Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-17 stars in Northampton

Northampton Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles is Ready to Sparkle!

Post #534

Oh my darlings! How's your week going? As usual, mine's been an absolute whirlwind, and that's before I even leave Derbyshire to get to my latest glittering performance destination. This week, it's the delightful Northampton! Isn't it just a fantastically quaint name? Sounds like a town straight out of a Dickens novel, full of charming cobblestone streets and old-fashioned teashops. And you just know it'll have a magnificent theatre tucked away in the heart of it all. This pink tutu's already dreaming of waltzing on that stage!

You know how much I adore train journeys - I truly believe there's something incredibly glamorous about speeding across the countryside in a carriage filled with stories, laughter, and a bit of delicious gossip. Plus, train stations are like little fashion shows waiting to happen! Think about it, everyone is dressed up for somewhere exciting: a business meeting, a weekend trip, a holiday, a theatre performance, even just a shopping trip! I love observing the world from my train window, watching it whizz by and wondering about the little dramas playing out on those platforms.

And you simply can't leave Derbyshire without a little farewell kiss. I always say goodbye to the Peak District from the top of our beautiful village hill - there's a tiny little wooden fence with the most incredible views over the hills. It’s my little spot for thinking big and taking it all in! I do wish you could all be here with me right now, because the light on those green fields, it just sets my imagination on fire! It's always been my way - inspiration hits in the most unexpected places.

Right now, for instance, my inspiration is buzzing in the back of my mind as I pack. I mean, let's talk packing! It's a true art form for a tutu-wearing performer. My wardrobe takes on a life of its own when it's travel-time - think sparkly sequined fabric, fluffy tulle layers, shoes and feather boas that make a whole extra suitcase's worth of luggage, plus a small army of hairspray cans and an endless amount of lipstick (pink, naturally)! And all of this has to fit perfectly in a stylish luggage bag that wouldn't look out of place in a vintage Vogue magazine spread!

Now, when you think of Pink Tutu Sparkles, I'm sure the first image that pops into your mind is...a tutu, right? And it just wouldn't be a true Pink Tutu Sparkles trip without a special new tutu for Northampton. Imagine it, a masterpiece of pink with swirls of glitter and a touch of feathers that whispers secrets of forgotten elegance! It's not a secret that I get pretty much all my pink tutu dreams custom made, and my dear, talented friend and tailor, Bobbie, makes all my stage-ready fabulousness! She really knows how to translate my dreams into a physical creation and even adds a little bit of her magic to each one!

Now, speaking of magic, you've heard me mention my beloved science career a million times. I really do adore working in the lab - mixing chemicals is so much fun, you just never know what you'll create. And besides, my job lets me study textiles, all day long! You see, I have to be an expert on fabric - all those gorgeous tulles, silks, satins and sequins need to be treated just so, if they’re going to perform at their best, you know! And who better than a true scientist to have at the ready to deal with a rip in the tutu during the most spectacularly sparkly performance of the night?

And that, darling, brings us back to the heart of all this excitement - the Northampton theatre show! I can't even describe how thrilled I am to be performing for you wonderful people. I've got a new number all choreographed - inspired by those fantastically flamboyant feather boas, don't you just love a boa? They really are such theatrical fashion statements. I just have a feeling you lot will simply adore the dance routines, they are very pink, very glittery and very full of life, if I do say so myself!

I know this blog post feels pretty much bursting at the seams with excitement. It's true! Northampton is ready for a big, glittery dose of Pink Tutu Sparkles and so is my heart! I hope you're all getting ready for an unforgettable evening. If you’re in Northampton this week, come join me! We’re gonna have a whale of a time - just don’t forget to wear a little pink. You know what I mean, darling? It just wouldn't be the same without it!

Your Sparkling and Pinkfully Delighted, Pink Tutu Sparkles.

P.S Don't forget to follow Pink Tutu Sparkles at www.pink-tutu.com!

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-17 stars in Northampton