Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-07-07 stars in Tottenham

Tottenham Sparkle!

Blog post 554

Oh darlings! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Sorry for the silence but my diary has been overflowing with bookings - goodness me, I even did a spot at a flower festival, so I was surrounded by a field of lovely pink roses, as you do! My pink tulle never looked so good, not even on a grand London stage, mind you.

But anyway, onto this weekend, where the call of the railways took me, oh yes, off to the amazing city of Tottenham in North London. Now, Tottenham has always been a special place for me – a few years ago I used to commute there quite a bit. You see, a big, and very pink, part of my heart belongs to dance and that fabulous British ballet group, The Royal Ballet. And wouldn’t you know it, they had a workshop up there in their studios! It just wasn’t a choice, darlings. I had to go, my love of dance would not be ignored, and off I went on my next grand adventure.

But this wasn’t just any old trip, I was blessed enough to be performing too! Oh, the glamour of the world stage - at a pub, but it’s a grand stage to a tutu-clad diva! They weren’t ready for the sparkle I brought! Imagine - my fabulous pink tutu, complete with diamante sequins shimmering under the stage lights and a dazzling new makeup palette of fuchsia and glitter that I bought at Harrods the day before, all just for you, my gorgeous blog followers!

I started my weekend, well, Friday evening, by arriving at the beautiful station in Tottenham. The trains were packed to the brim with theatre-goers - you see, the theatre in Tottenham was putting on an amazing production of ‘Sleeping Beauty’. Oh, how I love a classic, and in particular this one, but I digress, my darlings. Now, don’t tell anyone I’ve never been to the theatre here but this one just feels oh-so special. In fact, when I found myself in town, a very pink-dressed I, I had a wander around, soaking up all the vibrancy. It really was enchanting, not in the way a ‘Sleeping Beauty’ should be, of course, but the energy that came from that historical place - a whole history of plays, people and magic in its brick walls. It gave me ideas!

Now, after my Friday night journey and settling in with the loveliest, most accepting B&B lady in all of Tottenham, I woke up and, to start the day, decided to find a cute pink outfit - pink, it just had to be! So, after breakfast and a coffee (and I really must write that this coffee was amazing - so smooth and rich, you wouldn’t have believed it came from that small cafe!), I popped into the town and saw a little boutique. I literally stumbled across it on a back street (or passage as they call them here - it’s always a back passage giggles) - tucked away like a hidden treasure, oh my gosh, all my senses were awakened by all the colours and sparkles. Well, my pink tutus need the right partner in clothing, so I found a fabulous peachy blouse to compliment the ballet shoes I was going to wear later in the afternoon! And because I adore all things handmade (and I just can’t say no to a little indulgence in fabric!) I was gifted a cute pink beaded bracelet - an essential accessory for every tutu-loving, drag-loving lady!

The morning went so fast and by lunch time, after another coffee (what is it about Tottenham and amazing coffee?!) it was time to visit that grand, grand studio! I love it in London! Oh, I'm quite sure I'll be the most glam and flamboyant dancer the Royal Ballet studio has seen, or I hope I will. Maybe next year, my dears, you'll get to see me dancing on that famous stage, performing, as they say, 'on point'… ha, a little bit of a tutu-joke there, darlings.

Before you all think that’s the end of my tale, let’s go back a few years before I left the science lab behind, as a scientist is what I am! You know me, so my readers should not be surprised that I have a scientific bent. Why do you think all these amazing sparkles, the tutus, all the magic looks so fabulous and bright? Yes, all down to science, the science of fabrics, and what a wonderful and beautiful thing they are. For years I spent my days working with my colleagues to develop and test those new amazing fabrics and all for the cause of creating wonderful tutu magic. A job for life, don't you think? Well, not quite but, there I was for all that time in Derbyshire. It’s so funny, even now, I have to drive back for my science gig and the commute never fails to get me in the right mood for some fabulous tutu fun in the city. Maybe a detour to Tottenham to buy some sparkly new shoes, I think... and don't forget the ballet - I need to visit that theatre, that was on the way home… just maybe!

Anyway, darlings, let’s move onto my dance class. First things first, I needed my makeup, my beautiful palette! It had arrived earlier in the day and had to be put to good use! After all, I need a face of bright colours, blush and a sparkly eye to truly enjoy ballet - and a pink-perfect smile! As I arrived, the little ballerina shoes clicked on the polished wooden floor. Ballet shoes were an important purchase on this trip! But this is where it all happened for me, this is the thing I loved about my weekend! The teacher just loved how I took on the class. He really complimented my style, even though I told him that I don't normally get dressed for my usual local dance class. I did feel a little out of place in such a fancy setting in those lovely old studios, but he made me feel at home! I think it was the sparkly leggings that did it, even without the pink tulle... but a little bit of tutu magic will do a lot, my darlings.

Then, after all the stretching and pirouette practicing, came the fun! It was then, during the actual performance section, when all my skills and training came together, that this grand dance man said something very kind - something about being 'very flamboyant and with an innate confidence'! But really, darlings, it was the pink tutu magic that came from deep inside of me that helped me find the perfect grace as my tutu billowed out from underneath the dance dress that he complimented me on! The class felt so amazing, especially at the end when all the prima ballerina wannabees like myself finally took our bow! It made me feel so good - a truly lovely memory that I'll treasure forever!

Oh! But now my dears, my lovelies, before we go, the show - yes! You don't have a full ballet performance without the audience! After I made myself feel beautiful at my dance lesson (after the performance, darlings - remember all the beauty rituals after any performance!), it was onto a trip to Tottenham High Road! My pinkness must have been irresistible, the shops on that street really were so sparkly - even a street outside was enough to tempt me to buy! You just wouldn’t believe what my hands came out with from the local department stores - I couldn’t help it. There was something for the home and then some more sparkly little gifts for my pink-loving friends. The sales staff just couldn’t believe the effect I had. They even called the owner to say come and see this pink beauty, so they said!

Now, you can’t spend a day, let alone a weekend in Tottenham without doing some serious pub culture too! I did a bit of shopping and the performance on stage (at the pub - remember) all helped. Then came that delicious, proper pub grub experience at one of the famous pubs - what can I say, Tottenham knows how to put together a menu that gives your soul that happy feeling when all the local folk join in the banter with the bar staff. So, after dinner at my local (you really do get your very own ‘local’ when you come here!) it was time for the grand pub entertainment event that they did in that pub, right next to the station! Well, wouldn’t you know it - more people and the chance to meet more of the locals. And if it's a pub in Tottenham, the music has to be great. I loved it and it put me in the right mood for a singalong, not just at the pub that night but also at my own little ‘local’, where the whole town decided that the night needed one last sing-a-long together, all fueled on good food and drink - something that just gives Tottenham a certain warmth, don’t you think?

So now, you've been to my London and even enjoyed a little journey to a few special places in North London! I hope you all enjoyed my trip.

Just a little update: the flower festival - yes! My darling flower friends did think I was out of the ordinary with my tutu! They were so enthusiastic and even thought my tulle could add something to the display... they were saying ‘how’s this for pink’? The owner did want to buy a little bit of the tulle, they do look so perfect with pink roses - I really would have to think about doing something to help them. After all, you need my tutu magic!

But anyway, this weekend with Tottenham just felt special - and pink, very, very pink. There was an undeniable magnetic pull that brought me back to Tottenham again and again. Perhaps that’s the sign of a truly beautiful place. Or maybe, my darlings, it’s just my love of the Pink magic! I really do recommend it, don't you? Now, you all go out there and wear that pink tutu, go and see all the fun that awaits and get ready for another week, oh, I just know there will be more fun times to share - especially in Pink.


Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2001-07-07 stars in Tottenham