Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-01 stars in Billingham

Billingham Calling! TutuQueen Takes on the North East!

Post Number 457

Darlings, you'll never guess where your favourite tutu-wearing, pink-loving queen is today! It's a bright and sunny morning, the birds are singing, and I'm on my way to Billingham, nestled in the heart of the North East!

It feels like forever since my last train journey, and you know how much I love those scenic views from the window, the clickety-clack of the wheels on the tracks, and the warm aroma of coffee and pastries from the refreshment trolley. This trip has been brewing in my mind for ages, and now it's finally time to unveil a little slice of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic to the lovely people of Billingham!

It all started with a sparkly little email in my inbox. The Billingham Arts Centre reached out, wanting to invite a "unique and colourful entertainer" to perform at their spring festival. Can you imagine my excitement when I saw that message? My dear darlings, the universe clearly heard my TutuQueen prayers! Billingham, you're about to be showered in a rainbow of sequins, feathers, and oh-so-much pink!

Before I even begin my grand transformation, I've already got a massive grin plastered across my face. That's what happens when you combine a passion for performance with the thrill of a new adventure! And as I write this, my favourite pink tutu, lovingly named "Sugarplum," is waiting patiently in my travel bag, ready to grace the stage with all its frilly glory.

For the curious amongst you, yes, I'll be travelling by train, my preferred method of transportation when not riding a beautiful, majestic horse. (Which I absolutely adore! Horseback riding is like flying, but with hooves.) I find that the rhythmic journey of a train sparks creativity, a gentle waltz of wheels and rails that whisks away my worries and inspires a thousand new ideas for my shows!

Now, you know I'm a huge fan of pre-show preparations, especially when venturing into uncharted territories like Billingham. So I've spent the last few days crafting a unique performance filled with high kicks, spins, and glitzy gowns – oh, and some ballet, naturally! My love for the graceful art form is like a shining gem embedded in the heart of Pink Tutu Sparkles, a connection that makes my spirit soar with joy! And did I mention I recently took a class at the Billingham Ballet School? I'm itching to show off my newly polished pirouettes!

To truly immerse myself in Billingham's energy, I've been scouring online for recommendations, scouring the local vintage shops for a quirky accessory for my look (perhaps a sparkly headpiece!), and of course, checking out the latest trends on Pinterest to ensure I'm serving maximum pink power. My love for fashion is almost as boundless as my love for pink! It's an unstoppable force! I can’t help it; it’s my destiny to spread pink joy, one tutu at a time!

But you see, dear darlings, it's not all about the glitter and the gowns, the tutus and the theatre! The best part of being a TutuQueen is connecting with people. Every show, every smile, every twinkle of joy in an audience member's eyes fills me with warmth and purpose. And Billingham, I'm so ready to meet you! I know you’re a bunch of delightful souls who’ll welcome a pink-tinted ray of sunshine with open arms!

Now, back to the all-important task of choosing the perfect outfit for tonight’s adventure! Decisions, decisions! It's an uphill battle, but a struggle I am fully prepared to face. After all, a true TutuQueen never shies away from a sartorial challenge, darling!

Keep your eyes peeled, my lovely followers! You can join me in Billingham in spirit by following my social media pages for a glimpse into my adventure! And don’t forget to share your love of tutus and all things pink. Together, we’ll paint the world pink, one tutu at a time!

Until next time, my darlings!

Pink Tutu Sparkles out!

P.S. Don't forget to check out my website at www.pink-tutu.com! You'll find all sorts of inspiring blog posts, fabulous fashion tips, and even some of my best performance videos!

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-01 stars in Billingham