Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-16 stars in Wolverhampton

Wolverhampton Calling! 🩰 Pink Tutu Sparkles in the Midlands! ✨ (Post #533)

Hello, darlings! It’s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, ready to sparkle brighter than ever! Wolverhampton, here I come! This vibrant city with its history, music, and… gasp… a plethora of shops just screams “Pink Tutu Sparkles”! 🤩 I can almost hear the whispers now: "Ooh, there's a new fashionista in town!" and "Did you see her pink tutu? It's dazzling!"

You know how much I adore my pink tutus – they're like my little magical comfort blankets that turn every day into a sparkly adventure! But travelling with my massive, flamboyant, glittery creations can be tricky. Packing everything for a drag queen's show is no mean feat, my dears! So I'm starting off this magical journey in style, naturally! I opted for a first-class ticket on the train, travelling from Derbyshire – where the Derbyshire Dales make the hills of Tuscany look like ant hills – to Wolverhampton!

Speaking of trains, I find the train journey to be a wonderful, immersive experience! There's a sense of calmness, of watching the world roll by, like the turning of a storybook's pages. Of course, my travelling ensemble is always pink, even down to my pink polka dot suitcases. The passengers usually start giggling and pointing – that's me! Spreading the joy of pink, one tutu at a time! 😜

I decided to give a bit of a nod to the Wolverhampton Wolves, who are doing fabulously in their season! What a way to show a bit of city spirit! My chosen tutu, my “Wolverhampton Wolf Queen”, has shimmering silver sequin wolves on the skirt! As I got off the train, there I was – a true Wolves supporter, wearing a glamorous outfit made of sparkles and tutus. Who needs a scarf and hat when you have Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Before getting to my performance space – which I won’t divulge quite yet! – it was essential to get a few new additions to my costume stash! This town has more charming, delightful shops than you could imagine! And trust me, my dears, the hunt for the perfect sparkly fabric to create my next fabulous tutu is just as exhilarating as a royal waltz. We stopped in an independent craft shop, tucked away in a cobblestone alley, that sold everything from velvet scraps to shimmering rhinestones! You'd think we were in a vintage wonderland, my dears! And naturally, every shade of pink imaginable was displayed. What could a pink tutu queen do, except take home a mountain of pink fabric, for what else is life without a dash of whimsy!

And guess what? It’s time for dinner! This trip wouldn't be complete without an elegant culinary experience! Wolverhampton is surprisingly well-stocked in fine dining! The aroma of spices and fragrant aromas were as captivating as the ballet studio! I think a luxurious dining experience can transport us, can’t you? But where does one find food and dancing, oh dear? One word, darling - 'theatre'! 🎭

Wolverhampton has so many incredible historical venues, full of charm, like old school buildings converted into dazzling dinner theaters. This one, all pink lights, glittering with a magical touch, with a fantastic vintage ballroom as part of its theater stage… how divine is that?! And as the performance commenced, I was transported into another world of grace and beauty. My spirits were so lifted by this dance - a graceful, almost balletic performance, complete with breathtaking music! It was like watching a symphony of elegant motion, all swirling together into a mesmerizing crescendo!

I truly believe that dance can touch the very core of your being. It’s not just a mere movement, it’s a language spoken with your very soul! Each move, every pirouette and leap tells a story - of emotions, hopes, and dreams!

Back in the real world, it's time for me to prepare! Tonight’s my show, and darling, let me tell you – I'm bursting with ideas! Tonight's performance has a whole lot of “Pink Power”! You'll be seeing a brand new costume - one that has me as giddy as a schoolgirl! It's been carefully curated to complement this magical setting. You'll have to wait and see… 😉

But my outfit wasn't the only thing keeping me up! My dear, it’s like my energy is at an all-time high. My excitement is as infectious as my laugh! But it wouldn't be me if I didn't channel it all into spreading a bit of magic and good cheer! I truly believe that dressing up is an art form, a form of expression! Just like the graceful dancers I witnessed earlier. A tutu? Well, a pink tutu can unleash a whole world of beauty and self-expression! And this pink tutu queen is all about embracing our own inner joy!

This has been a wonderful whirlwind of an afternoon, my dears. Tomorrow I will tell you all about the spectacular performance I did – where you won’t believe how many tutus I gave to the audience – I gave out so many I barely have any left for my show on Monday in the Cotswolds! I can’t wait to see if the locals want to go to the shop for their new favorite tutus! You won’t believe the adventures that a Pink Tutu Queen like me gets up to, it's all in the magic of the pink tutu! Until then, embrace the sparkle within and never forget… Pink is power, darling!

Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing off! 💖 ✨

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-16 stars in Wolverhampton