Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-07-08 stars in Cambridge

Cambridge Calling! 🎀🩰✨

Hiya darlings! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another blog post, number 555, believe it or not! 💅 You know how much I love a good train journey, especially when it’s taking me somewhere fabulous! So this weekend I was off to Cambridge, a truly charming town known for its beautiful architecture, winding streets, and of course, the esteemed university! 🎓

I must say, I do adore a city break, especially when there’s so much history to be had, and a grand ol’ university like Cambridge really makes the experience even more enchanting. 😉

You all know how much I adore my pink tutus, and believe it or not, there were plenty of places to flaunt them in this lovely city. Cambridge's got some gorgeous parks, cobbled streets and bustling markets. It was the perfect excuse for a twirl or two! ✨

I had the grand idea of showcasing the majesty of my newest tutu in the stunning gardens of Cambridge. I had on a fluffy cloud of a tutu, shimmering in pink hues, and my best friend Amelia took some truly fabulous photographs - you’ll see them in a flash! The pinkness of the tutu was beautifully reflected in the flowerbeds, making me look extra fabulous! You'll just have to take a look for yourselves, darlings! 😉

On Friday night, I ventured into town, feeling so grand in my new tutu, which shimmered with every twirl I took, to visit the Corn Exchange. This venue is famed for its theatrical performances, and I felt right at home! I’ve never had such fun meeting so many new faces and hearing all about Cambridge’s fabulous history - the history just makes the whole experience more magical!

Now, I’ll tell you a secret… whispers I absolutely adore ballet and all things graceful and twirly! You already know I love a pink tutu! Well, a quick peek at my diary and it was clear that a visit to a ballet class was in order. My friend Amelia told me about the most beautiful ballet studio in Cambridge, “Dance Alive.” And oh my darlings, what a lovely experience it was! Imagine twirling through an old building filled with stunning antique mirrors! That’s what Cambridge has - vintage charm everywhere you look. 🩰

There was this stunning room, lit by lovely sunshine through big windows, filled with those wonderful wooden bars used for ballet class, and surrounded by shelves laden with old photographs of gorgeous dancers - I’m telling you, I was captivated. 🥰

My ballet teacher, a sweet, kind, and graceful soul, was so patient and understanding, guiding me through all those fabulous movements!

For such an elegant city, I wasn't expecting the fabulous atmosphere in some of its pubs! We did the grand tour, having a little taste of this one and a little sip from another. They all had the most divine ales and ciders! Even the traditional Cambridge pubs were wonderfully friendly! Oh! It must be something to do with the history and charm of this amazing town - they just knew how to make the tourists, especially a drag queen, feel at home. 🤩

After such a busy day of exploring the pubs, the shops, and all the fantastic architecture, we settled into the most exquisite boutique hotel, and my! wasn’t it stunning. You’d love the sparkling decor with touches of pink everywhere… I swear I found myself taking photos with the most beautiful pink teapot! (I couldn’t leave without a selfie, of course.) We went for the most scrumptious dinner - they were making all sorts of fabulous food there and everything had the most delicate touches, a beautiful piece of garnishing here, a tiny bloom of a flower there. The waiters wore crisp uniforms with bright pink bow ties! How fancy, isn't it! I guess the waiters all thought it was appropriate since I arrived in my flamboyant pink tutu. 😁 They had a wonderful garden out the back, and you’ve guessed it - we had to pose for a photo with a stunning display of bright pink roses! I could stay there forever! 🌹

We topped the evening off with the grandest view of Cambridge, all lit up from the rooftop. This beautiful view just made my pink heart skip a beat! It was all very magical, my dears. 🥰

As I sit here, I’m back in my studio, catching my breath after such a whirlwind trip to Cambridge. Now I must prepare for tonight’s performance – after all, I do have a fabulous stage show to pull off, but oh, I’ve had such a lovely, girly, magical trip I almost forgot all about it! 🌸

As for Cambridge… I am definitely coming back. That’s one lovely city, darlings! I wouldn’t mind going there every single week! Now, I do believe there’s something lovely to write about the wonderful trip that we took in my brand-new pink tutu. What do you say? Do you think you’d love a little ballet or some time in Cambridge ? Or maybe just a pink tutu, eh? 😊

Until next time, my dears! And remember - always stay sparkly! ✨

#TutuQueen on 2001-07-08 stars in Cambridge