Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-11-25 stars in Herne Bay

Herne Bay: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes the Seaside!

Post number 695

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the stunning seaside town of Herne Bay! Today is a truly magnificent day for a glamorous queen like myself, because it's the day I'm heading to a fabulous ballet performance at the Herne Bay Theatre, just a short stroll from the pier! Can you believe it? Ballet by the seaside! Simply divine!

As you all know, I’m obsessed with everything pink, especially tutus. I just adore the way they make me feel so graceful and elegant. Even when I'm strutting my stuff on stage, I can't help but twirl and leap in my gorgeous pink tutu. Honestly, it's like wearing a giant hug!

My love affair with tutus began during my university days, back in my humble home county of Derbyshire. I was a bit of a science nerd, but deep down, I knew there was a dancing diva waiting to come out! The university ballet club had this fundraising event, and they were auctioning off old tutus. Now, I’m a sucker for a good charity cause, and as soon as I saw that beautiful pink one, I knew it was destiny. It was like it was calling to me, and ever since that day, the rest, as they say, is history!

Now, before you ask, I definitely don't restrict my love of tutus to ballet performances. They're for life, not just for the theatre! From glamorous evenings at the theatre to a lovely stroll by the river, I can rock my tutu in any situation. And I mean any situation. Remember that time I performed in a tutu on a busy London Underground train, all for charity? That was a good one! I can't go anywhere without getting people buzzing about how I'm bringing tutus to the masses, spreading the pink tutu gospel, one twirl at a time.

Okay, enough about me rambling! Let's talk about my journey to Herne Bay. Since I’m an eco-conscious queen, I prefer to travel by train when I can. It’s so relaxing and a wonderful opportunity to catch up with the latest issues of Vogue and Tatler – you've got to stay on top of the latest fashion trends! Plus, nothing beats a window seat and watching the world go by, preferably while sipping a delicious Earl Grey tea. I actually love traveling by horse, but that usually involves getting stuck in mud!

I know some of you might be surprised to learn that I actually work a day job as a scientist. Yes, the girl who dreams of pink tutus and prances around in sparkles by night, actually analyzes fabric in a lab by day! I suppose it all boils down to being curious and loving the detail, both in my science and my drag! And I have to say, it really helps to inspire some of the more fabulous looks I pull off on stage! You wouldn’t believe the fashion inspiration you get from studying, say, microscopic fibers, in the lab!

The good news is that I don't have to juggle my job with my love for performance and traveling too much, since my job helps to fund my travels. It really feels like the perfect balance - working hard, achieving something exciting, and living my dream as Pink Tutu Sparkles! And you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am genuinely proud of myself and the pink tutu dream I'm building for myself. And maybe one day, you'll all join me in the Pink Tutu revolution, because after all, if the Queen can wear a tutu, then everyone can, right?

Speaking of which, it's almost time to get ready for my performance in Herne Bay! Just one last quick look in the mirror to make sure everything is perfectly pink and perfectly sparkly… and there! My Tutu Queen outfit is a masterpiece as always. Tonight’s costume features a full-length tulle skirt, which was lovingly crafted for me by my best friend (and the true mastermind behind the tutu-filled life that I live!). This time, I'm channeling the colours of the seaside. So, imagine if a mermaid was a queen and she went to the seaside! That’s kind of what this is all about. We’ve got splashes of shimmering aqua, shades of seashell white, and all topped off with a few, subtle sparkly pink details for extra glamour! My trusty tiara adds a bit of extra oomph, and you just can't go wrong with some fabulous glittery makeup, now, can you?

Now that my fabulous make-up is all done, and the last piece of tulle is perfectly adjusted… it's time to get to the theatre and make everyone’s night! Remember to head over to www.pink-tutu.com for your daily dose of tutu fabulousness, my lovelies, and be sure to tell me about your favourite tutu moments in the comments! Remember, there's a pink tutu princess in everyone! Until next time, darling… I’ll be twirling my way to Herne Bay… and the rest of the world!

#TutuQueen on 2001-11-25 stars in Herne Bay