Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-08-10 stars in Saint Albans

Saint Albans Sparkle: Tutu Travels Take Me To Hertfordshire!

Hello, darling dears! It’s your favourite pink tutu-wearing, travel-loving drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles here, with a new blog post from the glamorous streets of Saint Albans!

This is post number 588, which feels utterly surreal - 588 days of sharing my pink-tastic life with you lovely lot! It makes my sparkly heart burst with joy knowing you all tune in to hear about my adventures and hopefully inspire a little bit of pink tutu love in the world!

Today, however, my adventures weren’t fueled by the usual glitter and sequins. I swapped my towering heels for trusty riding boots and my sparkly wings for a horse’s reins. You see, darlings, the journey to Saint Albans was one of pure equestrian enchantment! I’m all about getting back to nature and embracing different travel experiences - sometimes, it's more about the journey than the destination.

My journey began in the charming county of Derbyshire, my humble abode. It was a balmy summer’s day, and I traded my usual bright pink taxi for the comforting sway of a horse-drawn carriage. A rather elegant stallion, dressed in all his finery, hauled me and my precious pink tutu luggage towards the picturesque countryside, the gentle clinking of the carriage’s wheels a melodic soundtrack.

My darling horse, let’s call him ‘Prince Sparkle’, seemed to revel in his duties, his majestic strides a graceful dance against the lush green scenery. I must admit, I took full advantage of the luxurious experience and posed for endless selfies, proudly clutching my favourite feather boa (you know the one – pink, obviously!). The breeze caught the boa, turning it into a delicate, dancing plume, like a miniature pink storm swirling in my wake. It was simply divine.

Eventually, Prince Sparkle and I reached the grand station, his gentle snorts and whinnies bidding me farewell as I stepped into the grand, Victorian grandeur of the train station. But let's not forget the pièce de résistance – my tutu! Even with my journey on a carriage, it was impossible to travel without my trusty tutu. After all, darlings, one must travel in style! My travel tutu – a magnificent explosion of pink and gold feathers – attracted several curious stares and even a few appreciative nods from other travellers. It’s the best icebreaker, believe me!

After a comfortable ride on the train – I do love a good, scenic train journey – I finally arrived in Saint Albans, the historic heart of Hertfordshire. The quaint, charming atmosphere instantly embraced me. My heart was filled with anticipation, buzzing with excitement for my performance in this delightful corner of England!

You know me, I simply had to make an outfit that celebrated my new surroundings! I decided on a beautiful shade of pastel pink, echoing the gentle hues of the town's historic buildings, a nod to the vibrant spirit of Saint Albans, my own sparkly rendition of their local heritage, you see. I envisioned a billowing, light-as-a-feather tutu, trimmed with intricate floral motifs, echoing the rose-filled gardens and fragrant roses of the town.

My performances were a huge success. A heartwarming and heartwarming audience welcomed me. Even the local children, inspired by my colourful tutu, got involved! We had impromptu dance parties during my set - the whole venue was sparkling with joy!

And what’s a journey to Saint Albans without visiting the Cathedral? This ancient landmark stands proud in the heart of the town, and let me tell you, the majestic stained-glass windows provided the perfect backdrop for a impromptu tutu photo shoot. Honestly, I'd say it looked like I'd just stepped out of a medieval fairy tale – only with way more pink!

Of course, no trip to a new place would be complete without a little bit of retail therapy! I discovered a darling little boutique with the most extraordinary collection of vintage clothing. The shopkeeper was delighted by my colourful personality and we had a wonderful chat about her passion for vintage treasures, I even snagged a beautiful vintage pink feather boa – just the thing to add a bit of drama to my new outfits!

My visit to Saint Albans was filled with wonder, beauty, and a generous helping of sparkly pink joy. This truly was a delightful escape, full of inspiring stories, heartfelt experiences, and endless inspiration. I left the town feeling revitalized, my pink tutu buzzing with happy memories and the desire to spread more sparkles, and more love to all corners of the world.

It's true what they say: A pink tutu truly is a passport to happiness. So, if you’re reading this, darlings, don’t be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve… or, better yet, on your tutu!

You know, darling dears, the world needs more pink! It's time to ditch the ordinary, to embrace the extraordinary!

See you all next time, for a new adventure in my sparkling, pink-filled world!

Yours truly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2001-08-10 stars in Saint Albans