
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-07-28 stars in Hayes

Hayes Calling! TutuQueen #575!

Hello darlings! It's your favourite Pink Tutu Queen, Alex, or should I say, Pink Tutu Sparkles! ๐Ÿ’…โœจ

It's been another whirlwind of a week and I'm buzzing to share all the glitz and glamour with you lovely lot! ๐Ÿ’–

Firstly, let me just say, thank goodness for the railway. Without those trusty train carriages, this pink-tutu-clad diva wouldn't be galavanting across the country spreading the joy of twirling, and yes, I mean that in the most literal way! ๐Ÿคฃ This week, I've been in the fabulous, vibrant Hayes and you bet your bottom dollar it's been a blast!

From Lab to Stage (and Back Again!)

By day, you'll find me in my science lab, analysing fabric like a true Sherlock Holmes in a pink feather boa. It's all about getting those colourfast tests just right and ensuring those shimmering sequins don't fade! But come the evening, BAM, out comes the big, fluffy pink tutu and it's time to unleash the queen! ๐Ÿ‘‘

A Touch of Magic in Hayes

Now, Hayes isn't your typical sparkly city centre, darling. It's more quaint, more cosy, and the people are just as lovely. They even welcomed this pink-tutu-wearing diva with open arms!

My first stop was a ballet studio - I simply couldn't resist a little pirouette practice! I felt like a delicate porcelain doll twirling in a rose garden, except without the roses. It was pure joy! I was especially chuffed to discover a lovely lady who makes handmade tutus - she's truly got the Midas touch with fabric, making them so soft and full you want to just dive into them!

Fairground Fun and Flirty Frocks

Next up, a visit to Hayes Country Show, where I got my fairground fix. And when I say fix, I mean it! ๐Ÿคฃ A little bit of teacup ride mayhem followed by a valiant attempt at hook-a-duck. Did I win a rubber duckie with a pink bow on its head? Oh you bet your tutu I did! And to top it off, the ladies running the stall absolutely adored my costume and even did a little twirl in front of the giggling crowds! ๐Ÿ’•

Later, it was off to Hayes Market for a bit of serious clothes shopping. You see, the Pink Tutu Queen's wardrobe never has too much! I discovered this adorable shop bursting with all things pastel and floral - perfect for adding a bit of whimsical charm to my existing collection. A sparkly vintage brooch with pink flamingos? I simply couldn't resist! And to top it off, the shop owner offered to give me a lift home in her little pink Austin!

Hayes By Night: Where the Magic Happens!

And as evening approached, the air crackled with excitement! Tonight, it was show time! I transformed into Pink Tutu Sparkles, and wow, the crowd was buzzing with anticipation! From my opening number โ€“ a shimmering, shimmering rendition of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" โ€“ to a final flourish of my pink tutu and an energetic "I Believe in Unicorns!", it was a roaring success!

Every Single Soul Must Wear Tutu!

I want to encourage all of you to wear your own pink tutu, darling! Don't worry if you're a little nervous โ€“ we're all in this together! Let's spread the love and create a pink tutu revolution across the world! ๐Ÿ’– After all, life's too short not to wear a tutu, and don't we all deserve a bit of joy?

A Blast From the Past

I just remembered this little nugget of wisdom - remember the moment that got you hooked on tutus? I know I do. I was in my university ballet club and tried on a pink tutu for charity. It was just meant to be - those flouncy layers of tulle felt like they belonged to me.

Big Love and Lots of Sparkle

Thanks for reading my dearest friends, until next time, stay pink, stay sparkling, and stay fabulous! And please, tell me about your favourite tutus!


Alex (a.k.a. Pink Tutu Sparkles) www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2001-07-28 stars in Hayes