
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-20 stars in Solihull

Solihull Sparkle: Pink Tutu Travels (Blog Post #537)

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to whisk you away to the fabulous world of tutus, glitter, and all things pink! Today, my lovelies, we're heading to the charming town of Solihull. As a proper Derbyshire lass, my inner diva yearns for a bit of sophistication, and Solihull, with its grand houses and charming boutiques, definitely fits the bill!

Now, you might be wondering how a girl with a penchant for pink tutus gets around, especially when my main mode of transport is a horse, if you can believe it! Yes, my dear readers, Pink Tutu Sparkles is quite the equestrian. It all started when I was in my first year of university, studying for my science degree. My evenings were spent in the ballet club, spinning around in a borrowed tutu for charity. (It's the closest I've been to scientific experimentation, haha!) This particular pink tutu, I'll never forget it, had sequins the size of my palm, it truly sparkled! The joy it brought me, that feeling of pure exhilaration as I danced under the studio lights, that's the feeling I strive to share with everyone. It all began with that pink tutu.

Fast forward a few years, and I've found a unique way to support my fabulous tutu-filled adventures: I'm a drag artist! Now, don't get me wrong, by day, I'm Alex, your average, well, not quite average, science whizz testing fabrics in a lab. But by night, the lights, the stage, and a bevy of beautiful, sequined pink tutus awaits.

So how did I arrive in Solihull? A majestic steed, of course! You'll never guess where I found it... well, let's just say, sometimes you need to tap into your inner Pink Tutu Sparkles and go with your gut. Think "Pink Tutu Sparkles on a horse," it's just picture perfect. You can picture it, can't you?

Solihull, you sassy little town!

Let's get down to the nitty gritty. What's Solihull got to offer a drag queen with a heart of pink? The answer, my dears, is plenty! It has everything you need for a proper afternoon of delightful indulgence:

Tea and Twirls:

No trip to Solihull would be complete without a delicious spot of afternoon tea. We popped into this adorable tearoom, tucked away on a quiet street. (Don't worry, darlings, it's not a secret anymore, I'll share it all with you in the next post.) We had the most amazing tea, delicate sandwiches, and melt-in-your-mouth scones with clotted cream and homemade jam. All served on fine china and with impeccable service. Oh, and did I mention the teacups had pink roses on them? My day was already off to a magical start.

Retail Therapy with a Pink Twist:

We then strutted our way through Solihull's main shopping area. Oh darling, there were boutiques everywhere, boasting the latest trends! (Now I might not wear many outfits apart from my signature tutus, but that doesn't stop me from drooling over every fashion masterpiece.) It felt so glamorous. I felt like I could have shopped for hours. Thankfully, I remembered my mission, to inspire the world to embrace the pink tutu!

Ballet Belles:

Oh my goodness, you guys wouldn't believe what I stumbled upon! Solihull has a beautiful ballet school. And guess what? They were having a special demonstration class! You know I simply couldn't resist the urge to twirl right in, (in my glorious pink tutu, of course). It was the perfect excuse to unleash my inner ballerina. Even a pink tutu can't outshine the sheer joy of watching talented young dancers soar through the air, expressing their stories with every graceful movement.

Starlight Splendor:

The evening beckoned, and it was time to make our way to the fabulous town square where, much to my surprise, a free outdoor performance was scheduled. We settled in, sat on the stone benches surrounded by other locals and watched as the performance unfolded before our very eyes. The music played and the story unfolded beautifully. My heart ached to join them on stage, my fingers itching to grab my sparkly tutu, and show off my own dazzling moves.

So, darlings, Solihull, you truly charmed the tutu out of me. This town with its lovely charm and hidden treasures stole a little piece of my pink-loving heart. Remember, my aim is to get everyone in the world wearing a pink tutu. From Derbyshire to Solihull, every town is ripe for a little tutu-fied sparkle. So, dear readers, grab your tutus, let your inner Pink Tutu Sparkles shine, and get ready for some amazing adventures! See you next time!

Yours in glitter and sparkle,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-20 stars in Solihull