Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-08-11 stars in Burnley

Burnley, My Darlings! Post #589: Pink Tutus and Train Journeys

Hello my gorgeous girlies, it’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, beaming with excitement about my latest escapade! Burnley, you’re in for a treat! This gal, this fabulous creature you see before you (or perhaps reading this blog… bless you), has been whizzing around the country, leaving a trail of glitter and pink tutus in my wake!

As you all know, travelling is the most wonderful thing ever, especially when you can wear your signature style - pink tutus, naturally! And I’m not talking those old, boring black ones they make for ballet class, darlings! Think flamboyant, sparkly, oversized tutus, each one designed to take you on a magical journey into the world of… well, the world of PINK!

This week’s journey started in my beloved Derbyshire. You see, dear readers, despite my glamorous life on stage, by day I'm a bit of a scientist, working in a lab testing fabrics (bet you didn’t see that coming, did you?). Imagine: I’m surrounded by white coats and bubbling beakers by day, and then poof! at the stroke of 6pm, it's Pink Tutu Sparkles, transforming from lab coat to sequins and all things pink! It’s quite a transformation, I tell you!

Now, I couldn't bear the thought of arriving in Burnley by car (too… earthly), so I hopped on the train. That's right, I always travel by train when I can! It’s an adventure in itself - just imagine, hours spent gliding through the countryside, looking out the window in all my pink tutued glory! The other passengers seem quite bewildered, to be honest. They often stare, their mouths hanging open, eyes wide with disbelief. But hey, who doesn't love a bit of unexpected pink tutu fun on the daily commute?

Anyway, once I got to Burnley, my gorgeous girls at the Pink Flamingo Tea Room welcomed me with open arms (and endless supplies of pink cakes, natch!). Oh, those tea room owners, they are darlings, I swear! You should see their collection of vintage teacups and saucers - it’s enough to make even the most stoic drag queen cry happy tears!

Later, I found myself twirling my way into the grand Burnley Town Hall! Oh, darling, have you ever seen anything so exquisite? I must admit, even a pink tutu can’t outshine the beauty of such historical buildings! But that doesn’t mean I wasn’t the star of the show. Every head turned as I made my way to the performance space, the room overflowing with my sparkle. I'll tell you a little secret, dear readers: one of my favourite parts of touring is just walking through a city and hearing people whisper things like, "Look at the Pink Tutu Queen! " "Did you see the way she twirled?"

Later that evening, it was time for the BIG SHOW! I am obsessed with theatrical performances, dear reader! You just wouldn't believe the stories and emotions these plays, ballets and musicals tell. The magic is palpable, the joy is infectious! For this tour, I found a small theatre tucked away, just waiting for a pink tutu Queen to bring it back to life!

Remember my other love - ballet! Well, let's just say I went completely bonkers for Burnley Ballet. Talk about talented dancers! It was a whirlwind of beauty and grace, I can’t describe it! And naturally, I took the time to visit the theatre's dressing room, it's just so fascinating to see all those costumes and makeup, to feel that burst of pre-performance energy.

I even had the most darling time exploring a street performance that involved juggling (who would have thought juggling was so glamorous!), and you wouldn't believe the vibrant pink costumes they had created. There’s something so unique and inspiring about the joy and enthusiasm street performances can bring!

Now, dear readers, this journey to Burnley was full of laughs, glitters and lots of love (the real kind of love!). It's amazing how much fun I can have in a single day when I embrace the pink and all the wonderful adventures it brings!

Don't forget, darlings! If you see me on your travels, remember this: life is meant to be twirled in pink! Be courageous, be your best, and never, ever be afraid to unleash your inner tutu-loving, sparkling self! Remember, even the shyest, most introverted little flower can be a shining pink tutu queen, too! Just say the magic word - "PINK" and watch the world turn upside down.

Until next time, darlings!

Lots of love, Pink Tutu Sparkles (Alex when I'm not shining)

P.S. I'm absolutely convinced I found the best bakery in the whole of Burnley, so naturally I had to share it with my amazing followers. You know I love discovering new spots for pink sweets! Here's my list for anyone travelling to Burnley: Pink Flamingo Tea Room - Absolutely fantastic and lovely tea and cakes - if you like pink it's your place. Miss Lily's Bakehouse - Oh my darling, just a treasure trove of gorgeous creations! All delicious too! Cakes by Liz - It's a real gem for those wanting a special treat or some sweet gifts! Buttermilk Bakery - Their buttermilk cakes are divine and if you are looking for something classic that doesn’t require pink it is just perfect.

#TutuQueen on 2001-08-11 stars in Burnley