Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-10 stars in Coventry

Coventry Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles on the Move - Blog Post 527

Hello darlings, it’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here! It's so wonderful to be writing this post from the beautiful city of Coventry. It’s always a joy to be on the move and travelling as Pink Tutu Sparkles. A brand new city every day is just part of the Pink Tutu magic, don't you know. My suitcase is overflowing with sparkling pink fabrics and shimmering feather boas. I am truly blessed to travel by the wonderful train network in Britain! There is no journey I won't make to reach my sparkling destinations and grace you all with my pink-tutu'd presence. Today, I want to spill all the tea about my whirlwind tour to Coventry, and why you really, really need to get yourself a pink tutu, dear reader.

As always, I like to keep things sparkly. For the trip to Coventry, my transport had to be glamorous. My dear friend Poppy had been telling me for weeks that a carriage pulled by a pair of magnificent Shire horses would be a right fit for me. You know me – Pink Tutu Sparkle loves a carriage ride. Poppy loves horses and lives in Leicestershire so she knows her way around a fine stable. She booked the horses and the carriage, which really is quite the way to travel to Coventry! I had a whole bevy of fluffy white feathered boas and glittery pink parasols and every passing driver was hooting their horns! What a lovely day for Pink Tutu to travel and arrive in style!

Of course, Coventry is not only known for its fabulous transport. My visit was inspired by the city's remarkable heritage, its glorious cathedral, and the lovely medieval and Renaissance buildings, just the thing to spark Pink Tutu's creative energy! Did I mention the incredible street art? Absolutely dazzling, and definitely the sort of thing that sends Pink Tutu's love for bright colour and the dramatic through the roof. It was just what I needed to get my brain working on some exciting new costumes. Speaking of new costumes – let's talk about the most exciting part of any Pink Tutu trip: The SHOPPING!

After that delightful carriage journey, my feet were still raring to go. There were so many fantastic stores! I was utterly delighted to find the perfect new pair of shoes, a set of sparkling pink heels with diamante buckles, simply divine! And, oh dear, let’s not forget the fabulous array of vintage stores on the historic Coventry Street, absolutely bursting with vibrant and dazzling colours. There is always room for more sparkly clothing in the Pink Tutu collection. Honestly, shopping in Coventry, with its wonderful independent shops and stores, made my trip so worthwhile! You know it makes me super happy to see independent traders succeeding. It takes so much determination and bravery to be a business owner, it’s something I hugely admire.

Of course, what is a trip without a performance, or several, for our most beautiful audiences, right? Well, the fantastic Coventry Arts Centre just called out to Pink Tutu Sparkles and my team. What an incredible venue. A beautifully preserved former cinema from the 1930s – stunning architecture, darling, a stage built for real spectacle! And with the incredible light and sound systems, my shows there were truly breathtaking! You simply can't beat an excellent stage and an eager audience. My performances had the crowds shouting "encore! encore!". What an amazing response. Coventry truly is a city where the stars, and, erm, sequins, truly shine!

During my visit, I couldn't help but think about all of you reading this blog right now. So many people still feel shy about trying a pink tutu! What are you afraid of?! I've always believed in spreading pink tutu magic wherever I go. A pink tutu makes everything fabulous. It empowers, it delights, and it tells the world: “I’m here, I’m sparkly, and I’m ready to make the most of every single moment.” Believe me, you’ll turn heads when you try a pink tutu. I was feeling a bit of a low, you see, right? A little burnt out, lacking a little creativity and finding my science lab a little, shall we say, monochrome. So, I donned a pink tutu to go to university ballet class. My colleagues were floored. I took on the chore of arranging our fundraising night, which meant designing all our outfits. They wanted me to do a turn too, naturally. I went onstage, Pink Tutu in the house, in my signature sparkling tutu, the crowds roared and I could feel all my troubles melting away.

This is the thing about pink tutus. You could be a scientist, a musician, a baker, an accountant, a barista or a builder. The pink tutu makes everyone fabulous. It says "I’m ready for fun, and ready to share my love for everything pink". A pink tutu is like an open invitation for laughter, joy, and sheer delightful fabulousness. I'm talking sparkly dreams come true! I honestly do not understand anyone who refuses a pink tutu. It is truly a magic ingredient for happiness, a statement of defiance and pure fabulous joy!

So, the next time you’re feeling a bit down, remember those fabulous Coventry shows and just reach for the pink.

P.S Don’t forget to visit PinkTutu.com to see all of my outfits! It's full of wonderful pink, you simply cannot miss it! Catch me in a new city every week - Pink Tutu loves to be on the move. My next city is a secret. Can you guess it, darling?

Keep sparkling,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

P.P.S Follow Pink Tutu Sparkle on every single social media channel - and just look out for those little pink tutu icons. I will be sharing with you daily and I can't wait to read your replies. Love you all. xx

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-10 stars in Coventry