Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-07-23 stars in Worcester

Worcester, Oh Worcester, How I Love Thee! (Blog Post #570)

Hello, darlings! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-wearing travel queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, ready to sprinkle some glittery magic on your day!

Oh, Worcester, you beautiful, historic city! You welcomed me with open arms (and maybe a bit of drizzle - but even rain can't dampen my spirits!) for my latest show, and I have to say, you didn’t disappoint! I mean, let’s be honest, a place that houses such a stunning cathedral and has so much history oozing from its charming streets is always a winner in my book!

This was my fifth visit to Worcester, and I have to say, I'm falling more in love with it each time. It's the kind of place where you can stroll through the charming cobbled streets and soak in the atmosphere, popping into delightful cafes and boutique shops for a little bit of retail therapy, and then catch a beautiful ballet performance (because honestly, what else is there to do in life? - don't worry, my love of all things twirling is completely justifiable, trust me!).

Speaking of ballet, let me tell you about my performance at The Grand Theatre. It was such a magnificent venue, I felt like I was on the stage of a real Parisian theatre! I'd decided on a brand-new tutu for this special occasion – a blush-pink confection, with hand-sewn silk flowers and an incredible amount of netting, all finished with an ethereal touch of sparkling diamante. Let's just say, I left a trail of pink-tutu-inspired glitter and sunshine wherever I went.

After the show, I found myself surrounded by an adorable group of children. They were so sweet and enthusiastic - asking all sorts of questions about my makeup, my sparkly shoes, and of course, my dazzling tutu! One little girl even asked if she could try it on! Of course, I told her that any little girl can wear a tutu – tutus are for everyone, no matter their age! After all, my mission is to get everyone rocking a pink tutu – one twirling performance at a time!

But of course, I can’t travel to such enchanting destinations without experiencing all that they have to offer. So after a hearty brunch of homemade sausage rolls and a pot of delicious, strong Earl Grey tea at a quaint little café on Worcester High Street, I took myself on a leisurely stroll around the historic heart of the city.

Worcester Cathedral, a glorious architectural marvel that stood majestically against the bright blue sky, simply took my breath away! You see, darling, there’s just something about seeing these beautiful, ancient structures - they have such a weight of history and a palpable sense of wonder about them, and you can almost hear the whispers of all the people who have walked these very halls throughout the ages. It's a truly humbling experience!

Later that afternoon, I joined a fun street performance organized by local artists. The theme was 'A Celebration of Colour,' so I decked myself out in a gorgeous sunflower yellow and lime green outfit, complete with matching shoes and a sparkly lime-green, sequined handbag - an absolute explosion of vibrant energy. There were fire eaters, stilt-walkers, street musicians - the atmosphere was buzzing with vibrant life and laughter.

And, because no visit to Worcester would be complete without a visit to the Worcester Museum, I made my way there before sunset and was absolutely charmed by their collection of ceramics.

The journey to Worcester was rather delightful, as I decided to make a journey of it, naturally. What's a proper Pink Tutu Sparkle's trip without some stylish travel plans, you ask? Well, I decided to journey by train this time - it allowed me to relax, take in the views, and soak up the calming atmosphere. Not to mention, I was able to strike up a delightful conversation with a group of friendly passengers on my way to Worcester. We even got to talking about their plans for the annual Worcester Flower Festival - can you believe it? I think it would be the perfect place for me to do my next drag show - what do you think, my darling followers?

As I left Worcester, I felt truly revitalized - not just from the excitement of my performance and the delightful sightseeing but also from the genuine warmth and friendliness of the people. You know, it's these moments that remind me why I love my job - to spread joy and a sprinkle of pink tutu sparkle wherever I go!

So, to all you lovely people out there - keep on shining bright, darlings! I hope my adventures in Worcester have inspired you to take that next exciting step and wear your own tutu!

And of course, as always, my dears, don't forget to subscribe to my website at www.pink-tutu.com to keep up to date with all my fabulous shenanigans - I can’t wait to tell you about my next exciting adventures!

Until next time, keep twirling and shining!

Xoxo, Pink Tutu Sparkles

If you'd like more from me, including details about what Alex's research is on and how she balances work with performing, please let me know and I'll happily expand! 😊

#TutuQueen on 2001-07-23 stars in Worcester