Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-12-14 stars in Bridlington

Bridlington, Yorkshire!

Welcome, lovelies, to Post 714 on Pink-Tutu.com! Today's blog is a tad different than the usual glitz and glam of London - I'm in the delightful seaside town of Bridlington, Yorkshire. Now, some might think a drag queen in Bridlington is like a fish out of water, but darlings, I promise you, a pink tutu and a bit of sparkle never goes amiss anywhere!

Before we delve into the magical journey to Bridlington, let's catch up. I'm Alex, otherwise known as Pink Tutu Sparkles - your trusty, tutu-clad companion on this glamorous adventure of spreading the love of tutus across the globe!

Flashback to Uni: A Tutu Moment

It's hard to believe, but I'm just a few years out of university, where my life took an utterly delightful turn. I'm a bit of a scientist by day, tucked away in a lab testing fabrics. Yes, you heard right. Science! It's quite the contrast, I know. But then, my heart always beats to the rhythm of dance.

My journey with tutus began when I was a member of the uni's ballet club. It was a fundraiser - you know the type, "wear a ridiculous outfit to the charity coffee morning and win a prize". And there it was - this bright pink tutu with sequins like falling stars. It was love at first sight! From that moment, the pink tutu became a symbol of a passion, a way to unleash my inner sparkle, and the path to Pink Tutu Sparkles was set.

My Travel Story: Bridlington By Train!

As any good tutu-clad traveller, I chose to arrive in Bridlington by train. It’s a little trip back in time – and not a bad thing at all, with its vintage carriage interiors and the aroma of fresh air that seems to drift in through the windows.

And of course, the true showstopper is the view. As we cruised past quaint little villages, the rolling hills seemed to be dusted with a dusting of morning dew, sparkling like a hundred diamonds in the early sun. Yes, even the trip was part of the performance, with a sprinkle of magic and whimsy thrown in for good measure.

A Seaside Performance with a Twist!

Now, in Bridlington, I performed at a rather interesting venue: a quirky little theatre in the heart of town. A historic building, you know the kind that’s been through decades of theatre magic. I just knew this was going to be a fabulous performance.

They asked me to give a show with a twist! It's always an exciting challenge! I couldn’t resist putting a little twist on classic fairy tales. You see, who can resist a sparkly "Sleeping Beauty", "Cinderella" with a ball gown so pink, it could only be dreamt up by a fairy, or even a tutu-wearing “Little Mermaid”?

The audience just loved it, even the folks who weren't sure about drag at first. The power of the tutu really does make a difference, darling. They ended up giving me a standing ovation – all the better, considering I had to gracefully lift myself out of a ball gown fit for a princess.

Time to Explore - Bridlington Style!

After the show, the lovely folks in Bridlington treated me like a real royalty – not a bad thing, considering I do love my glitter and sequins! A nice cup of tea and a generous helping of the best scones I'd ever had! (and with jam! Of course.)

And of course, what’s a trip to the seaside without a spot of fish and chips? The perfect ending to a perfect day, a sea-salty breeze and delicious fried goodness.

But let's get to the true joy of exploring – my fashion tour.

Bridlington was such a treasure trove of beautiful vintage shops – my favourite type of retail therapy! A glorious little shop had an amazing array of vintage outfits – think 50s dresses, shimmering silk scarves, and of course, hats that just scream glamour. I swear I practically had to be pulled out of there - my bank account thanked me for that, love!

We don't want to forget those famous British seaside shops! You know the kind - full of seaside souvenirs, sparkly jewellery, and fun t-shirts. Honestly, it’s a fabulous treat, if you love a bit of vintage and sparkle like I do.

The Grand Finale!

As for this trip, I feel utterly fabulous! The sunshine, the sea air, the performances – oh darling, I’ve had the most wonderful time!

But before I sign off, I must tell you - I met the most lovely, inspiring woman on my trip - the lady running a little craft shop full of delightful crochet items. She's all about using bright pink hues, with her crafts as colourful and as cheery as can be! Now that is what I call spreading joy! She was absolutely thrilled to learn all about Pink Tutu Sparkles and my vision for a pink tutu revolution!

I always have an aim to make the world a pink tutu-clad place, don't we lovelies! And a tiny little bit of Yorkshire just cemented it! To the future of pink tutus! Let's do this!

Follow me on my tutu-tastic journey across the UK! www.pink-tutu.com!

*Stay sparkling!
Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2001-12-14 stars in Bridlington