
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-23 stars in Croydon

Croydon Calling! Post #540

Hello my gorgeous darlings, and welcome to another post from yours truly, Pink Tutu Sparkles! Today's adventures take me to the vibrant town of Croydon! Itā€™s the place to be, darlings, and Iā€™m thrilled to be gracing the stage here tonight. Now, before we delve into all the fabulousness, I want to share a little about my journey here, which, of course, involved a spot of travel!

Letā€™s face it, any journey that doesn't involve a horse-drawn carriage or a train ride just isnā€™t as much fun. This time, I opted for a glorious, romantic train journey. Those rhythmic clickety-clacks of the wheels, the stunning scenery rushing past, the gentle swaying of the carriageā€¦ it's all just utterly captivating. Of course, I couldn't resist wearing my most exquisite pink ensemble for the journey. After all, it's all about the pink life! And my latest pink feather boa perfectly complimented my fabulous, full-length, shimmering, rose-gold tutu, and matching pointed pumps. A touch of lavender eyeshadow for a dash of extra magic. And I even managed to squeeze in a little practice in for my routine tonight while on board, I mean, who doesn't have time for a twirl in a carriage?

I arrived at Croydon a bit earlier than planned, which is always a bonus! Gave me time for a quick detour to one of the cutest little boutiques in town ā€“ ā€œThe Pink Petalā€ ā€“ and discovered a beautiful pink sequined purse! Perfect for the eveningā€™s show, right? You betcha. With a little more pink glitter on, I was off to the venue! And you guys, it was a dream come true - an intimate theatre, lit with a warm pink glow, so pretty! It's clear that Croydon embraces all forms of artistic expression and that, darling, is the real essence of style.

Before my show, I met the sweetest little girl called Lily, who'd been admiring my sparkly tiara all afternoon. "Are you a princess?" she whispered with wonder in her eyes. ā€œWhy, darling," I said with a playful wink, ā€œIā€™m not a princessā€¦Iā€™m Pink Tutu Sparkles!" Lilyā€™s eyes lit up, "You're sparkly!ā€ And I'm sure youā€™ll agree, that's the most amazing compliment one can receive. I had such a good time with her and her lovely parents ā€“ it warmed my heart! Itā€™s these magical interactions that remind me why I do what I do!

When it came time for the show, you guys, the atmosphere was simply electrifying! As I took to the stage, in all my pink glory, there was this gasp, this murmur of "ooh's" and "aah's," followed by roaring applause. They were captivated, and you could see them losing themselves in the world of tutus, glitter, and fabulous dance moves. I was channeling all my favorite ballerinas, those beautiful twirls, leaps, and grace ā€“ oh, I simply felt amazing! My new sparkly pink purse held all my little trinkets: extra sparkles, a compact, lip gloss, even my trusty feather duster. I was truly, a pink explosion of fun and glamour on stage. And the crowd, they just loved it! The applause, the whistles, and the cheersā€¦. all I could do was take a deep bow, thank them, and revel in that blissful, shared energy!

The show finished, I floated down from the stage, heart soaring. The excitement was almost unbearable. Everyone wanted to chat, tell me how much theyā€™d enjoyed the show. A few ladies even asked for a photograph, bless them! And as the evening wrapped up, I just had to get one more peek of the shimmering starlit sky above Croydon before heading back to my comfortable, cozy, bed.

You know, darling, my dream is to bring a bit of pink sparkle to every corner of the world! And the lovely folk of Croydon made it clear to me tonight, that a little pink and glitter goes a long way in spreading happiness, kindness, and joy. So letā€™s keep the pink sparkle shining brightly, my lovelies, and embrace the joy of life! And donā€™t forget ā€“ thereā€™s a pink tutu waiting for you, too! Until next timeā€¦ xoxo

#TutuQueen on 2001-06-23 stars in Croydon