Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-20 stars in Rutherglen

Rutherglen, A Pink Tutu Dream! 🩰💖

Hello darlings! Welcome back to my fabulous pink world, it's Pink Tutu Sparkles here and this is blog post number 476. My, my, it feels like only yesterday I was twirling through the streets of Brighton, don't you think? Now, I find myself in the charming town of Rutherglen, where the cobbled streets and traditional pubs are whispering tales of history. And you know what goes perfectly with history? Pink tutus!

But before I spill all the exciting details of this fantastic adventure, a quick question for you: Have you ever experienced that irresistible urge to spin, to twirl, to twirl until your world explodes with pure, unadulterated joy? Because that, my lovelies, is exactly how I felt when I arrived in Rutherglen. There’s a certain magic about this place, a charming aura that begs for a dash of pink sparkle.

Rutherglen welcomed me with open arms and open hearts – well, you'd be hard-pressed to close them when you're face to face with a magnificent pink tutu, wouldn't you? As always, I travelled in style. Oh, it was a real grand adventure this time! Imagine, a train journey – all those dreamy, panoramic views and the opportunity to dress to the nines, no less! I, of course, had a tutu with me, naturally! (You know how much I adore a tutu, right? Even if I don't wear one on every adventure, they come with me in a special travelling case.) Then there were the fellow passengers! Always so interesting on the trains! It's almost as good as a street show. This time it was a lady dressed in an amazing fur coat. Absolutely fantastic! I love travelling, don’t you?

Pink Tutu Sparkles at The Rutherglen Fair 🎪

I'm thrilled to tell you I landed a gig at the Rutherglen Fair - now, you know what they say, the show must go on, and trust me, my darling, the show is definitely going on! My stage was set against the backdrop of a vintage carousel, which, naturally, just adds to the enchanting atmosphere. You can bet that I pulled out my best pink sequined tutu and a vibrant fuchsia wig! Imagine it - the aroma of popcorn and the strains of fairground music all merging into a delightful crescendo. Pure magic! I'm telling you, Rutherglen knows how to put on a fabulous show.

You see, my darling dears, my mission in life (apart from being the most fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles, naturally), is to make the world a pinker place, one dazzling tutu at a time. This fair was a perfect opportunity to spread some sunshine and pink glitz.

Oh, did I tell you? My act involves a spectacular, glitter-bomb-tastic, pink-hued ballet sequence! It's an adaptation of a classic, with a little touch of Pink Tutu magic added in. It was a sight to behold - imagine me twirling and leaping with my signature sass, all amidst the carnival lights! People went wild, even the grumpy fairground worker (he may be a tad older and cynical, but he had the biggest grin at my act – we even got a photo! Well, we had to, it’s a photo of a Pink Tutu and a grump! Just imagine!) The kids adored me. The mums even wanted to buy some of my glittery feather boas. I sold out!

Adventures in a Town with a Rich Past 🏰

Now, I must confess, Rutherglen, apart from the carnival vibe, has so much more to offer! Did you know it's brimming with history? There's this incredible ruined castle, I swear it felt like a real-life fairytale – you can picture a knight in shining armor just beyond those crumbling walls, right? And I was thinking how fantastic the view would be from the castle if only I had time to climb it, but then I spotted a real pink castle from a fairy tale, complete with pointy towers and a fairy tale gate. Now this castle isn’t a ruin at all and the turrets and pointy roofs were as magnificent as the pink and orange flowers blooming in the garden. It's been beautifully preserved! I, of course, posed for photos! A perfect photo for the www.pink-tutu.com website. What an incredible story to share with you lovely lot, eh?

Ballet by Day and Drag by Night - My Daily Ritual 🩰 ✨

Remember, I am a true queen of transformation. By day, I’m a dedicated scientist in a Derbyshire laboratory, testing fabrics and making sure everything fits perfectly. Yes, I work on fabrics that go into those fantastic ball gowns and sparkly clothes that people wear to my shows! It’s a bit ironic when I think about it - the life of a glamorous Pink Tutu Sparkles and a practical, down-to-earth scientist. I have a fabulous secret double life, and you know what? I love both. Because what’s better than a bit of science mixed with a little sparkle?

I was recently approached by a group of ladies interested in learning how to dance like Pink Tutu Sparkles! So much fun, and I was lucky to share my passion for ballet. As you know, ballet has been such a huge part of my life since I joined the university ballet club all those years ago. I even tried on a pink tutu there, the beginning of a magical journey. What a memory, even more exciting because I was raising money for charity. Ballet's just such a magnificent art form - so expressive, graceful and, above all, so inspiring! My, I could write an entire blog post on how wonderful it feels to dance!

And as for me? I’m going to do some more exploring in Rutherglen before heading off on my next grand adventure, so be sure to check back to the www.pink-tutu.com website to read about all the incredible places I'll be going. You’re never far from the touch of pink when it comes to this tutu-tastic diva!

Don’t forget to spread the sparkle, darling, and make the world a pinker place. And if you’re thinking of adding a pink tutu to your wardrobe, do it! The world needs more glitter, especially on your toes!

Until next time,


Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-20 stars in Rutherglen