Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-14 stars in Plymouth

Plymouth Calling! A Pink Tutu Odyssey - Post #531

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing diva, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from sunny (well, kinda cloudy, but hey!) Plymouth! My darlings, prepare to be swept off your feet because today, we're on a grand adventure, one that involves trains, tutus, and the magical aura of Plymouth!

Now, you may be thinking, "Plymouth? Really, Pink Tutu? A bit provincial for you, don't you think?" And you know what, you might be right! I love a bustling metropolis as much as the next drag queen, but sometimes, there's a real charm to smaller towns and cities. Plymouth, with its rich maritime history and that lovely Plymouth Hoe overlooking the ocean, is the perfect place for some good ol' fashioned adventure!

The Train Journey: A Feast for the Senses

Let's rewind a bit, shall we? I took the train from London to Plymouth, a lovely journey, I must say! Now, you all know I have a special place in my heart for travel by rail. It's something so… romantic. It's a chance to look out the window, see the world unfold before you, and maybe, just maybe, find a fellow tutu enthusiast aboard! Yes, darling, there are others like me out there! I spotted a little girl wearing a pink tutu as we pulled out of Euston, and my heart just about burst! Imagine, the world being filled with twirling tutus! I felt such a surge of happiness I had to compose a little rhyme!

"A train to Plymouth, a journey bright, With twirling tutus, my heart takes flight! Pink tulle a-flutter, in sunshine and rain, The world's a stage, with every window pane."

Plymouth: A Place to Discover

When I finally arrived, it was time for some sightseeing! Firstly, we gotta visit Plymouth Hoe! Imagine it! Rolling hills, sea breeze, and the view of the magnificent Smeaton's Tower… my heart skipped a beat! And you know, that breeze was just perfect for my pink tulle, swirling and fluttering, making a statement even amongst the seagulls. They practically bowed before my brilliance!

Speaking of brilliance, Plymouth has some lovely art galleries. A vibrant cultural scene awaits! And who can resist a little fashion fix? Shopping was delightful, and while I was at it, I picked up the most divine coral coloured top – absolutely perfect for the evening show I was performing at.

Now, let me tell you, it was the crème de la crème of the performance. The venue, a lovely local theatre, was packed to the rafters. I saw tutus amongst the crowd! My pink tulle twirled under the spotlight, and the energy was electric! Oh, to share the magic of the stage with these wonderful people!

A Pink Tutu Passion

And there you have it! Plymouth – an amazing adventure! Every moment felt special, and it just cemented my belief that there’s nowhere I'd rather be than spreading a little pink tutu love and joy wherever I go. I might even encourage you all to visit Plymouth sometime and experience its charm for yourselves!

But hey, who knows where this pink tutu will take me next?

Till next time, keep twirling!


Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2001-06-14 stars in Plymouth