Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-01 stars in Birmingham

Birmingham Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles is On the Case! 🩰💖✨

Hello lovelies! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with you all with another post. Welcome to Blog Post Number 518! (It feels surreal to be so high up already. I love writing these blog posts every day!)

Today, we're heading to the glorious city of Birmingham, darling! Birmingham is, without a doubt, one of my favourite places in the UK. It's so full of life, bustling, and, importantly, boasts a fabulous dance scene. Not only can you find excellent ballet performances at the Hippodrome, but they've also got this fabulous ballet street performance troupe I saw on a trip back in '97 (remember that iconic "Dancing in the Streets" moment? I wore my pink glitter top to watch, the most wonderful pink number). I've had my eye on their latest performance for a while now. It's titled, “Tutu Time for All!” - how fitting, isn’t it?

Now, darling, you know I don’t just arrive anywhere, anywhere. I wouldn’t dare. A good drag queen takes their travelling seriously. Of course, my lovely train journeys to the big city are crucial for getting myself all "prepared and ready." On my journey, I will have my pink, feathered, diamante headpiece perched proudly on my crown of glory (my hair, darlings!) I must remember to take my good luck feather boa too (I just love that green one).

And of course, my travels would be nothing without my beloved tutu. Why travel in just one when you can have so much fun changing throughout the day? Let me tell you - travelling by train with a rack of five stunning tutus is no mean feat, especially when they are the ones adorned with the glitziest, sparkly materials in the world. One thing is for certain - my wardrobe will definitely make a statement as I change between each platform. The conductor, bless his cotton socks, always tells me to “keep it sparkly!”

Don't be surprised if you see me making new friends on my journey too! It's not every day you see a dazzling pink queen on a train to Birmingham. People often say they love my bright smile, infectious laughter, and bubbly personality. It just makes people happy, don’t you think? Sometimes it takes a bit of bright pink glitter in someone’s life to cheer them up, I do have that effect, don’t I? 💖✨

And, oh my! Talking of smiling - this journey will also allow me to test out the newest set of pearly white false teeth I've got. My lovely friend in the village, Lily, is a wonderful wig maker and, every now and then, will send me a package full of "essentials" for my shows. I always look forward to her pink packaging - it matches my tutu perfectly, don't you think?

Ah, I love all this glamour and sparkle. However, as a good little scientist at the fabric-testing company I work for during the day (it’s fun to see just how stretchy the tutu material I buy is, haha! You can never be too careful!) I also think it’s important to take note of the beauty around us. So, before I even reach Birmingham, I am planning on whipping out my travel notebook, the pink and purple one (you’ve seen this one, lovelies, on the previous blog post!), and scribbling down my adventures in all my bubbly fun.

It’s just what Pink Tutu Sparkles needs to do - a good old-fashioned reflection to prepare for what the fabulous city has in store. Perhaps I will even pen a little pink poem to celebrate my upcoming performance! A good, pink, rhyming ode. Hmm, something about dancing shoes, a glittering stage, a spotlight bright as a new moon, and maybe a little bit of “oh-la-la” for good measure, don’t you think?

What I can promise you, lovelies, is that by the end of this week, you’ll all be thinking about just one thing – wearing a pink tutu! Just like me. There is no doubt in my mind - I will spark a tutu-wearing revolution all over Birmingham this week! My “pink power” is just so strong!

Stay tuned, loves. You're in for a treat.

Remember to follow Pink Tutu Sparkles at www.pink-tutu.com and keep those fabulous tutus close! 💖✨🩰

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-01 stars in Birmingham