Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-05 stars in Spalding

Spalding Calling! - Pink Tutu Sparkles takes on the Fens!

Post Number: 461

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from… drumroll… Spalding! Yes, you heard that right! Your favourite tutu-wearing queen is venturing into the heart of the Lincolnshire Fens, and I can’t wait to tell you all about it!

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Spalding… whispers… not exactly known for its vibrant nightlife. But my dears, it's the journey that truly counts. And I can promise you, even in the midst of fens, this girl has some serious sparkle to share!

Firstly, you just have to believe in the power of a well-planned journey, right? Now, a seasoned queen like myself always favours the glamourous and, let's be honest, slightly more civilised method of train travel. And I mean, how can you even consider anything else when you have to factor in five full-length tutus, six sparkly tops, a hatbox full of jewels, and just enough space for that perfect pair of fluffy pink stilettos?

But that’s not all, dearies! I wasn't just carrying my usual performance outfit and back-up sparkles (because, let's face it, glitter can get lost on the wind!), but also my new love: my new “Sparkle Frock” costume! Don’t worry, darlings, it's not a wedding dress! giggles Imagine a floor-length tutu, all in a beautiful shade of iridescent lavender and pink, with shimmering tulle and the tiniest touch of sequined leaves on the skirt - stunning! And, of course, I had to create the matching hat – a pink and lavender plume adorned with sequined butterflies – absolutely delightful, I tell you! It’s so magnificent that it literally needed its own seat on the train!

Now, even with my sparkly travelling companion, it was such a treat to journey through the countryside, with those lush green fields stretching out all around me. It gave me plenty of time to really soak up the energy of this little corner of the UK. Plus, the train ride meant I could do some last-minute preparations! A quick touch-up of makeup, a little shimmer and shine on the fabulous boots (matching, of course), and the train was already pulling into Spalding Station!

The whole station seemed to gasp when Pink Tutu Sparkles strutted off the train - they’d never seen anything like it before! And that's okay! I’m always a little different from everyone else. Why not bring a little extra fabulous to their day, right? Plus, I just knew that a small-town venue could use a big dose of tutu power!

Now, let’s be honest, darlings: the town of Spalding is... well... quaint. It's definitely got that charming countryside feel, all cobblestone streets and thatched roofs. But the minute I saw the pub they’d booked me at, I knew it was going to be a good night! It had the most amazing little brick facade, complete with twinkle lights hanging outside – almost as cute as me, really.

It was definitely a challenge. I mean, imagine – Spalding! I was just thinking, maybe this wasn’t the best idea when I noticed the local ladies gathering. You know, the sort of folks who you'd normally find holding little plastic flowers in their church group or cheering on the local gardening club – I don't judge, but... I’d definitely say I didn’t look quite like them.

The moment the intro music kicked in, I practically shimmered with excitement. My opening act – well, it was just something special! I started with “Don’t Stop Me Now,” which was basically the perfect feel-good anthem for the whole place! Suddenly, all those ladies were smiling and laughing! My song, my voice, my costume – it completely won them over. It’s all about having fun, dears, and I think everyone at that pub learned that lesson from yours truly.

By the end of the night, I'd not only left them wanting more, but I also taught them the basic dance steps of a few iconic tunes! They were totally rocking out to “A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Action,” “We Will Rock You” and even my special rendition of "The Can Can.” They even attempted a few ballet steps!

It's nights like this, darlings, that truly make me so proud to be a tutu queen. I might not always be in the biggest cities, but I'm always reminding the world that everyone, everywhere, deserves a little extra sparkle! And for my followers, that means showing you all how easy it is to embrace your own pinkness – and, no, that doesn't mean actually going pink! It means choosing colours you feel confident in, expressing your own uniqueness, and just… being fabulous!

So, here’s to spreading sparkle even in the quietest of towns. Because Pink Tutu Sparkles can make the dullest places the most magical, all with a little bit of glitter, some amazing moves, and… yes, a pink tutu, of course.

Now, I’ve got a train to catch! Stay tuned for my next adventure - this time, I’m headed towards shhh… – a secret destination. You’ll just have to wait and see!

Until next time, darlings!

Pink Tutu Sparkles, Out!

Follow the fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles’ daily journey on www.pink-tutu.com

Remember: Live life in Pink!


#TutuQueen on 2001-04-05 stars in Spalding