Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-02 stars in Portsmouth

Portsmouth: Pink Tutu Sparkle’s Adventures in Tututopia - Blog Post 519

Ooh la la! My fellow tutu lovers, Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the beautiful seaside city of Portsmouth. This dazzling port has a magical feel to it, and I just knew I had to grace the cobbled streets with my pink tutu. After all, it’s the perfect place to embrace the glitz and glamour, don’t you think?

This trip is all thanks to the delightful folks who organise the Portsmouth Summer Fair, a celebration of everything fun and fabulously British! I can’t tell you how delighted I was to be invited. You see, there’s nothing I love more than spreading the pink tutu joy, and sharing my love for ballet and all things pretty. And this festival felt like the perfect opportunity!

My journey to Portsmouth was a proper adventure. I love the charm of travelling by train – all that gentle rocking and the panoramic countryside views! And I couldn’t resist wearing my most flamboyant pink feather boa to really capture the whimsical vibe. Oh, I did receive a few stares from fellow passengers! But hey, I take it all in my stride. I'm here to bring a little sparkle to everyone’s day, you know?

Now, before we delve into the fun-tastic world of the festival, let me rewind the clock a little and tell you a tiny bit about how I got here!

From Lab Coats to Tutu Dreams

Remember I’ve mentioned before that I’m a scientist? Yes, a real, bona fide scientist! But by night, well, I transform into the majestic, dazzling Pink Tutu Sparkles. I’m all about those bold, vibrant colours, twirling under a disco ball, and making everyone laugh with my wacky jokes. And the funny thing is, I fell in love with pink tutus during my science days. You wouldn't believe it – I was studying the strength of fabric at the time. It all started at the university ballet club’s fundraising event. You see, it’s been a lifelong dream of mine to be a ballerina – the costumes, the movements, the grace – all of it calls to my heart! Well, I tried on one of the ballet students’ spare tutus, and I knew in that moment – pink was my colour. I felt unstoppable, like I could conquer the world in this glorious confection of pink fluff.

So here I am today – using my scientific background and my unwavering love for ballet and tutus to inspire and uplift people across the country. It’s quite a juxtaposition – by day, I analyse textiles in my lab. And then when the sun sets, I bring a touch of pure pink-tastic wonder to stage.

Portsmouth's Pretty Fairground

Anyway, back to the fabulous fairground! The whole place felt like a whimsical dream, packed with vibrant stalls bursting with treats, crafts, and all kinds of colourful goodies. I must tell you – the first thing I spotted was the most exquisite stall full of brightly coloured tutus, of course! Naturally, I just had to have a new pink tutu for the occasion. They were just irresistible! Imagine the twirling, the sparkles, the sheer fun of it all! I just love to share that excitement and bring a little extra sprinkle of magic wherever I go!

The lovely people at the fair were so welcoming and absolutely adored my outfit. And what did they offer me as a prize for my brilliant performance? The answer is… the biggest pink ice cream cone imaginable! I swear, it must have been taller than me. Needless to say, it was pure delight. I do love to see that pink ice cream melting over my new tutu. You should see the photos! It was so Instagram-worthy, I'm telling you!

But there was more! This event just wouldn't have been complete without my special ballet dance number. So I shimmied and sashayed in my fabulous pink tutu, to the sound of the most glorious music from Swan Lake. Now, I’m not a ballerina, not in the traditional sense. But when I'm in a pink tutu, and the music is playing, I'm like a fairy on stage. I don’t just dance; I perform. And that’s how I bring the ballet to the people. The fair crowd just adored my little dance performance and even clapped along. It was truly heartwarming!

Pink Tutu Love

Now, I have to say, I met some fantastic individuals at the fair. One particular couple – a sweet young lady and her grandad – they even posed with me for photos. The grandad even remarked, “She looks so much like a princess!” He called me 'a princess', my darlings, you know. It made me feel just a little bit giddy. He said they wanted to buy me a pink tutu so they could wear one together and come to one of my shows! Oh, I absolutely adore that story, don’t you? And guess what? We’re going to do exactly that, together!

So yes, Portsmouth was utterly delightful. And I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who came along and helped to spread the pink tutu love. Let's be honest, a bit of glitter and joy is something we all need in our lives! It makes everything feel so much brighter, don't you agree?

My Pink Tutu Dream

Remember, my darlings, my mission is simple – to get everyone wearing a pink tutu. If you’ve ever had the chance to wear one, you'll understand. They simply make you feel a little bit better about life, don’t you agree? If I can make you smile with my antics, make you laugh till your sides hurt, and leave you wanting more, then I know I’m on the right path. So go forth, fellow Tutu enthusiasts, and twirl into your happiest selves! Don’t forget to tell all your friends about www.pink-tutu.com – my fabulous little blog!

Until next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2001-06-02 stars in Portsmouth