Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-22 stars in Chichester

Chichester: A Tutu-tastic Adventure! 🩰

Hello my darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in live from the gorgeous city of Chichester! 🎉

This is post number 478 on www.pink-tutu.com, and let me tell you, it's been a whirlwind of a week! I'm starting to feel like a regular Carrie Bradshaw in this glamorous, little town! 💕

Now, where do I even begin? I had the most fabulous time performing at the Chichester Fair. You know me, always ready to spread the love and the sparkle with a little something special! ✨ The locals were absolutely delightful. Even the cheeky, old gents couldn't resist my dazzling presence in my fuchsia feather boa and tulle skirt, bless them! 😂

And the food, darling, the food! The fish and chips at the little café near the Cathedral were absolutely divine, and the ice cream… well, let's just say I could have devoured a whole tub of strawberry sorbet with a single scoop. 🍦 You'd think with all the traveling, my waistline would start to creep up a size, but it's not even budged! You know me, it's all about keeping things "tighty tighty!" 😉

The best part of my Chichester escapade though, had to be the ballet! I finally got to see "Swan Lake" at the beautiful Chichester Festival Theatre! Swan Lake was always my favourite storybook as a little girl (when my Mum would still dress me up in my tutu) and it was magical to see it come to life! And darling, you'd never believe it! I got a chance to chat with one of the dancers after the performance! It's amazing what a little friendly "Hello!" and a handful of sequins can do, you know! 💖

This city's charm definitely doesn't stop with the Theatre. It's just brimming with art and history everywhere you look! We walked past the ancient Roman ruins, a few historical churches, and I even bought myself a little souvenir from one of the cute shops tucked away down the cobbled alleyways! 🛒

Now, on the travel front: Did you know that Chichester has this quaint little railway station that is a haven for those of us who appreciate vintage elegance? The charming brick exterior, the old fashioned tickets - pure romance! 😍 It took me right back to a time when steam trains were all the rage! You know, my dearest, this journey by train was perfect! I could picture myself as a chic and sophisticated passenger travelling from one enchanting location to the next - exactly like that one film, 'Murder on the Orient Express' (not that I’ve ever committed a crime of course darling…!) 👠

The whole experience in Chichester just solidified something important to me. Every single corner of this country, even a quiet, little town like this one, has something amazing to offer - a hidden gem, if you will! Just like a beautifully curated vintage fashion collection! It takes a discerning eye and an adventurous heart to find those special pieces, you know what I mean? 💖 So I'm taking the words of those fabulous poets who wrote those books of classic poetry (remember, 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening'?) right to heart! I'm on a mission to uncover each town and city, hidden behind every railway line! 😉

So my dearest readers, as I write to you today, I am packed and ready to make my way to my next location… but before I bid you adieu for now… it is a tutu-tastic fact: A journey to Chichester wouldn't be complete without a mention of the magnificent 'Goodwood' horse racing courses, darling! It's a beautiful venue, and seeing those thoroughbreds flying past is simply exhilarating! It's truly one of the finest places for horse racing in the whole of Britain! 🐴

Well darlings, that’s it for today! You know how I like to end my blog posts... Wear a pink tutu. It's what dreams are made of, and that is all you need. 💖

Keep checking www.pink-tutu.com for more exciting adventures. Love you, love you! xoxo

Pink Tutu Sparkles

A Little More About My Fabulous Tutu Journey!

Now, before you say 'Ta-ta, Tutu Queen' (I know some of you have already started tapping those sparkly, platform heels towards the comments section…😉) you need to know more about why I do what I do, and the incredible journey it's been for your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles!

I actually first started playing around with this drag persona back when I was at university in good old Derbyshire! We're all about hard work in the "Peak District," my lovelies! 😉 You know I had to do something to take my mind off all those complicated science equations...and the magic of that big, pink fluffy tutu! 💫

See, I’d always had a thing for ballet. My Mum even put me in classes at the local community centre when I was just a wee one! You can see those dance moves from way back then sneaking into my stage show now… just wait till you see my next performance! ✨ Anyway, that first pink tutu… it was love at first sight! 💕

Of course, I was in university doing a science degree (it’s what you do in Derbyshire – you either get your boots dirty with coal mining, or go study something “proper”!). That’s where I found the ballet club. A bunch of wonderful, vibrant, people who understood how much joy you can find twirling and pirouetting in the most delicate, beautiful, fabric of them all – tulle! (I even convinced my best friend from childhood to come to a couple of classes, though her enthusiasm never matched mine). 💖

As it turned out, the club was holding a charity event - they wanted to help support underprivileged children who couldn't afford ballet lessons! Now, a heart like mine wouldn't just sit there while others missed out on that joy! And I already knew exactly what I wanted to wear: The tutu! They just had to try one on… and, before you could say, “Enchanté”…. I was the one with the magic of that tutu on! 😂 I knew that pink fluffy number was destined for great things… 💖 (To be fair, it took all my persuasion skills to get that fabulous outfit on...it was one of the few times I wore a garment for charity that didn't actually fit… but we had a great time!)

It's been quite a rollercoaster ride, my darlings, a truly pink and tututastic journey that's only just beginning. ✨ My journey through the world of drag is like one of those gorgeous stories by Jane Austen! If you only look at my daily life, I'm a humble, nerdy, scientist with a science degree who loves spending all my time in a lab. By day, I analyse fabric strength for an exciting little company - and who knew my love of all things tutu-tastic would actually come in handy! It’s the perfect use of my creativity and eye for detail!

And at night, under the glitter and the twinkling stage lights, I'm Pink Tutu Sparkles - a diva who lives and breathes those fabulous feathers, glitter, and all things shiny! But really, it's not just about the glam and the makeup (although that definitely adds to the magic!), it’s about sharing joy and creativity and telling those fabulous stories.💖

I travel wherever the dance floor takes me. From London, right down to the seaside towns like Brighton… But one day, I want to go worldwide! The sky’s the limit for Pink Tutu Sparkles - maybe I’ll even get to twirl across that glamorous New York City! 🌎

Oh, and before you ask: yes, my dearest readers, my mission is to get the whole world wearing a pink tutu! 😂 Why? Because it's fabulous! 💖 And maybe it's about more than just the dress… it’s about embracing joy and magic! Just look around – our lives can be so full of stress, schedules, and all those dull responsibilities! You deserve some fun, you deserve that sparkly moment in your life - a time where you get to escape it all and put on something fantastic, something that makes you feel amazing! 💕

Join me in the revolution of pink tutus. 💖 It's going to be a bright, sparkly ride. Let’s spread the magic together! 💕

Lots of Love and Sequins,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

P.S.: Don't forget to keep those pink tutu stories coming! 💖 You can post on my website: www.pink-tutu.com. I would love to read your tutu stories and adventures! ✨

#TutuQueen on 2001-04-22 stars in Chichester