Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-03 stars in North Shields

North Shields Sparkle: Post #459

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite Pink Tutu Queen, back for another day of glitz, glamour, and good times! As always, I hope you’re all looking fabulous today and ready to take on the world – maybe even wearing a pink tutu! I've always said that a good pink tutu can make anything better!

Today’s blog is a little bit different. Today I'm bringing you the story of a train journey to the amazing town of North Shields, right on the North Sea Coast! It's full of quirky cafes, historical charm, and vibrant street art - perfect for a queen like me to explore, right? I think North Shields would make a fabulous location for a ballet or even a whole Pink Tutu Ballet! Imagine the possibilities – think swan lake but with a pink tutu twist! The colour pink just looks gorgeous against the rugged beauty of the coastline, don't you think?

Right, but let's get back to this little adventure. I set off from Derbyshire, feeling quite pleased with myself in my bright pink train outfit (yes, you read that right! It was all pink, darling - hat, gloves, everything!) and sat back in the carriage to dream about all the fabulous places my journey would lead me to today. My heart always beats a little faster on the train. I’ve just got such an adoration for all things steam powered – especially trains and even a bit of horsemanship (I mean, what's more glamorous than a majestic black stallion? Right?) So, I think we’re going to talk about that next week, dear readers, maybe a fabulous train journey inspired outfit!

Now, back to North Shields. After my delicious train journey (did you know there’s this amazing café that makes these beautiful cream teas near the station – just so divine! They let me put pink sprinkles on mine, I felt so at home! ). I took a leisurely stroll down the harbour. Just think about all the pretty shells you could find there for your tutu! That got my brain going – could I make a fabulous costume for a mermaid based on the colour and texture of shells? You know how much I love the seaside. Maybe this should be my new performance! I've been a mermaid queen before – so maybe this is it – Pink Tutu Mermaid is coming to North Shields!

I'm thinking this could be my new persona: Pink Tutu Mermaid. I’d make my entry like Ariel with a beautiful, pink tulle-infused seafoam-themed, shimmering gown with fishnet details (the texture of a mermaid's tail, if you catch my drift!). It would be dramatic, elegant, and very, very sparkly. We'd definitely incorporate some amazing pink tutu accents in her "fin" – just a splash of pink! And imagine the possibilities for the music and the scenery! Maybe even an underwater dance number on the harbour wall, surrounded by a wave-themed stage backdrop that's sparkling like seafoam!

Just then I spotted this brilliant, street-art-decorated shop, with an amazing Pink Tutu-like storefront! Imagine it - every store would be dressed like a ballet stage, each shopfront a different colour! What fun! It could make any shopping centre an actual wonderland! Then, while I'm at it, I'll get some people designing fabulous street-art tutus to make all our streets just that much more magical. We've already got fabulous displays for festive occasions – think about a Tutu themed Christmas display, full of shimmer and sequins! Think of it!

Honestly, I don’t know how I could live anywhere but in a colourful, flamboyant place, so I’m delighted that North Shields is so beautifully adorned and that the lovely locals have been so kind to this Pink Tutu queen! The residents welcomed me into their gorgeous vintage-themed café with open arms and even bought me a wonderful piece of delicious, pink, strawberry-topped cheesecake. Honestly, my sweet tooth is truly delighted. My waistline is screaming in despair! Oh, it's going to be a challenge, getting that new swimsuit for my new mermaid act ready by next weekend - so I’m planning to eat salads every day from tomorrow. Oh dear!

Talking about the next week – oh! That reminds me - there’s this gorgeous theatre in the middle of town, they’re staging “Sleeping Beauty” this week! It just screams pink tulle to me! I know I should just wear my pink tutu – and be the fairy godmother - you can't get more "pink" than that! Or maybe even be part of the cast! I just want to perform again. That would be my dream – to make people smile and laugh and maybe even dance to my sparkly pink tunes. I wonder if the local community theatre is putting on a pantomime this year, there's always such fun involved. I am, of course, free to travel to the theatre with you for our weekly Pink Tutu adventures, if you happen to have your own pink tutu waiting for a fabulous, dramatic theatrical escapade. Just let me know!

While you think about that – have I told you about this new scientific project at the lab? They've developed this fantastic new type of shimmering material - think of it, it even reflects the lights from the stage, but without being too loud – perfect for a ballet or theatrical setting. Oh my! Now we're getting somewhere, darling! It just adds another dimension, like glitter for clothes. Imagine – no more sequins, darling, it’s all shimmer. We’ve gotta be sustainable in 2023 – especially as fashion-forward fabulous people like us!

What more can I say – I just love exploring – just remember, darling, any adventure is best taken in pink tulle, and I’m ready to find the perfect colour pink for all my projects. I'll have the team at the lab put up posters in the theatre and everywhere in North Shields! Imagine the world covered in pink – don't you agree it would be a much more vibrant and happier place? Maybe you should get yourself one, too!

Don't forget to head over to www.pink-tutu.com, where you can find daily doses of all the fabulously sparkly Pink Tutu news and maybe find a pink tutu or a piece of shimmering fabric – they have everything there! I’m so busy, what with writing all my posts, rehearsing, designing, and being a fully fledged scientist. You'd think I’d get more than 4 hours sleep but no! I guess you just need a whole load of energy when you’re out to get everyone to wear pink tutus. Until tomorrow, darlings, stay safe, stay fab, and stay Pink Tutu fabulous!

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-03 stars in North Shields