Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-12-07 stars in Whitley Bay

Whitley Bay Whirlwind: A Pink Tutu Adventure! (Post #707)

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and guess what? Your girl is back on the road! This time, the twinkling lights of Whitley Bay called my name, and oh, did they beckon me with a sparkly pink promise!

It’s been a while since I last blogged, and oh my goodness, what a whirlwind it's been. My days have been filled with glitter, glamorous gigs, and the glorious rustle of my pink tutus. The train journey was quite a journey - packed with friendly faces and a charming old lady who swore she saw a ghost in the carriage next door (always exciting, isn’t it?). I even got to strike up a conversation with a lovely chap in a matching pink scarf, who clearly knew what true fashion sense was. We both ended up singing along to some Abba and sharing our dreams for a world bathed in the pinkest shades - a world where every single soul dances with the confidence of a tutu-clad queen!

Speaking of queens, let's talk about the fabulous performance I put on! My Whitley Bay audience was truly a sight to behold! There were families with children who danced along in their own makeshift tutus, teenagers with big, sparkly eyes, and couples ready for a night of glamour and laughter. The venue was a real delight, all cozy and adorned with twinkling lights – truly the perfect stage for my sparkly self. And my costumes, darling? Chef's kiss! This time I went for a look that was inspired by a ballet performance I saw last month - imagine a swirling, magical pink tulle masterpiece that seemed to move on its own. You see, dear reader, Pink Tutu Sparkles always takes inspiration from the graceful elegance of the dance world. It’s the beauty, the energy, and the sense of freedom that gets me.

You see, being a drag queen isn't just about dressing up, darling. It’s about finding a part of yourself, a part that allows you to unleash all those beautiful, sparkly feelings inside you and share them with the world! This is how Pink Tutu Sparkles was born!

Oh, and speaking of fabulous finds, I found the cutest vintage store in Whitley Bay called "Sparkle and Shine" filled with glittery goodies and accessories fit for a princess! It had everything from vintage hats, gloves, and feathered boas to the most enchanting beaded necklaces I’d ever laid eyes on! The shop owner, an absolute sweetheart called Mary, gave me a massive discount when she heard I was "bringing a bit of pink tutu magic to Whitley Bay." So naturally, I left with my bag overflowing with shiny, new treasures!

Then, of course, I had to try some of the local delights! You can't go to Whitley Bay without enjoying a chippy supper with all the trimmings, followed by a lovely big slab of Whitby fudge. Oh, the sweet treats that fuel my sparkly soul! But alas, darling, I am now exhausted! This girl needs a long, luxurious bubble bath filled with rainbow-coloured fizz to replenish her sparkly reserves for the next big adventure!

So, if you see Pink Tutu Sparkles sashayin' through the streets of Whitley Bay, remember - the future is pink, the future is tutus, and the future is a big, sparkling hug from me to you!

Don’t forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for all the latest on my travels, upcoming gigs and more!

Until next time, stay sparkly and dance like nobody’s watching!

XOXO Pink Tutu Sparkles.

P.S. A little bit about your girl. My real name is Alex, and before you imagine a fluffy pink ball of pure femininity, I actually spent my university years in a lab testing fabrics and materials. Who would have thought that my passion for science and my love for all things pink and sparkly could merge so wonderfully? And, of course, how could I not mention that my life wouldn't be complete without ballet. Those graceful ballerinas are my true inspiration, darling!

So, stay tuned, dear reader! You'll hear plenty more from this pink tutu queen as I journey across this beautiful country spreading sparkles and good vibes, one glittery performance at a time! And remember, it's never too late to wear your inner pink tutu. It might just make you feel fabulous, just like it does for me!

#TutuQueen on 2001-12-07 stars in Whitley Bay