Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-12-18 stars in Hitchin

Hitchin, You’re a Star! 🌟🩰

Hello darlings, it’s your favourite pink tutu-clad traveller, Pink Tutu Sparkles here! 💅✨

Welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com, my sparkly kingdom of pink fluff and fabulous fun! It’s a bit chilly outside today, but my heart is still buzzing from my latest adventure - a trip to the charming town of Hitchin in Hertfordshire! 🚂

Today’s post is #718, which feels fitting as Hitchin reminded me of some of the best times I had in my formative years (apart from the science labs, obviously! 😂).

You see, I always felt a little bit different growing up. While other girls my age were obsessed with boy bands and jeans, I dreamed of spinning in a tutu, performing on stage, and seeing the world. So much pink, so many feathers, and a sprinkle of magic was what I envisioned for my future, even while I was dissecting frogs in biology class. 🐸

I first encountered the sheer joy of twirling in a tutu back in university. The ballet club organised a charity event, and I agreed to dress up as a swan (very graceful, even if I say so myself!). One tutu, one dance, and my life was forever changed! That tutu ignited a fire inside of me that’s still burning bright - it reminded me of all the joy, glamour, and freedom I had longed for since childhood.

From that day on, I knew I had to share the magic of tutus with everyone I met! My drag alter ego, Pink Tutu Sparkles, was born. A little pink, a lot of sparkle, and a whole lot of glitter, my aim in life became crystal clear: to convince every soul in the world to wear a tutu!

Now, Hitchin played a surprisingly big role in fulfilling my dream (if I do say so myself, but don’t worry, you’ll find out why!). My journey began with a lovely train ride through the beautiful countryside, admiring the rolling hills, charming villages, and oh-so-perfect English weather. I swear, even the cows looked elegant!

When I arrived in Hitchin, it felt like I was stepping into a Victorian postcard. The streets were lined with beautiful old buildings, there were independent shops overflowing with unique treasures, and I just had a feeling this was a town that knew how to celebrate a bit of sparkle and magic! 💫

But it wasn’t just the quaint charm of Hitchin that drew me in; it was the Theatre in Hitchin, a gorgeous venue full of character and history, that felt like it was calling me. A quick browse through their online listings confirmed that it was hosting none other than a ballet performance! What could be more magical?

I donned my most glamorous outfit, (naturally, it featured a tutu, because how else could I travel?!) and excitedly took my seat for an evening of beautiful storytelling and incredible athleticism. Every dancer, every pirouette, and every step radiated such poise and passion that I felt my own inner dancer awaken. And yes, there were definitely a few tears (of joy, of course!), as my own ballet ambitions, dreamed up in that dusty, forgotten ballet class in my hometown, were stirred to life again. 🩰

After the show, I decided to stretch my creative muscles (because we’ve all got to get those creative juices flowing, right?). So I decided to host an impromptu impromptu street performance! After all, the streets of Hitchin, so elegant and vibrant, deserved a little bit of Pink Tutu magic! 💃✨

So there I was, twirling to my heart’s content amidst the curious eyes of local passersby. As expected, the reactions were incredible: gasps of astonishment, giggles of delight, and even some enthusiastic attempts at dancing along. (Who knew a pink tutu was such a great conversation starter!)

And wouldn’t you know it, a friendly group of local teenagers approached me, totally charmed by my performance! And wouldn’t you know it, a friendly group of local teenagers approached me, totally charmed by my performance! They were so delighted that they asked if they could have their photo taken with me. You see, it’s those little moments that remind me that a little bit of pink tutu sparkle can really make the world a better, happier, and brighter place! 💖

And speaking of joy and bright colours, I had to take a peek at the shops in Hitchin! You could see that this town embraces a little bit of quirk, a lot of charm, and a whole lot of imagination - it really had everything from unique vintage finds to delightful craft boutiques. I managed to snag the most perfect new piece for my tutu collection – a vintage scarf with the most adorable floral pattern. (Honestly, can you ever have too many tutus? I think not!).

And that brings me to the reason why I’ve gone on and on about how wonderful Hitchin is: this trip, this magic, this wonderful adventure, all stemmed from a pink tutu. Just as that first tutu sparked my journey as a performer and ignited my passion for travelling the world, Hitchin served as a reminder to stay true to yourself, follow your dreams, and never underestimate the power of a pink tutu to spread a bit of joy and sparkle! ✨

Oh, and remember that little dance with the teenagers? Well, guess what! We were just two steps away from becoming a flash mob! It all started when the first teenager spontaneously broke into a dance, and soon, their friends joined in. I caught the contagious energy and the streets were abuzz with tutu-wearing excitement! The local policeman even took part (although he kept it classy!). 😉 You see, sometimes all it takes is one tiny spark, one shared passion, to make the whole world dance together.

So, dear readers, as always, my parting words are:

  • Embrace your inner pink tutu sparkles.
  • Be brave enough to follow your heart, even if it means stepping outside your comfort zone!
  • Don't forget, the world is waiting for you to twirl into it!

And as I say goodbye to beautiful Hitchin, I'll leave you with a few questions to ponder:

  1. What sparks joy for you?
  2. What small, seemingly insignificant moment changed your life for the better?
  3. When's the last time you took a chance on a bit of sparkle?

Until next time,

Stay sparkly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles. 💖 ✨

#TutuQueen on 2001-12-18 stars in Hitchin