, darlings, is that Pink Tutu Sparkles is not just a persona, it's a philosophy. Be your fabulous selves! Spread kindness, sprinkle glitter, and let your pink tutu be a beacon of hope and joyous confidence for the world!

P.S. Remember, you can read more of my pink and glamorous adventures on www.pink-tutu.com Every day! I love hearing from you!

Until next time, darlings, keep your chin up, your heels high, and wear that pink tutu with pride!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

(P.S.S. If you're feeling adventurous, head to your nearest shop and find a pink tutu to try on - who knows? Maybe it will inspire a drag queen to be born inside of you!)

#TutuQueen on 2001-03-31 stars in Bridlington