Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-08-12 stars in Batley

Batley Bound: A Tutu-ful Adventure!

Hello, darlings! It's your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with a brand-new blog post fresh from my dazzling adventures! This is post number 590 for you fabulous folk, and today, we're venturing to the charming town of Batley!

Now, if you know me, you know my heart belongs to pink and to the graceful, twirly magic of tutus! I believe life's too short to be boring, and why settle for dull when you can dazzle in a cloud of tulle? 😉 And that's why I'm making it my life mission to spread the joy of pink tutus across the globe. It's a big dream, sure, but with you fabulous followers, anything's possible!

Batley was calling my name, you see. I always have such a fantastic time at all sorts of places in Yorkshire, it’s so close to Derbyshire where I’m from. They say a change is as good as a rest and that's especially true for this tutu-loving queen! There’s a whole bunch of pink tulle delights I’m planning to discover and bring to you, including a sensational show by the talented folks at The Batley Variety Club – just imagine all that glittering glamour!

Oh, and you'll never believe this! On my way, I discovered the most charming little horse-drawn carriage at Wakefield train station, you simply couldn't miss it! So naturally, I hopped right in for a grand and totally delightful arrival! The station master himself, a rather handsome fella in a bowler hat, took me for a delightful tour through the charming streets. Who knew Wakefield had such stunning hidden gems?

I also stumbled upon a rather dashing dance school, tucked away on a quaint cobbled street! Now, you know me, I can’t resist a bit of ballet. And my Tutu instincts told me that this school was bursting with talent. The dancers were an absolute dream! There's no better place to get those tutu muscles toned, so of course, I'm booking myself a lesson right away! You just wait and see the photos - I promise a glorious pink-tastic ballet picture-perfect pose for the gram!

Before my journey to Batley, you simply wouldn’t believe the whirlwind my life’s been. I had this absolutely mad experience in the lab just last week. See, by day, I'm a humble scientist – that's right, I know, who would have thought? – testing the texture of fabrics in my day job. Anyway, picture this – a whole pile of pink sequined tulle (I know, right?!) arrives at my lab. Naturally, it's a tutu-gency that’s irresistible! It's this lovely fluffy pink material, you see. It just calls out to me, beckoning me to spin, to dance, to sparkle, just like a mermaid’s fin, right? And that's precisely what I did. Well, after finishing my crucial textile analysis of course, who can resist a little impromptu twirl, in a scientific laboratory, after all?!

Then, by the evening’s hush, I shed my scientist lab coat, donned my sparkling tutu (a brand-new custom-designed one for a fabulous client in Bradford, who’s quite the drag-queen enthusiast – go Bradford!), and bam! Back to my true calling – bringing sparkle and joy to the world with my drag performances! I love bringing my love for tutus and pink to the stage, there’s nothing like making everyone feel happy and sparkly with the help of a dazzling costume.

Oh, but speaking of sequins, my fellow tutulettes, you're not gonna want to miss the next bit of news! My new collection, ‘Rainbow Sparkles’ (so original, I know – but who doesn't love rainbows!), hits the shops in Sheffield next week! Expect gorgeous, shimmering tulle tutus in every color you can imagine! The whole collection has a lovely feel-good energy that I know you'll all love! Imagine how much more sensational your wardrobe can be with these fabulous new additions!

I must go and catch the first train out to Batley and all its delightful surprises. But, dear friends, remember: wear pink, wear tulle, and always, always sparkle! I'll be back soon, with my next adventure, my wonderful friends!

With a million twirls and a flurry of pink feathers,

Your Tutu Queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles! 💕

#TutuQueen on 2001-08-12 stars in Batley