Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-11-06 stars in Merthyr Tudful

Merthyr Tudful - Tutu Adventures! 🩰✨💖


Post 676

Oh, hello lovelies! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to share my latest adventure with you all! 💖 It’s been a whirlwind of a week, let me tell you, packed with tutu-tastic fun, fancy footwork, and, of course, loads of pink!

This week, my travels took me all the way to Merthyr Tudful! This gorgeous town, nestled in the heart of South Wales, was the perfect setting for my latest escapades. You wouldn’t believe the stunning views, with the Brecon Beacons rising up like a grand, natural stage, perfectly complementing my own flamboyant stage presence! 😉

My journey began in style, of course, a train journey, those little compartments with big windows that transport you right into a fantasy novel. I was channeling a mix of Snow White and Alice in Wonderland, the kind of princess who loves a bit of whimsical adventure, complete with a feather boa, pink satin shoes, and, you guessed it, a fabulous pink tutu! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a train conductor’s eyes widen quite like that – it was pure joy, I tell you! 😊

I made sure to pack my tutu collection - I can never have enough of them, they're simply an essential part of my being. This trip required a certain ruggedness – you know, all that rolling countryside, so I opted for a more sturdy fabric, a shimmering tulle that caught the sun as I stepped off the train. Oh, and I made sure to throw in my trusty travelling bag. This little beauty, a vintage design, filled to the brim with sparkle and dreams, is an absolute gem. I carry all my essential performance items, from glittering make-up to that indispensable extra pair of sparkly pink tights. (You never know what could happen, right? 😉)

Now, my first stop had to be the majestic Cyfarthfa Castle, an architectural masterpiece. I stood in awe at the intricate details and imposing beauty. The castle, nestled among manicured gardens, felt like a step into history. It wasn't long before I decided I had to strike a pose, capturing the castle's grandeur against the backdrop of my own vibrant, pink tutu. Talk about picture perfect! The perfect combination of elegance and exuberance.

That evening, the real excitement began. I was set to perform at the prestigious Merthyr Tudful Music Festival, which is, quite simply, a fabulous showcase of all things fabulous, with local talents, and, well, Pink Tutu Sparkles! 💃

Of course, the venue was a little more...eclectic than I usually perform in, nestled inside the town hall, but that’s the beauty of drag, you adapt and become one with your surroundings. They even had a gorgeous vintage piano that was begging to be tinkled. My first set featured a rousing version of “I Will Survive” (which went down an absolute storm, might I add) followed by a high-energy rendition of my personal favorite, “Dancing Queen”. Just as the song ended, and the crowd was going wild (with good reason, it was my best rendition ever!) I spied a cute group of local girls wearing a pink tutu. Now that's what I call a tutu party, and the night simply shimmered! 💖

The rest of my Merthyr Tudful adventure involved lots of explorations. I discovered hidden gems in the local markets, indulged in delicious, freshly baked cakes, and spent hours walking around town, basking in the vibrant energy of this special place. I discovered so much character in Merthyr Tudful - the charming independent boutiques and the lively atmosphere filled with music and laughter. This is what really makes me feel happy – finding beauty and excitement in all sorts of places, meeting new faces, sharing joy, and promoting my tutu-loving agenda!

But of course, no adventure would be complete without a sprinkle of drama, right? So I found myself needing to make a quick, impromptu escape from a slightly sticky situation! A fluffy sheep, being incredibly well mannered, decided to eat some of my sequined handbag, causing it to temporarily become…well, fluffy! 🐑 Now, when I tell you that this beautiful creature decided to indulge in my bag's charm, the poor little chap simply wanted a treat, I was completely unprepared. But with my usual positive and charming demeanor, I convinced the farmer who owned it to get his gorgeous creature out of trouble! Luckily, a quick visit to the local dry cleaners got me out of my dilemma - you would not believe how quickly they took my beloved bag in their hands and set about making it look brand new. You just can't help loving British ingenuity and good old fashion charm. 😉

As the days flew by, my Merthyr Tudful adventure came to a fabulous close. My heart is bursting with joy. From the picturesque landscapes, to the captivating local performances, and even the charming sheep incident, this trip left me with lasting memories, some lovely photos to post online, and a truly sparkly collection of souvenirs! 💖

Oh, and you’ll be delighted to know I managed to introduce several more people to the sheer joy of rocking a pink tutu! After all, my life’s goal is to get everyone wearing a pink tutu! A big, beautiful world of pink and fluff is exactly what the world needs, right?

So, there you have it, lovelies. Merthyr Tudful, a beautiful Welsh town full of magic and kindness, you have a permanent place in my heart! And if you find yourself exploring this lovely part of Wales, do take a moment to embrace the extraordinary! Until next time, stay sparkly!

And don't forget to follow my journey on www.pink-tutu.com, or you can catch me on socials too, I'm @TutuQueen on everything! 😉

#TutuQueen on 2001-11-06 stars in Merthyr Tudful