Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-06 stars in Rainham

Rainham: Where Pink Tutued Dreams Take Flight (Blog Post #462)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing, sparkle-loving queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, checking in from the charming town of Rainham! Oh my, where do I even begin? This trip has been a whirlwind of fun, glitter, and, of course, a whole lot of pink!

I’m writing this, tucked up in my pink tutu (a new one I got on my shopping spree in London yesterday) in my little hotel room. You know how I am, gotta be comfy for those early morning train rides! It’s my mission, darlings, to make sure everyone in the whole of Great Britain is rocking a pink tutu, one town at a time!

Rainham is a real little gem, let me tell you! I just had the best time at the Rainham Festival last night, performing right under the twinkling lights. The crowd was amazing, and my new sparkly tutu definitely got them clapping! You’ve gotta admit, a pink tutu just brings a touch of magic to everything, wouldn't you agree? It makes everything feel just a little bit more sparkly and special!

Speaking of special, I have to tell you about this lovely vintage clothing shop I found right by the station! Now, my darlings, you know how I am about my tutus – all kinds, any length, any sparkle – and this place was an absolute treasure trove. I swear, I could have stayed in there all day! But duty called. It wouldn't do to make the entire train late because of my overflowing tutu shopping bag, now would it? Although I have to admit, I did get my hands on a truly magnificent 70s tulle masterpiece, you’ll just have to wait till my next video to see!

Today, my day is a ballet day. I’ve signed up for a masterclass at the Rainham Dance Studio. It’s actually really near where I’m staying, so I’ll just have to hoof it! No, not a tutu-wearing hoof it! Don’t you worry! It’s just a wee stroll across the cobbled streets to the studio. But let's just say, I’m packing my pink tutus. You never know, darling, maybe I’ll turn this ballet class into a pink tutu rave, because if it’s not pink and twirly, it’s simply not happening! I’m gonna learn those barre moves in my new pink tutu and do a whole series of Instagram stories. You won't want to miss this! Follow my stories at #PinkTutuSparkles - and don’t forget, if you have your own fabulous pink tutu look, I’d love for you to share it with me.

And after ballet, well, my dears, there’s just something so exciting about a grand old English tea. That warm tea, the clinking of the cups, the scone crumbs on my pink tutu… ahhh, bliss! A cuppa will be the perfect tonic after all that ballet pirouetting, and then maybe, just maybe, I’ll go on an exploration of Rainham's little shops. Maybe I'll find some more amazing treasures – the hunt for new pink tutus never truly ends!

The town really is full of delightful hidden corners and charm. It’s so different to Derbyshire where I'm from. You'd never find such a charming little café that serves a pink raspberry cheesecake, not in all my Derbyshire travels! Although I must say, my mum’s Victoria Sponge is a worthy contender, especially when sprinkled with pink icing sugar! Now I'm giving you the good gossip - Mum is really quite the baker! It all started with me trying out her cake recipes in the lab. The best laboratory experiments are always culinary, don’t you think, my loves? But you know, Mum never goes too far from her old baking recipe. And that's a good thing too. My life is all about tutus, ballet, and all that’s fabulous! Maybe when I get back, I’ll convince Mum to sprinkle her Victoria Sponge with edible pink glitter! I’ll film the whole thing and put it on YouTube! Don’t forget to subscribe and ring that little bell!

This evening, I'll be taking it back to my roots and trying my luck at getting a spot on stage at the Rainham town fair. I’m ready to show Rainham the magic of Pink Tutu Sparkles. Wish me luck! I’m gonna blow their socks off (and hopefully convince a few more locals to embrace the wonder that is a pink tutu)! My plan is simple: sparkle, shimmer, and get those hips swivelling. You’ve heard it all before! My ultimate dream is to see everyone wearing a pink tutu! A little bit of glitter, a splash of colour, and the whole world becomes just a little bit more delightful.

And for those of you who are thinking about making the leap to join the pink tutu club, I say, go for it! You don't have to be a queen (though being a queen is highly recommended) to wear a pink tutu. Anyone can be a Pink Tutu Sparkles in their own way, embracing the fun and bringing a little extra magic into the world. After all, a pink tutu can really make the ordinary day into an extraordinary one! So put on your pink tutu and get ready to shimmy, my lovelies! We've got the whole world to sparkle with our pink tutus! Keep sparkling and keep believing! Until next time!

P.S. Don’t forget to leave your tutu questions in the comments!

And to my lovely Patreon supporters, you guys are amazing! If you haven't signed up yet, head over to www.pink-tutu.com/patreon! I have a really exciting exclusive new tutued dance routine coming out soon!

With much love, Your very own, Pink Tutu Sparkles, xx

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-06 stars in Rainham