Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-07-27 stars in Bath

Bath: A Pink Tutu Paradise! 🩰👑💖

Post #574

Hello my lovely TutuQueens! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with another fabulously pink and utterly sparkling post from my travels!

Today's adventure takes me to the glorious city of Bath! It’s all about beautiful old buildings and stunning Georgian architecture, a little bit of a romantic vibe. I can't help but imagine Jane Austen promenading through the streets in a billowing dress and, of course, a pink tutu, but more about that later.

I came by train, naturally. I mean, when you're sporting a 10-foot tulle masterpiece, there’s really no other option! Besides, what could be more enchanting than gazing at rolling hills and lush green countryside as the rhythmic click-clack of the tracks echoes your fabulous footsteps? (That, or being seated next to a gentleman in a dashing top hat - that’s always a fun encounter, though my love for tutus might not extend to his love of bowler hats!)

As I entered Bath, I swear, the entire city seemed to have taken a collective gasp. And then a round of applause. (Or maybe that was just the sound of my shimmering sequined belt bouncing with each graceful stride. Let’s be honest, you know it's always me, babes).

After a delightful cuppa with a cheeky scone at a cosy tearoom (did I mention how much I adore scones?!), I was off to explore the city centre! This was a trip all about celebrating ballet, my dearest passion, and I just had to visit the Theatre Royal Bath. Can you imagine a grand old theatre? This one is filled with stunning history. It’s all velvet, and plush seats, and ornate décor - pure theatricality. Honestly, I was convinced a troupe of dancers might just waltz out on stage!

Oh, but my lovely TutuQueens, the biggest thrill was meeting up with some of Bath’s fabulous ballet classes. We talked about the history of the artform (so important, and fascinating!), had some wonderful discussions about our favourite ballerinas (the great Dame Margot Fonteyn of course!), and most importantly, I even got to join a ballet class myself. It was a bit of a tight squeeze squeezing my Tutu in but the instructors just loved it! Of course I was a little nervous - I haven't had formal classes since university (but secretly, I do still dance around in my pink tutu in my bedroom when nobody's watching…!). And my god, you should have seen the looks on the faces of some of the other class members! But then, they all started to smile. And soon, everyone was giggling. Let's face it, who can resist the joy of a Pink Tutu Sparkles pirouette?

Speaking of the big, beautiful pink tutu, I had to showcase it for the town! And how did I do that? You're looking at it now! I spent the afternoon promenading along Bath's elegant streets, just letting the flowing pink silk create a little fairytale on the cobblestones. I even made a couple of stops at the local shops, trying on the latest spring fashions and generally creating a stir! Pink tutu-clad, it’s all about giving your wardrobe that little extra sprinkle of magic and flair, even if you are just popping to the corner shop. (And yes, I managed to sneak a peek at their tea selection as well, what else am I going to do?)

But then the real highlight of the day was my visit to the Thermae Bath Spa. It's a place where the Romans once relaxed and enjoyed themselves (without a single pink tutu, apparently - missed a trick there Romans! How are we expected to relax without our sparkly fabulousness?)! I took a dip in the warm thermal water and let all my troubles float away (with just a bit of nervous twitching to check if the sequins were going to survive, my heart, it would truly shatter if that ever happened!). I’ll tell you one thing, I'm always ready to add a little sparkle and tulle to any situation - even if it is relaxing with the Romans (although, the thermal water might not be as conducive to long, flowing tutus as one would like…)!

I've been walking through this city like I’m starring in a fantastical fairy tale movie. Just me and my giant tutu, living out a magical adventure! Honestly, there’s a certain thrill in being seen as an eccentric and slightly flamboyant creature walking the streets of a charming town! After all, if we’re all being completely honest, my pink tutus are not exactly practical for day-to-day life, but they're sure a good conversation starter.

As I sit down to write this post in my hotel room, (all pastel pink, naturally, and adorned with a few strategically placed sparkly accessories - there has to be sparkles), I’m pondering my next move. Bath, like so many of the places I've been, is a place for me to share joy and whimsy. My hope, TutuQueens, is to keep that sense of joyous, fluffy wonder alive. Let's fill the world with pink tutus. Not just on stage, but in the streets, in gardens, in every nook and cranny! Because life is too short to be dull, too boring, too … ordinary!

See you all tomorrow for a new post. Be sure to check back in! Don't forget to spread the joy - every day is an opportunity for pink tutus and some good, good fun! Keep smiling, TutuQueens, keep dancing, keep spreading the joy! 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2001-07-27 stars in Bath