Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-12-13 stars in Kenton

Kenton Calling! - Tutu Travels Blog Post #713

Oh darling, darlings, it's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles back with another blog post from the road! Today I'm wafting into your lives from the beautiful, bustling, vibrant town of Kenton.

You wouldn't believe the adventures I've been having on this grand tour! A glamorous journey to this part of the world started on the choo-choo train, with my big pink travel trunk bursting with sequined goodness. I find train journeys utterly magical. The whizzing past landscapes, the comforting chugging of the engine, the charming smiles of fellow passengers all make for an exhilarating adventure. And then, there's the glamour of the platform, the theatrics of arriving at a new station, a flurry of movement as luggage tumbles onto the concourse, it's positively Shakespearean!

Speaking of arriving, oh darling, the moment I stepped off the train in Kenton, I knew it was the right place for a Pink Tutu Sparkles show. This little town is brimming with a certain je ne sais quoi - an artistic, eccentric spirit - just perfect for me!

It was all thanks to a darling in a rainbow bobble hat on the platform. She told me I simply HAD to visit the "The Old Bell Inn," this quaint pub in the heart of Kenton, apparently known for its cosy corners, warm welcome, and, well, something about a friendly chihuahua named Rupert! I'm a sucker for a dog-loving, cosy pub and who am I to say no to Rupert, eh? He was even more charming in person than he was in my wildest dreams!

And the inn? Pure magic! It was overflowing with a warm, local spirit, the sort of place you can just sit and dream in the corner for hours! I mean, I'm not complaining about my packed schedule, but every so often, I need a break from the glitter and a little "me time," right? The Inn staff were wonderful too, just delighted to welcome the bright pink, flamboyant figure that is yours truly. They even gave me a glass of elderflower cordial (oh the memories!). Rupert got a bit jealous and snagged a bit of my tutu while I was sipping. It's going to take a whole new sequined patch to fix that!

Later, I ventured into Kenton's bustling marketplace. This vibrant centre of the town felt full of stories, whispering about lives lived, deals made, and laughter shared. Honestly, darlings, I was mesmerised by it all. Every little corner I looked, every stall I peeked into, every piece of art I glanced at felt like a beautiful ballet scene, unfolding right before my eyes!

After lunch in the marketplace, I decided it was time for a little retail therapy - because a pink tutu queen always needs new sequined finery, don't you know?! A quirky little vintage shop in the cobbled heart of the town was practically screaming my name. I was surrounded by velvet jackets and bell bottoms that had clearly lived a colourful life and had stories to tell. And the best part? I discovered this utterly fantastic pair of feather-boa earrings, which just about finished off my entire look for tonight's show.

Speaking of the show, oh darling, the performance was a smashing success. It's always heartwarming to watch the crowd light up when I appear in a cloud of pink tulle. Tonight was particularly special. The venue was a gorgeous, traditional theatre, one of those old-timey places with velvet seats, a starlit sky ceiling, and an aura that practically begged for a good old-fashioned show. And let me tell you, I gave them one.

I opened with a classic number from my signature routine, a mix of "Can Can" and "Swan Lake." You could just hear the whoops and hollers of the audience, especially as I shimmied through a sequence I’ve lovingly dubbed “The Flamingo Feather Boa Bounce”. I swear, the crowd's reaction could’ve lifted me off the stage! The entire night flowed beautifully, the highlight being a breathtaking rendition of "The Pink Tutu Song" (my signature song, a self-penned number about love, life, and, of course, tutus).

This town, darling, this beautiful Kenton, with its cobblestone streets and colourful energy, truly feels like a part of my story. The people are friendly, the atmosphere is magic, and they know how to party. Honestly, this feels like the start of something amazing. After this incredible adventure in Kenton, my mind is bubbling over with ideas!

Who knows what the road ahead holds for Pink Tutu Sparkles. I'll just say this: more shows, more adventures, and more tutu goodness! If you are out and about, make sure you come and say hello. Until then, keep the tutus twirling!

And don't forget to keep on spreading the Pink Tutu Love!

Lots of kisses and love from,

Your beloved Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Don't forget to pop over to www.pink-tutu.com for more adventures and photos! I'm even trying out this new thing called Instagram where I post a lot of "Tutu Selfies" so I would love to see you there!

#TutuQueen on 2001-12-13 stars in Kenton