
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-11-07 stars in Middleton

Middleton: Pink Tutu Sparkles Goes Galloping!

Post Number 677

Hello my darlings, it’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite pink-loving, tutu-obsessed queen! It's Tuesday, which means it's time for another dazzling adventure. This week I've found myself whisked away to the charming town of Middleton, nestled in the heart of a county full of secrets and breathtaking scenery. Now, Middleton isn't your typical glamorous destination. No flashing neon lights or soaring skyscrapers, but don't let that fool you! The true magic of Middleton lies in its enchanting charm and hidden pockets of delightful surprises.

As always, my journey to Middleton began with a touch of whimsy. I packed my most fabulous pink suitcase – complete with extra tulle, just in case, you never know! – and skipped merrily towards the railway station. This time, however, instead of my usual train journey, I found myself on the back of a magnificent chestnut horse, a surprise from a dear friend who knows how much I adore the elegance of horses. Now, I'm no stranger to horse riding, especially not with a tulle-filled skirt to make every step an elegant swirl. After a long, exhilarating ride across fields dusted with morning dew, we arrived at a picturesque barn with stables that looked like they were out of a fairytale.

It's here, amongst the smell of hay and the gentle neighing of horses, that my true adventure begins. This trip isn't your usual drag show. This trip is about taking a deep breath of fresh air, embracing the beauty of nature and spreading some pink tulle love to the countryside. I plan on teaching a few locals some sassy dance moves in a tutu workshop, because even though Middleton might be a quiet corner of the world, it still deserves a sprinkle of sparkle!

After a few hours in the stables, and an exhilarating morning gallop through the fields, I got into my glamorous best – a dazzling pink sequin dress, a pink feather boa (it just adds to the equestrian elegance, wouldn't you say?) and, of course, my signature, a shimmering, fluffy, hot pink tutu. It was time for my performance – a unique drag cabaret in a charming little barn converted into a community centre. The local community hall in Middleton was overflowing with friendly faces. I had never performed to a crowd quite like it. Farmers in their best suits, local children, grandmothers dressed in their Sunday best - I truly had them captivated! I did my usual routine of high kicks, fierce lip syncing, tumbling, some stand-up comedy – and even a little bit of educational "science with sparkles" thanks to my day job – which left the audience, all those farmers and kids, roaring with laughter. It was a real feel-good performance, the sort that leaves your heart full and your soul smiling.

The magic of a day in Middleton went on, I went on to enjoy a wonderful, homemade vegetarian feast in the heart of the community. Every last morsel was lovingly prepared with a real heart - so, a far cry from the takeaway delivery options you'll find in London!

Middleton might be a bit of a departure from my usual sparkling city escapades, but sometimes the most satisfying journey is about slowing down and savouring the quiet charm. The quiet hum of life, the crisp morning air, the gentle sounds of nature, these are things that really nourish the soul. And maybe, just maybe, as I'm spinning in my pink tutu, I might inspire some local folks to embrace their own inner sparkle. Who knows, perhaps I’ll inspire Middleton to embrace the colourful, whimsical world of pink tutus and bring a touch of dazzling joy to their lives!

As I bid farewell to the charming, little town, a wave of gratefulness washes over me. You never know what magical discoveries await you just around the corner! And even if it means going without your usual late-night coffee runs, the real essence of life can be found in a horse-drawn cart and the welcoming arms of a countryside community.

Till next time my lovelies, spread some pink tulle sparkle wherever you go, and don’t be afraid to embrace a bit of pink in your own life!

Pink Tutu Sparkles. xx

#TutuQueen on 2001-11-07 stars in Middleton