Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-13 stars in Derby

Derby Delights: A Tutu-tastic Trip!

Pink-Tutu.com Blog Post No. 530

Hello, my darling darlings! It's your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with another sparkly, fabulous update on my whirlwind life. Today, we're whisking ourselves to the beautiful county of Derbyshire - my home county! It's where my journey began, and my heart still dances a little faster when I'm surrounded by the rolling green hills and cobblestone streets.

This week, I found myself in the vibrant city of Derby, feeling a right royal flutter in my tulle. It's no surprise, because I absolutely love performing here - the audience is just so enthusiastic and ready to embrace a bit of sparkle and fabulousness.

Let me tell you, getting to Derby was an absolute treat! As you all know, I'm a sucker for a good old-fashioned train journey. I adore that nostalgic clatter-clacking of the tracks, the feeling of wind in my hair (even with the wig firmly secured, of course), and the endless rows of picturesque countryside scenery. I took a moment to breathe in the fresh air, and, just like that, I knew I was in for a magical time.

Speaking of magic, did you know that the town of Derby holds a special place in ballet history? The original home of the Royal Ballet is, yes you guessed it, Derby! It was all the way back in 1931 that Dame Ninette de Valois founded the Vic-Wells Ballet School. So, naturally, a visit to the Derby Theatre is an absolute must for any Tutu Queen. I was so excited to take in a production of "Swan Lake", and let me tell you, the performance was absolutely exquisite! The ballerinas danced like ethereal swans, their movements flowing so effortlessly that I felt like I was in a dream. You can bet I was inspired to spin a few pirouettes of my own when I got back to my hotel.

Before the show, I couldn't resist a spot of shopping at one of the charming boutiques on Sadler Gate. Oh my goodness, you'd be amazed at the finds I uncovered. From dazzling brooches to sparkly headbands, I was absolutely in my element. I even stumbled upon a fantastic hat shop that reminded me of a Victorian Wonderland. A few twirls in front of the mirror, and I knew I had to add this piece of sartorial delight to my wardrobe. (Let's just say the hat isn't pink, but you've got to embrace some unexpected colours in the world of fashion, right?)

The evening, however, was all about the show, of course. I arrived in a flash of pink tulle and shimmering sequins, prepared to turn heads in Derby. As I stood backstage, ready for my grand entrance, I felt a rush of energy coursing through me. Then, the spotlight hit and I was off! The audience went wild! They were chanting my name, waving their arms in the air, and even some were even rocking pink tutus of their own! They just love a bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic!

You see, spreading the pink tutu gospel is something that brings me a great deal of joy. It's about celebrating life, being yourself, and showing the world just how beautiful and fabulous we all can be, inside and out. In Derbyshire, my message definitely resonated.

One particularly delightful member of the audience even told me how my pink tutu-wearing journey had inspired her to finally go for it, and to take on the world! She’s even started her own dance class for people of all shapes and sizes, and calls it, “Dancing in My Tutu.” I mean, how lovely is that?

After the performance, it was off to the "Little Pink" Cafe for a delicious dinner and a good old gossip. They really outdid themselves with the pinkest pink milkshakes I'd ever seen. Of course, they were all gone before I could say, "Fabulous!".

But this adventure wasn't just about sparkly shows and fancy teacakes. No, dear darlings, I made sure to incorporate a bit of history and nature into my Derby experience. I took a relaxing walk along the River Derwent, soaking in the beauty of the countryside.

Speaking of relaxation, there’s something so tranquil about riding a horse. I managed to snag a ride with the Derbyshire Riding School on my last day. We galloped through the fields, the wind whistling through our hair. I felt incredibly free. Just like when I wear a tutu, of course!

So, what's the takeaway from this amazing Derbyshire trip? Well, simply put, it's about embracing every opportunity for joy, laughter, and, of course, pink tutus! Life is far too short to be anything but fabulously you, my darling. I urge you, go out there and wear your heart on your sleeve (and a tutu, of course!), and show the world how dazzling you can be.

I can't wait to tell you all about my next fabulous escapade, but until then, stay fabulous and stay pink, my darling dears. Remember, we are all Tutu Queens, in our own sparkly, pink-tinted way!

Much love and glitter,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. If you want to spread the tutu love, don’t forget to leave a comment below! I want to know all about your most amazing tutu moments. Did you finally take the plunge and rock one to a fancy event? Did your child steal the show at their ballet recital? Share your pink tutu stories with me!

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-13 stars in Derby