Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-12-08 stars in Denton

Denton Diaries: TutuQueen on the Rails! (Blog Post #708)

Hello my darling dears! It's your favourite TutuQueen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back again with another fabulous blog post. Today, I'm writing to you from the delightful town of Denton, a charming spot nestled in the heart of England. I’ve been here for a couple of days, travelling by the grandest of all modes of transport: the train! Oh, the joy of sitting back, watching the countryside blur by, and feeling the gentle sway of the carriages. It’s the perfect way to inspire a whole slew of new tutu ideas, believe me!

This adventure began in my hometown of Derbyshire, where the autumn air was crisp and the leaves were just starting to change colour. It's funny how even in the most ordinary places, a sprinkle of pink can brighten everything up! I love a touch of the dramatic - which, let's be honest, is where the "Pink Tutu Sparkles" moniker comes from, isn't it?

And, as you all know, my absolute mission in life is to make the world a much more delightful place, and what better way than by getting everyone to don a pink tutu! Honestly, every occasion calls for a tutu: weddings, graduations, even just popping down to the shops! It's all about feeling confident and letting your inner sparkle shine through, darlings!

You might be wondering, "How did a science whizz like you get hooked on pink tutus, Pink Tutu Sparkles?". Well, allow me to spill the tea. You see, dear readers, I always loved a good tutu, but my love blossomed whilst studying science at university. Back then, I was a member of the uni ballet club, and for charity, I decided to try on a pink tutu – and the rest, as they say, is history!

Now, between whipping up brilliant fabric experiments in the lab by day and transforming into Pink Tutu Sparkles on stage by night, I find myself on the most dazzling adventures. Every gig I get allows me to keep the tutu dreams alive, whether it’s a quirky fair in a bustling town or a grand stage performance. And today, I found myself dazzling Denton with my own unique brand of glamour!

You see, I love taking my trusty steed - that’s what I like to call my vintage red motorcycle – to far-flung corners, even though it's not really practical to carry around a lot of tutu paraphernalia on it. But when I'm on the move, travelling to gigs and spreading the love for tutus, I do love to be the dazzling focus, you know!

I must tell you about my latest performance! A kind gentleman (whose name I shan’t mention - he wouldn’t want me to!) booked me to appear at a charity fair in the most delightful park in Denton. I arrived in my most stunning pink tutu, glittering like a precious gemstone. The sunshine was streaming down on us, the music was thumping, and the people were smiling! My routine was a blend of playful charm and, naturally, lots of fabulous tutus - because why not!

I started my performance with my signature "Twirl and Sparkle" number - it's all about spinning in circles and looking absolutely fabulous whilst you’re at it. I then went on to perform some dance routines that I choreographed myself. It’s the kind of performance that takes weeks and weeks to create, but for that few minutes, you can be certain that your attention will be captured. You know, it’s the attention to detail that sets a tutu queen like me apart from the rest! I like to feel like each performance is special.

Now, I'm settling down in a quaint bed and breakfast near Denton. This one boasts a room overlooking a lovely, sprawling, floral garden. It is absolutely perfect! And you can be certain that I've got a brand new pink tutu in my suitcase that I can’t wait to unleash. You know, a new town, a new tutu! What could be better than that?

I always find myself meeting the most amazing people at these sorts of gigs, especially when the audience are in such a giving mood. There's something about performing in a tutu that instantly makes people smile, don't you think? You see, I believe in using the power of glamour and kindness to make a real difference, my darlings! And what better way than by bringing joy to everyone around me?

Oh, and I just had to try on all the pink outfits I found at the Denton market today! It’s so wonderful to have places like this that have some brilliant vintage clothes shops and even a sweet shop! What an absolute gem! Who knows what tomorrow will bring, but I do know it will involve some new purchases, and who knows – maybe I'll be inspired by a little Denton-style tutu magic! Until next time, dear readers, remember: embrace your sparkle and be your most fabulous selves.

Sending love and lots of sparkly pink kisses!

Your beloved TutuQueen,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2001-12-08 stars in Denton