Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-04 stars in Hitchin

Hitchin - The Sparkliest Spot in Hertfordshire! (Blog Post #460)

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite pink-tastic, tutu-wearing, drag queen extraordinaire, reporting live from the stunning town of Hitchin! It’s been a whirl-wind few weeks, haven’t I been everywhere, seen everything, danced like nobody’s watching (which of course we were! But it doesn't matter because I was on stage, darlings!) I had to bring you along on this latest adventure to share the love of pink tutus and all things sparkly with you.

So how did a girl like me end up in Hitchin? Let me tell you! Last month I stumbled upon the most beautiful online listing for a drag performance at The Sun Hotel, a gorgeous Victorian-era hotel with an intriguing history, just brimming with stories. It wasn't just any old gig, darling! The Sun Hotel is hosting the Hitchin Arts & Music Festival, a week-long festival dedicated to creativity and expression, and I just had to be a part of it! Imagine me, dazzling on the stage in a tutu that makes the very stars jealous, surrounded by talented musicians and performers, just soaking up the energy of this town with its history and charm! Pure magic, my lovelies, pure magic!

As usual, the journey there was part of the fun. It's all about making the most of everything, darling. This time, I decided to take the train from Derbyshire, which is something I've wanted to do for ages. It's such a charming way to travel! Of course, I dressed to impress for the ride! Pink tutu? Oh, honey, it was on. I always feel a touch of The Queen when I'm travelling by train, wouldn't you say? She'd definitely love a pink tutu too. It's so fabulous! I love the journey as much as the destination. Especially when there's a stop at Kings Cross for some hot chocolate at Platform 9 and ¾ – magical, darling. Just magic!

Speaking of magical, have you ever been to Hitchin? It’s truly delightful. Think picturesque streets, a beautiful church with a history going back to the 13th century, and so many shops brimming with artisan treats! It was simply divine to wander through the streets in my favourite pink tutu (because pink is my thing), feeling the history around me and the buzz of the festival. Oh, and did I mention there was a beautiful park called Hitchin Priory? Absolutely enchanting! Think green spaces, ancient trees, and a stately home, the epitome of classic English charm.

My show at The Sun Hotel was everything. You have to know my shows, my darlings – they're a spectacle of sequins, music, and of course, lots of pink tutus! But this one was extra special! Imagine the backdrop of the beautiful Sun Hotel and the roaring excitement of a full house. We danced, we sang, and I believe we all left a little bit of sparkly magic in that beautiful hall that evening. Everyone in the crowd, regardless of age or background, just let loose and celebrated! The laughter, the applause, the dancing in the aisles— it felt like one big, beautiful, pink-tutu-wearing family. Honestly, darling, I’m sure they felt my heart practically burst with joy on that stage!

After the show, I knew I couldn't leave Hitchin without exploring more of its charm. The town's historical significance goes back centuries. I absolutely love digging through history, uncovering hidden stories. That’s why I always go off the beaten track when I travel. So of course, I had to check out the Hitchin Museum, a charming and delightful little space crammed with all sorts of fascinating artefacts and stories about Hitchin. It's a reminder of just how much life has passed through these very streets over the centuries, each generation leaving their own little sparkle! It's enough to make a drag queen weep with joy.

Now, if you're reading this thinking, "Alex, how do you manage all this, how can you afford these grand trips?". You know what, my lovelies? It's all about finding the magic in every corner. It's not about the money or fancy venues; it’s about the passion and dedication to spreading joy through my own special brand of sparkle, with the most fabulous pink tutu's, and inspiring everyone, especially those young souls to just be their own amazing selves! Because when I’m out on the stage, I don't think about bills, darling, I think about what will make hearts smile, how to inspire others to follow their dreams. And to be honest, being a drag artist who makes a living spreading that pink tutu sparkle? It's simply a dream come true.

And to top it off, after a fabulous show in Hitchin and a week of explorations, I even had the honour of attending the most delightful afternoon tea at the Sun Hotel. Think dainty finger sandwiches, delicious scones with clotted cream and jam, and an endless flow of beautiful, floral teas – perfect after a day of dazzling in my pink tutu. Now, if that's not what you call a royal, fairytale day out, darling, I don't know what is! I’m telling you, Hitchin, you have stolen a piece of my heart! And yes, I'll be back!

I can't end without reminding you my lovely pink tutu-wearing beauties – keep dreaming, keep inspiring, keep shining. Whether you're a queen of drag like myself or just looking to find your inner sparkle, wear a pink tutu, be your true self, and let the world know that your fabulousness is here to stay. Remember, darling, it’s never too late to add a touch of pink tutu sparkle to your life!

Keep it sassy,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

(aka Alex)

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-04 stars in Hitchin