Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-11 stars in Trowbridge

Trowbridge Twirls: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the West Country!

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-loving, glitter-spilling gal, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another blog post! This is number 467 for your ever-growing collection of sparkly adventures, and today we're going to be taking a trip to the West Country! I am thrilled to announce that I'm performing in the heart of Wiltshire at the magnificent Trowbridge Town Hall this very evening. Can you believe it? My travelling tutu has finally reached the hallowed halls of this historical gem!

A Train Journey Fit for a Queen (and a few Sparkling Stops!)

Now, some of you know I’m a big fan of travelling by train, especially when my sparkly self is aboard. It’s so much fun watching the countryside flash by and having a good old natter with my fellow passengers! I must admit I made a pit stop at the vintage shops in Bristol to stock up on a few bits and bobs, mainly some fabulously sparkly tights that are just screaming to be worn with a tutu!

And wouldn't you know it? The universe works in mysterious, glamorous ways! Right before I arrived in Trowbridge, I bumped into the loveliest couple at the station. The man, a charming soul in a bowler hat and tweed jacket, seemed particularly fond of my fabulous pink tutu and sparkly platform shoes! He even offered me a slice of apple pie and a cuppa. Talk about a fairy godmother with an exquisite taste for cakes and tutus!

From Labs to Stages: A Science of Style

Before I put on my glamorous exterior and became Pink Tutu Sparkles, I was just Alex – a lab rat of a different sort! My days were filled with scientific tests, analyzing fabrics and creating all sorts of experimental concoctions! I still love working in the lab, but I found something else, something magical!

You see, my first encounter with a tutu was at university. Our beloved ballet club was holding a fundraiser and I found myself pulled onto the stage to do a silly dance…wearing a bright pink tutu! From that moment on, I was utterly besotted! I realized that I needed a pink tutu in my life – that's why my blog is called 'Pink Tutu'. You know I've always got one with me. Every tutu tells a story – a story of dreams, adventure, and of course, sparkly goodness.

Trowbridge's Tutu Tales!

So, after a thrilling journey and some much needed glitter-filled retail therapy, I arrived at the Trowbridge Town Hall. I couldn’t help but giggle at the juxtaposition - this historical building, all elegant grandeur, welcoming the sparkly spectacle that is Pink Tutu Sparkles! It really does feel like a fairytale. It’s not often I can have my tea served on antique china while rocking a magnificent, custom-made pink tutu and dazzling platform heels! Trowbridge, you have truly stolen my heart, and I feel the need to perform my very best. I hope you are all ready to twirl!

And of course, there was no lack of enthusiasm in the audience! There were so many smiles and gasps, and even a few people came dressed in tutus, it felt like a community of love! One young girl with shining eyes, even took to the stage for a few twirls – a little pink ballerina in the making! That is truly the essence of my work!

The performance was a whirlwind of energy, glitter, and rainbows – it was magical! I was able to combine my love for ballet with a dose of cheeky comedy. My repertoire of songs had a touch of glam, and plenty of sparkling costumes that were absolutely stunning! I mean, how can you go wrong with a pink tutu with sparkling wings? You can't!

Sparking the World One Tutu at a Time!

Let’s face it, the world needs more sparkle. It needs more laughter and joy! My mission is to spread that sparkle and glitter, encouraging everyone to embrace their inner fabulousness – one pink tutu at a time! I believe that tutus are a symbol of confidence, a sign of celebrating ourselves for exactly who we are. Tutus are not just for dancers. It's about freedom and being brave. They are about creating a world that sparkles just like our souls!

I want to thank all of the lovely people in Trowbridge who made me feel so welcome and supported my show. This has been an unforgettable experience, a reminder that wherever we travel, we always find warmth, kindness, and acceptance. And most importantly, it is a reminder that the universe always seems to bring tutus into my life!

Keep checking back on the Pink Tutu Blog (www.pink-tutu.com) – next week I am performing in... oh, well that is a secret. But don't you worry, I promise it will be an absolute joy to share my journey with all of you. Keep twirling, keep shimmering, keep shining, you glamorous souls! Until then, keep dreaming pink!

Love always, Pink Tutu Sparkles x

Post Script I must leave you with some helpful tidbits for you fashion loving darlings. The vintage shop I mentioned was called "The Treasure Trove" on Park Street, Bristol, if you ever want to find a rare tutu, or some amazing sparkly vintage attire, give them a call! Oh! and make sure to keep up with your pink tutu essentials: ballet shoes (if you are daring!) sparkly leg warmers and don’t forget a magnificent crown! And of course, don’t be shy about letting those tutus fly in a whirl of colour! It’s so important to let your personality shine!

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-11 stars in Trowbridge