Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-05-22 stars in Bishop Auckland

Bishop Auckland: A Tutu-licious Trip to the North! 🩰💖

Hey sweeties! It’s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you another glamorous update from the world of pink tutus! This is post number 508, and I can't believe it's been over a year since I started this journey, sharing my love for all things sparkly and twirly. Today's adventure takes us to the historic town of Bishop Auckland, in the heart of County Durham! 💖

This past weekend, I decided to embrace my inner train enthusiast and set off for a journey north. You see, I simply can’t resist a good ol’ fashioned train ride. There’s just something about watching the scenery whizz by, the rhythmic clatter of the wheels, and the feeling of utter contentment that washes over you. I may be a queen, but even royalty deserves a comfortable journey, and let me tell you, the views from the carriage window were truly spectacular!

I couldn't resist channeling my inner ballerina in the station's grand, marble hall, giving a spontaneous little twirl or two. Luckily, there were a few folks about who were happy to join in, a group of lads even dared to attempt the "Swan Lake" pose (well, kind of! 😉). You know I always encourage everyone to try a little twirl, no matter how clumsy or awkward they feel! 💖

Anyway, Bishop Auckland was everything I’d hoped for, a town rich in history, stunning architecture, and a wonderfully warm, welcoming community. My drag queen heart couldn’t have asked for more, darling! ✨

The main attraction was, of course, the Bishop Auckland Castle, with its regal grandeur and breathtaking gardens. I may have worn a bright pink tutu (naturally), but I fit right in, embracing the history and appreciating the beauty. Honestly, it felt like stepping right into a fairytale! 🏰

But hold on, because there was even more excitement in store! Bishop Auckland, it turns out, is absolutely brimming with cultural delights! Imagine my surprise when I discovered the local community theatre group, The Bishop Auckland Players! My excitement, well, let's just say I was bouncing like a bouncy ball! I was so delighted that I managed to squeeze in a quick rehearsal for their upcoming production. You guessed it - they’re doing a ballet, darlings! So, of course, I felt a responsibility to grace the stage, and what do you know? Turns out my expert tips on perfecting the “arabesque” were much appreciated, much appreciated! I'll be honest, it was quite difficult explaining ballet techniques while simultaneously trying to shimmy around in my oversized tutu and dazzling sequins, but who says being a drag queen is ever easy? 😜

My visit culminated with a most splendid picnic by the River Wear, enjoying the gorgeous scenery with fellow drag enthusiasts who'd come along for the ride! Honestly, these beautiful ladies were just amazing; we swapped tips, giggled about embarrassing drag disasters, and yes, of course, we did a bit of impromptu tutu-inspired choreography on the river bank!

Let's be real, my day wouldn't have been complete without some serious shopping, especially for my precious tutu collection. Bishop Auckland, bless its cotton socks, has an absolute treasure trove of boutiques, charity shops, and vintage stores that even the most seasoned fashionista could get lost in for hours.

Speaking of my tutu collection, darling, I'm thrilled to announce I'm embarking on a quest, a crusade for tutus, if you will. My ambition? To see the whole world sporting a pink tutu, to encourage everyone to embrace their inner sparkle and dance like nobody’s watching! You could say it's my "Pink Tutu Revolution"! 💕

So, my lovelies, keep an eye on www.pink-tutu.com for all the latest adventures of your favourite tutu-loving queen! I'm going to try and pop a tutu on absolutely everyone I meet!

Next stop: The Isle of Wight! 🌴 I hear they have an absolutely divine seaside promenade for showcasing a flamboyant outfit or two, and what’s better than the sea breeze and a flamboyant tutu?! Honestly, it’s the perfect combination!

Until next time, remember to twirl with your heart, spread joy wherever you go, and never be afraid to show the world your inner sparkle! 💕✨


Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖

P.S. Did I mention I found a stunning vintage pink tutu at a market in Bishop Auckland?! I may have been a bit too excited and danced right through the middle of a pottery stall... I blame it on the "Pink Tutu Sparkle" mojo! 😜

#TutuQueen on 2001-05-22 stars in Bishop Auckland