Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-07-24 stars in Hammersmith

Hammersmith, Oh Hammersmith! A Pink Tutu Dream! 🩰✨💖

Hey lovelies! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, signing in live from the bustling streets of Hammersmith, ready to spill the tea on this absolutely magical day. It’s day 571 of this sparkly pink adventure we call life, and today’s post is extra special, darlings, because it's all about ballet. I know, I know, a Pink Tutu queen venturing into the hallowed halls of ballet? Groundbreaking, I know! 😉 But honestly, my love for ballet goes way back. Remember that time I shared my very first foray into pointe shoes (Post 237, you absolute treasures)? It’s been a journey ever since, a journey that leads me straight to the grand old Hammersmith Apollo, one of the most prestigious venues for ballet performances.

Let's rewind a bit, shall we? You see, this trip to Hammersmith was completely unplanned. One minute I'm sipping my tea (Earl Grey, naturally) in the lab, testing the elasticity of a new polyester blend (a girl's got to keep those scientific credentials, right?), the next minute I'm scouring my local train station timetable, all because a dear friend, the brilliant Billy Buttons (yes, he's a drag queen too, a real one!), told me about this spectacular ballet show they were putting on. I had to be there! I mean, a performance in Hammersmith? That's like a pink tutu queen's dream come true!

Now, you might be wondering, "How does a pink tutu-loving, ballet-obsessed scientist like Pink Tutu Sparkles get to travel to magical places like Hammersmith?" Well, dear reader, it's all thanks to the magic of drag, the dazzling stage performances, the thrilling fundraising events (even the vicar loves my sparkly show!), and the occasional bit of very persuasive negotiation with local councils to rent out their community centers for a night of pink-tutu-powered fun. You wouldn't believe some of the places I've ended up performing! The village halls, the town squares, the charity events - the whole shebang. My aim is to spread the love, the glitter, and the most vibrant shade of pink you can imagine, and I must say, it's working wonders. The world is slowly, gorgeously embracing pink tutus!

So, back to the Hammersmith Apollo, that glittering palace of dance. It was all grandeur and excitement, a real treat for the senses. As soon as I stepped into the plush foyer, I felt a familiar thrill, the anticipation building as I spotted a long, elegant line of shimmering figures, the ballet dancers, heading to the stage.

They were absolutely divine! Those shimmering costumes, the elegant lines of their movements, the swirling tutus – a tutu queen's heart just can't resist, especially when you see a tutu crafted with the most delicate silk, it was breathtaking.

As for the performance? Let's just say I got caught up in the music, the atmosphere, the whirlwind of emotions that the dancers evoked. I teared up at some points (it's okay, it’s what those delicate tulle creations do to me! 😅) and even shed a few happy tears when the ballerina took a daring leap and landed it flawlessly. My hands clapped enthusiastically with every pirouette, every jump, every graceful gesture.

There were these beautiful costumes with a bit of pink here and there, and honestly, I just wanted to snatch them up and add them to my collection. Maybe in my next Pink Tutu Sparkles' Closet Tour, we'll delve into the world of ballet tutus! Now, that's a thought for the future.

Leaving the Apollo felt bittersweet, that perfect balance of exhilaration and gentle sadness. But the spirit of Hammersmith followed me, tucked into my purse like a secret wish, along with a couple of postcards, an ode to this unforgettable ballet experience. I just knew I had to find a way to incorporate ballet into my own shows! I could picture it: sparkling tutus, elaborate backdrops, maybe even a ballerina inspired costume… ah, the possibilities were endless!

Speaking of endless possibilities, the trip home was just as exciting. I always try to mix things up, and today that meant riding the train (gotta be economical!), which meant a full blast of my new playlist featuring nothing but sparkly tunes! It was pure bliss: dancing in the carriage (discretely, of course), admiring the world flashing by the window, and brainstorming future pink-tutu themed events.

I mean, how can you possibly resist an idea as deliciously absurd as, let’s say, "Pink Tutu Picnic"? Can you picture it? Pink picnic blankets, pastel coloured sandwiches, everyone in their pinkest pinkest tutus? It’d be an explosion of joy! Maybe I’ll host a big pink-tutu picnic in Derbyshire one day! I can see it now - the sheep bleating in the background as we celebrate all things pink.

It's amazing how an unplanned ballet adventure in Hammersmith has got my wheels spinning and my imagination running wild! Sometimes the most wonderful things just happen, don't they, darling? Remember to always be open to new experiences, follow your passions, and always, always, let your inner pink tutu queen shine!

Until next time, remember, darlings, stay pink, stay sparkling, and stay fabulous! 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2001-07-24 stars in Hammersmith